
The Jock & The Queer

“A practice test?” Minho scoffed as he shut his locker after putting his book away.

“Yes. A practice test. It’ll have everything the actual test has on it.”

“That’s dumb though. It won’t get me a grade so why take it?” Key punched Minho in the shoulder, causing absolutely no harm to him. Minho laughed as his hyung held his pained fist close to his chest.

“What, are you made of metal or something? Damn that hurt.” The two continued to walk down the hallway together, getting stares from their peers as they did. They didn’t seem to notice though.

“Minho, you only have three days before the real test. It’ll be good practice.”

“Hyung~” he whined. “I don’t want to. Wont studying be enough?” Key stepped in front of Minho, place one hand on his hip and a finger on his chest.

“How about this. We’re going to the library today, I’m going to give you the test, and you’re going to take it. Got it? Fabulous.” He stormed into the lunchroom, Minho following him silently with his head hung low like a scolded child. When Key put his foot down, he knew he was serious. He had no choice but to adhere to his hyungs command.

They walked into the lunchroom together, oblivious to the stares hushed silence the fell over the room as they entered. They picked out their lunch and grabbed their drinks before walking over to Minho’s table. Key stopped before they got there.

“What’s wrong?” Minho asked.

“I don’t think they’ll approve of me sitting at your table. They don’t really like me remember?”

“I wanted to sit with you and my other friends, but it’s ok if you feel uncomfortable.” Key heard the disappointment in his dongsaeng’s voice and started to feel bad. Does he really think that highly of me? He asked himself. He sighed.

“Fine. I’ll sit with you.” Minho perked up immediately and practically bounced to his table, leaving Key to timidly approach. He knew this was a bad, no, incredibly stupid idea and that he’d be hurt in the end, but Minho meant a lot to him, so he’d do it if it made him happy. He’d do anything for Minho.

They approached the table and sat down. The soccer team, along with the cheerleaders, stared at Key with icy cold glares making the blonde feel uncomfortable and unwanted. He was about to retreat when he felt a hand on his thigh, preventing him from doing so. He felt his face start to heat up and he ducked his head a bit to prevent anyone from seeing.

“You all know Key right?” Minho asked, hoping that his ‘friends’ would be somewhat civil.

“We know of him.” Yuri spoke up, her gaze never leaving Key.

“Minho, why did you bring him over here?” Onew ask with no attempt to lower his voice.

“He’s my friend, hyung. I wanted him to sit with me today. Is that a problem?”

“Yes, it’s a major problem Minho.” Yoona spat. She turned her gaze back to Key. “Minho made a mistake by bringing you over here. We don’t allow your kind at our table so if you would, kindly get lost.” Key got up, grabbing his lunch tray, and left the table after saying goodbye to Minho. He discarded the tray as he left the lunchroom. Minho was infuriated. He couldn’t even stand to eat anymore.

“You really shouldn’t be bringing rejects to this table Minho.” Yuri said, breaking the silence. Everyone at the table held their breath as if they could read Minho’s mind.

“You really don’t want to talk about rejects do you Yuri?” He spat, smirking at her.

“Minho don’t.” Onew warned.

“Why not hyung? No one had a problem when I invited her to sit here did they?” everyone fell silent. In fact, the whole lunchroom fell silent, all eyes on their table waiting for a fight to break out.

“It wasn’t the same Minho.” She said, trying to defend herself. Minho laughed bitterly.

“You sure? You want to ask some of the people at this table what they thought of you before you joined the cheerleading team? Yoona, wasn’t it you that said she looked like a pregnant whale? And Jessica, didn’t you say she needed major plastic surgery before she could even be considered decent looking? But now, you all smile at her like you’re best friends when you thought she was a reject in the first place.”

“God, Minho, you’re such a !” She shot back, tears b her eyes.

“Yeah? Well, you’re a leach. Trust me, that has more than one meaning.” The girls gasped. Minho was a prince and never talked to anyone the way he was talking to Yuri. In his mind, she deserved it.

