Punishment time

Seobangs' trip to amusement park

After a whole week, Yuri was back at their dorm.

"FINALLY!! OH MY SWEET DORM!! MY SWEET ROOM!! MY SWEET SCENT OF THE DORM!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!" Yuri was jumping up and down throughout her way to her room and took a deep breath.

"Yuri, don't jump. Doctor said you can't do anything heavy for your heart." Taeyeon scolded.

"I know but I'm fine now. See?" Yuri continue to jump up and down but suddenly she was clutching to her heart and panting.

"Seobang!" Jessica quickly rushed toward Yuri and rubbed the taller girl's back. Yuri took a deep breath and stood up.

"Ah, I'm fine." Yuri said with a smiled but the others looked at her by arching one of their eyebrows.

"I'm really fine." Yuri said again but the others ignored her. Yuri just sighed and walked toward her room.

"Ah! I forgot something!" Yuri sat up and saw Sooyoung who was cleaning the living room.

"You are not Sooyoung! What did you do to my Sooyoung? Bring her back!" Yuri grabbed Sooyoung's collar.

"Hey, it's me."

"No. Sooyoung won't clean up."

"Yuri-ah, this is my punishment."

"What punishment?"

"The amusement park?"

"Oh! Sunny asked you to do this?"

"Yup and for a WHOLE MONTH. Yuri-ah, help me." Sooyoung kneeled down to beg Yuri.

"Okay okay. I will help you once in awhile." Yuri said.

"Yuri, you really are my best friend. By the way, come closer." Yuri leaned closer and Sooyoung began to whisper into Yuri's ear. Yuri's smile became wider and wider.

'Good one, Soo. We should try that next time." Yuri said and Sooyoung nodded.

"Choi Sooyoung! You better don't let me caught you are slacking. If you are slacking, you are going to clean the dorm for two months." Sunny shouted.

"Yes madam. I'm cleaning." Sooyoung quickly started her job. Yuri only patted Sooyoung's shoulder and mouthed , ' Hang in there.'. Sooyoung only nodded her head and continued to her cleaning. Yuri soon walked into the kitchen to get some water.

"Omo! Taeyeon, what are you doing here?" Yuri asked.

"I'm preparing lunch for tthat mushroom."

"Oh, the amusement park punishment?"

"Nah, it's just because we are both hungry."

"So what's your punishment?"

"No hug, no kiss, even no touch for two weeks. She even asked me to sleep on the couch with the help from Sunny. Yuri-ah~"

"Taeyeon-ah~, I couldn't help you. Sorry. But I got the feeling I will get the heaviest punishment."

"Don't worry buddy. We can pulled this through."

"Yeah! Because we are the mighty seobangs." Yuri and Taeyeon nodded their head firmly.

"Taetae, where's my lunch?"

"Coming, Fany!" Taeyeon quickly took the lunch that she had prepared and walked toward Tiffany's room.

"Appa!" Yoona called out for Yuri. Yuri looked back and saw Yoona was in lovey dovey with Seohyun.

"Where you guys going?" Yuri asked.

"We are going to the amusement park. I promise Seobaby to bring her to."

"Oh, enjoy yourself. Oh, Seohyun-ah, don't let my son eat too much, okay?" Yuri winked at Seohyun.

"Okay. I will control it and Yuri unnie, tomorrow lets grind Ma."

"No prob. You youngsters go and have fun. Bye." Yuri sent the two makanes out from the dorm and walked back to the sofa. She slumped down on the sofa and sighed.

"Seobang, you should be resting instead of sitting here." Jessica said as she walked out from her room. Yuri smiled and pulled her wife so that her wife sat on her lap.

"I'm fine. Don't worry."

But the doctor said-"

" I am the one who know my body the most. So don't worry."

"Okay. By the way, did you still remember the punishment?"

"Hmm? What punishment?"

"Don't play dumb, Kwon Yuri."  HellSica mode was on.

"Okay okay. What's the punishment?"

"Well, I'm bored so let's go shopping."

"Oh no, I am so dead." Yuri thought.

"Seobang! What are you waiting for? Come on." Jessica was already at the entrance. Yuri just stood up and sighed.

"Kwon Yuri!"

"Yes, I am here." Yuri dashed toward Jessica and the YulSic couple went for their shopping trip.


