The Cool Kids

The Jock & The Queer


Trigger warning: Talks of suicide/depression

Hi lmao.

(Does anyone even still read this?? Lmao)

So umm... I know its been a while (5 years lmao) and I know i keep making promises to finish these stories but im honeslty so unmotivated and depressed lol. Only reason I decided to write this chapter was to get my mind off Jonghyun's death and the triggering side effects. I've honestly been battling depression and suicidal thoughts for a long time and to hear that my idol suffered the same way I did and took his own life the way I wanted to... It's just a lot for me. SO maybe finishing SOMETHING will help me or whatever. Im not promising anything though. This isnt even proof read lmao. Not very long but its something. Plus I cant seem to get this story out of my head. Ive been thinking about it a lot lately. But anyway. Heres an update lol. I apologize if it isnt what you expected. I dont even remember what I had planned for this story so Im just winging it here. Hope you all enjoy. 



Minho watched as Key passed him in the lunchroom. I had been a whole week since the last time they spoken to one another. Minho was honestly very lost. He’d asked Key if he was made at him, the Key reassured him that he wasn’t. He still ignored Minho though and he was getting frustrated. He'd already apologized, even though he had no idea what he’d done, but Key was still barely talking to him. He was about to flag him down, to try and talk to him again, when he heard Onew call his name. 


“Minho! Over here.” Onew called out. Minho glanced to the door Key walked out of one last time before heading to the lunch table where his friends were sitting. Yoona, Jessica, Yuri, Donghae, And Eunhyuk all looked surprised that Minho was actually eating with them for a change.


“Wow. You mean you’re actually gracing us with your presence?” Yoona said in mock surprise. ”To what do we owe the pleasure?”


“Ha ha.” Minho said dryly.


“I’m actually really glad you're here Minho.” Jessica said, smirking at Minho. He eyed her suspiciously.




“A little birdie told me you may be finally moving on.”Jessica glanced toward a table where her younger sister, Krystal, was sitting before looking back to Minho, smirk still in place. Everyone at the table turned to Minho. Some were shocked, a few were happy for him, but only one person was annoyed.


“Not much of an upgrade. She's a .” Yuri said as she rolled her eyes.


“Hey!” Jessica exclaimed. “Thats my sister you're talking about!”


“I’m just telling the truth. She flirts with anyone that smiles in her direction.”


“I guess you’d know huh.” Minho said absentmindedly. The groups sighed. Everyone except for Jessica, who snickered behind her hand. Ever since Minho and Yuri’s breakup, they'd been at each others throats. Bickering back and forth, arguing, name calling. It was a mess. Their relationship made it difficult for the group to actually hang out.


Yuri shoved away from the table and stood up. “Im over this.” With those last words, she picked up her things and stormed off. While the group thought up theories as to why she was so upset, Minho quietly ate his lunch. He didn't care. Just as long as she was gone.


“Maybe she’s just crazy.” Onew said. “I always thought maybe there were a few loose screws up there.” As the group laughed at his comment Jessica chimed in.


“ACTUALLY, I heard that her and her boyfriend…” She ran her thumb across her necking, making a KRRRT sound.


“They broke up?” Donghae asked in surprise. “I just saw them making out in the locker room like two days ago. How do you know?”

“I can’t reveal my sources” Jessica sang, locking her lips and pretending to throw away the key.


“Jessica just-”


“Ok! I’ll tell you!” The group laughed. Jessica always had the latest gossip but could never seem to keep shut about anything, which is why the group never told her any secrets. 


“Ok so Krystal told me that her best friend, who’s dating Yuri’s ex boyfriend’s best friend, told her that he dumped Yuri when he found out she use to be fat. He’s afraid she’ll be fat again and doesn't want a fat girlfriend.”


“OMG what a !” Yoona exclaimed as she brought her hands to her face. “Is that why she was crying at practice?”


“She was crying?” Minho asked, concerned. He hated Yuri and how she used him, but he still cared about her.


“I didn't see her crying, but her eyes were all puffy. I’ll check on her later.” Soon after the conversation ended, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. The group chatted away as they gathered their belongings and disposed of their lunch. Just as they were about to go their separate ways, Onew stopped them.


“Lets all get together tomorrow. It’s been a while since we all hung out.”


“That sounds fun!” Jessica exclaimed. “But who’s house should we go to?”


“I could ask my parents” Minho chimed in. “They’re going out for a date night or something so they won’t be home.” The group all agreed and went their separate ways. As Minho started to walk down the hall, Jessica caught up to him.


“Hey Minho! Can I talk to you?” She was panting, out of breath. Minho not only walked fast, but he was the tallest of all of his friends. Keeping up with him was a challenge.


“Yeah, but hurry up. I’m gonna be late.”


“Do you really like Krystal?” Minho stopped to look at Jessica. He could see the excitement in her eyes. 


“Well.. Kinda.” Minho started. “I don’t know her that well, but she really pretty. She gave me her number so I think Im gonna call her tonight. Maybe text.” 


Minho blushed a bit as Jessica squealed. The thought of her sister finally dating someone was exciting to her. The fact that it was Minho made it just that much better. Minho was a good guy: Sweet, kind hearted, a bit shy, and super cute. She knew he would treat her sister right. Jessica pulled Minho into a tight hug and jumped up and down as Minho laughed.


“I can’t wait to hear all of the details! I’ll see you later!” Jessica turned to walk away but stopped and turned back to Minho. “I’m glad you’re hanging out with us again by the way. Lately you just hang around with that gay boy.” She rolled her eyes at the thought of Key. Minho sighed.

“You guys aren't my only friends Jessica, jeez.” Minho hugged her one last time before walking down towards his next class.

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Chapter 11: Auuu.. i need moree. I miss reading young minkey
Chapter 11: Dunno what to say, just, what the !
Chapter 8: Key, Minho was being pressed up and was being devoured isn't his fault, partly for he can stop her... poor Key
Chapter 7: Oh, they are decent, that's good🥰... those guys, where they drunk or just doesn't care as long as they were satisfied 🤮
Chapter 6: Wow, what a bunch of good-for-nothing people... why does society consists of you guys... also, I wonder what does Minho's mom think about gays and Key as well aside from being good at English
Chapter 5: Guessed right again! Key was friends with Tae before but got left... and Jjong is the short one but didn't know he's a brother.... I wonder who's the cousin, is it Heechul???
Chapter 4: Guessed right, Siwonnie is gay, I wonder who his bf is... Mother is a teacher, English at that, woah, that's hard... ugh, immature, you are the one who are disgusting
Chapter 3: Tae is also different here...
Chapter 2: One word for those kind of students: immature 😠
Chapter 1: W-wait, Onew and Donghae?! I can't believe that!