“Minho, that’s enough.” He looked to Onew, who was defending his ex, and scoffed.

“Whatever.” He shot up from the table and headed through the doors Key passed through. Not a second later, Onew grabbed him by the arm, spinning him around and stopping his movements.

“What the hell was that?” He questioned.

“What? You want to pretend that she wasn’t in the same position that Key was in? Hyung everyone at that table hated her, even you, but now you’re all friends because she can do a simple cheerleading move?”

“Minho, does this have anything to do with the break up?” The younger rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest.

“No. I’m over her. But the fact that she used me to gain access to popularity still hurts. Now she wants to talk about rejects? Yuri’s the biggest one!” he threw his hands in the air and started to walk off but Onew grabbed him again.

“Where are you going?”

“To find Key, the only friend I have besides you.”

“So no one at that table is considered your friend?” Minho ran his hand through his hair. He was getting annoyed and really wanted to see if Key was alright.

“Hyung, if I were to break my leg and get kicked off of the soccer team, would you still be my friend?” Onew shoved him.

“Of course I would you . That’s a stupid question.”

“Well everyone at that table wouldn’t spare me a glance. Why? Because without the soccer team, I’m nothing to them. Just another reject. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find my friend.” He stormed off, leaving Onew behind.

Minho stopped by the snack machine and bought a few things before going outside to find Key. He usually sat under the oak tree in the school’s courtyard, but he wasn’t there. Maybe he’s in the bathroom Minho thought and headed to the boys’ bathroom. When he got there, there was no sign of Key. Where could his friend have gone? He hoped he hadn’t left school because of the incident.

He was walking down the hall when he heard loud music coming from the gym. No one went in the gym at lunch, mainly because it was always locked. He walked around to the gym doors and tried to open them only to find that they were locked. Peering inside through the window, he spotted Key.

“Is he dancing?” He asked out loud. He continued to watch Key dance to the rhythm of the booming music. The blonde astounded him. His hips moved in a way that made him look more seductive that any girl group he’d ever seen. His moves, even the intricate ones, were precise and on time with the beat. His face portrayed a level of fierceness that he’d never seen before. To sum it all up, Key was talented, even more so than some of the idol groups that actually trained for their fame. He wondered if Key ever went to any dance classes when he was younger. Maybe he was just born pure talent.

When the music stopped, he knocked on the window to get Key’s attention. He looked towards the window, shocked, and disappeared through a door. Minho wondered where he’d gone to when the old boys’ locker room door flew open.

“How did you—”

“They never lock the locker room door. It leads to the gym.” He walked into the locker room, with Minho in tow, and the two entered the gym. When they entered, Key kicked Minho in his shin, not wanting to punch him again and risk hurting his fist. He hit the ground and held his leg to his body.

“What the hell was that for?!” He groaned in pain.

“For making a fool out of me!”

“How did I—”

“You knew those bastards you call friends wouldn’t like me! Tell me, why are you really my friend?! Is it so you can get to know me and put all of my secrets out there?! God, I should’ve never trusted you! The things I told you…” Minho felt like the biggest in the world. Why didn’t he think before taking Key to his table? He should’ve known they wouldn’t accept him and that Key would be hurt in the end. That’s exactly what happened. Key was hurt. So hurt, that he regretted trusting Minho. That fact alone shot straight to his heart. He didn’t mean to hurt him. He just wanted his friends to accept Key like they accepted Yuri.

“Key, I’m sorry ok?” He got up and walked over to where Key was now sitting on the floor. “I didn’t become your friend to hurt you. I just wanted them to accept you.” Key scoffed.

“People like them don’t except people like me. If you’re different, they hate you.” He took a seat next to his hyung.

“It happened before. I was just hoping it would happen again.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean Yuri wasn’t always popular. She only became that way because of me.” Key looked interest, turning his body to face Minho. He did the same as his hyung. They were facing each other, knees touching.

“You mean ‘Prom Queen Yuri’, Ms. ‘I’m Too Good For You’ Yuri was an outcast?”

“Yup.” He chuckled at her ridiculous nicknames.

“Tell me.” The blonde said as he propped his head on his head and rested his elbows on his knees. He’s so cute Minho thought to himself. Damn. Those thoughts just kept assaulting his mind and he didn’t know why. He didn’t like Key like that and he never would. He was straight and only likes girls. He cleared his throat and started to tell his story.

“I started dating her last year. Onew and everyone hated her. Her hair was short, she wore glasses and she was a bit on the heavy side.”

“Shut up! You’re saying that Yuri was fat?! I don’t believe you! You have to show me a picture someday!” Key laughed, covering his mouth so that only his eyes were visible. His eyes smiled in the most adorable way and Minho couldn’t help but to smile a bit. Something was wrong. Key was affecting him in the strangest way. He was finding it harder and harder to pay attention to anything or anyone else when the blonde was around.

“She wasn’t fat. She just wasn’t as small as the other girls. Anyway, I started dating her and I really liked her. She was cute and funny and smart. I fell in love with her.” Minho started tearing up as he recalled the times him and Yuri spent together. Seeing Minho’s mood change, Key placed his hand on his knee and rubbed it comfortingly. At least it was supposed to be comforting. All he was actually doing was causing a problem in the younger’s pants. Minho shifted a bit so that his predicament wouldn’t be noticed.

“Um.. Anyway, after about six months, she started changing. She got contacts, hair extensions, lost the weight, and even tried out for the cheerleading team. About a month before we broke up, we… we had . I was sure we were going to be together for a while if not forever, but I was wrong. She broke up with me to date someone who was ‘older’ and ‘more mature’. I’m not stupid though. I knew she used me to boost her own popularity. A rumor started around school saying that we slept together. I found out that she spread it.” Minho was lost in his story and the memories that he didn’t realize he was crying until Key scooted closer to him and wiped his tears away. He wrapped his arms around the athlete and he in turn laid his head on his shoulder.

“Yah, stop crying. You don’t want her anyway. It’s a fact that fat people that lose weight will eventually gain it back plus more. She’d probably smother you in bed or something.” Minho couldn’t help but laugh at his hyung’s cruel but funny joke. Why was he even crying? He was over her by now. Maybe it was the fact that she never loved him, only used him. That part would probably sting for a while longer.

“Anyway,” Minho said, wiping his eyes and scooting against the wall. “The point is they accepted her because of me and I was just hoping that they’d except you too. Guess I was wrong.”

“Maybe if I joined the cheerleading squad they’d let me sit at their table.” The broke out into a fit of laughs, both sprawled out on the hardwood gym floor.

“You’d look better in a skirt then they do.” Before he could catch himself, the words just flew out of his mouth like word vomit. Both males sat there with matching expressions, mouths agape and deepening blushes. A smirk appeared on Key’s face afterwards.

“I know. They’re just jealous.” Minho was glad he didn’t take it the wrong way. Why was this happening to him? Out of nowhere, Key’s stomach growled, reminding Minho of why he was looking for him in the first place.

“Oh! I bought you this.” He handed him a bag of chips and a bottle of water. “I figured you’d be hungry since you threw you’re lunch away.”

“Thank you. I was extremely thirsty.” He took the water from Minho and drank half of the bottle. He watched as his Adams apple bob up and down. That ‘feeling’ in his lower regions was starting to come back and he had to force himself to look away. Stop damnit! Just stop! What the hell is wrong with me!? Key got up and walked back over to where his iPod was plugged into the loudspeakers.

“What are you doing?” Minho asked. Key rolled his eyes as if it should’ve been obvious.

“Dancing. You interrupted me remember?”

He was going to dance? While Minho was watching? This couldn’t be good for the athlete. He was having problems with just watching him drink water. His ed up mind couldn’t handle watching Key’s hips sway back and forth, watching as his sweaty form panted from exhaustion, watching as him dance in those tight jeans and made his look damn good. He started to wonder what Key’s felt like in his hands. Was it soft? Maybe it was tight since he was a dancer. What would it look like bent— oh my God! Stop! He couldn’t do this. He had to leave and quickly. Luck must have been on his side because the bell rang just as he was thinking of an excuse to leave. They packed up their stuff and headed toward their next class, Minho thanking every higher being that Key didn’t get the chance to dance.

It was the end of the day and both Key and Minho sat in the library. Minho had just finished his practice test, that Key forced him to take, and it was now being graded by Key. He sat in anticipation, waiting for the results. If he passed this, the real thing would be a breeze. After waiting for some long, the blonde put down his pen and smiled at Minho.

“Congratulations, you passed it.”

“Are you serious?!” Key’s smile faltered and he rolled up the test, using it to hit Minho in the back of his head.

“No, idiot, you failed! Do you not even listen when I’m tutoring you?”

“Yes!” He lied. Minho hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything Key was saying while Key was speaking. He was too zoned out thinking about the old male. That last part is what scared him. He was spending every moment wonder what Key was doing, what he was wearing, or worrying if he’d gotten into trouble. He would get this feeling whenever Key would touch him, whenever he’d say his name. His brain was Key related and he had no clue how to stop it.

Key sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger.

“Minho, you only have three days left to study. If you don’t pass, you can’t play soccer. Do you want that to happen?” Minho shook his head, feeling like a scolded child. “I didn’t think so. Look, I can’t tutor you anymore today. I have somewhere to be, but for the next three days, we’re increasing your study hours. My parents are annoying so tomorrow, we’ll go to your house and study ok?”

Minho could only nod his head as he watched Key pack up his things. They were going to be studying together, in his room, with the door shut, alone. His sewer of a mind started again and all he could think about was their books strewn across the floor along with their clothes. Why is this happening? Why am I thinking about with a guy? I’m not gay! I’m not, I’m not, I’m not!

“Yah! Are you listening to me?!” Minho snapped his head up to see a very irritated Key staring at him.

“I-I’m sorry, what?” Key threw his hands in the air shouting along the lines of Minho being hopeless. The blonde had no idea how correct he was. Whether Minho chose to believe it or not, he was developing feelings for Key, leaving him completely and utterly hopeless.



Another chapter!

I didn’t want to update this because I have two other stories to work on, but the ideas were just flowing through my head and I had to get them down before the left!

So yeah.

Minho obviously likes Key. The poor baby doesn’t want to be gay though. :( Too bad. My story so you’re gay. XD

Also, I was thinking about the last chapter to this story and omg you guys will love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not that this story is gonna end soon or anything.. I just like to plan ahead. ^_^

Oh and imagine this when Minho was watching Key dance…


Dat ...

Someone's excited...

Really... Key is just too y....



That last gif..... Omg.... Too y......

How can you not be ?!?

Ok that’s enough.

Comment and subscribe. ^_^


Yeoleobun~~ Annyeong~~

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Chapter 11: Auuu.. i need moree. I miss reading young minkey
Chapter 11: Dunno what to say, just, what the !
Chapter 8: Key, Minho was being pressed up and was being devoured isn't his fault, partly for he can stop her... poor Key
Chapter 7: Oh, they are decent, that's good🥰... those guys, where they drunk or just doesn't care as long as they were satisfied 🤮
Chapter 6: Wow, what a bunch of good-for-nothing people... why does society consists of you guys... also, I wonder what does Minho's mom think about gays and Key as well aside from being good at English
Chapter 5: Guessed right again! Key was friends with Tae before but got left... and Jjong is the short one but didn't know he's a brother.... I wonder who's the cousin, is it Heechul???
Chapter 4: Guessed right, Siwonnie is gay, I wonder who his bf is... Mother is a teacher, English at that, woah, that's hard... ugh, immature, you are the one who are disgusting
Chapter 3: Tae is also different here...
Chapter 2: One word for those kind of students: immature 😠
Chapter 1: W-wait, Onew and Donghae?! I can't believe that!