"We're back~!" Jessica walked in happily with Yuri carrying 50 bags of shopping bags behind.

"I should have know this is coming when she ask me to go shopping with her." Yuri thought.

"Welcome b- WOAH! Yuri, who did this to you?" Sooyoung was shocked and wanted to help Yuri.

'Sooyoung, if you dare to help seobang, you are going to face hell for the second time." Jessica glared at Sooyoung.

"Sorry, buddy." Sooyoung mouthed as she retreated.

"Nevermind. I still can handle this." Yuri mouthed back.

"Seobang-ah~, put those in my room and come back here." Jessica sat down on the sofa. Yuri only nodded her head and went to Jessica's room. After she put down all the bags, she just massaged her hand and walked to the living room.

"Oh, you're done. Now my shoulder's kinda stiff. Pleas give me a massage." Jessica said.

"W-what?! I thought the-"

"You still had a long way to go for your punishment, Kwon Yuri." Jessica sent an icy glare to Yuri. Yuri just sighed and massaged Jessica.

"Oh~ You are so good at this. I love you."

"Urgh, you love me because of this." Yuri mumbled.

"By the way, there's a few books I left on your table, you better finished all of it by tomorrow and tell me what do you think about the books. And you are forbidden to go to the gym for two weeks."

"WHAT?! You gotta be kidding me!"

"I'm not kidding you. Now continue massaging me."

"But I must go to the gym. It's kinda like my paradise there! And books? You know I hate books." Yuri complained while massaging her wife.

"It's for your own good, The doctor said you shouldn't tired yourself."

"But I am fine."

"Don't say anything. That's my final decision!"

"What?! Urgh, fine." Yuri continued to massage Jessica.

Right at the corner of the living room, Sooyoung saw what happened.

"Luckily my wife is Sunny. and Yoong's wife is Seohyun. Note to self, never ever find an American wife to prevent suffering like Yuri and Taeyeon." Sooyoung said and quickly went her way to clean her room.


"What?!" Yuri replied grumpily.

"Why are you so annoyed?"

"Because you wouldn't let me go to the gym."

"That's for your own good."

"But I'm fine."

"Seobang-ah~, you know that I love you and I couldn't afford to lose you. So why don't be a good girl or you are forbiddedn to hug, kiss, and touch me for the rest of the month." Jessica tunred into Sergeant Sica.

"Yes." Yuri sighed. But she was shocked when Jessica gave a quick peck on her lips.

"I really meant it when I say I love you, seobang."

"I love you too." Both of them looked into each other's eyes passionately and soon they engulfed in a passionate make out session. After awhile, they broke apart the kiss when they felt that oxygen was needed. 

"Are you happy now?" Jessica looked at Yuri. Yuri just smiled and nodded her head. Yuri leaned closer to Jessica and gave a quick peck on the older girl's forehead.

"Good, now continue your punishment. Don't you think that such kiss will make you escape from your punishment, Kwon Yuri."


"Oh, and don't forget our date to the amusement park and you are going to pay for all of our expenses there, including the transportation."

"What?!" Yuri whined but she was glad that her Sica baby still by her side although she recieved quite a lot of punishments.



A/N: WALA...Oh god, the ending kinda but please bear to it...That's all folks!!! Thank you for your support and comments. I AM SO HAPPY AND TOUCHED... and believe me, when i say som i really meant it...So see you guys next time..BYE BYE..

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Chapter 8: Bien podria Yuri hacer otro tipo de ejercicios 7u7
Chapter 8: Cute story...hahah yulsic couple so cute
Chapter 8: Nice story author..
Poor yul seobang..
Thank you for the story author
Chapter 8: "Luckily my wife is Sunny. and Yoong's wife is Seohyun. Note to self, never ever find an American wife to prevent suffering like Yuri and Taeyeon."

What a nice realization from Sooyoung... hahaha! Your story's good, I liked it! :-)
Chapter 8: Nice story! Everyone got punishment but I pity tae and Yul the most...haha thanks for the story
imzara #6
Chapter 8: not bad , nice story , like it ^^
Chapter 8: Daebak xD poor seobangs especially taeng n yul

Great job author nim
haha it was awesome! and the part with sooyoung yelling at tiffany about taeyeon's magazines XD omo just loved it
hahaha I like it! sweet!

I pity taeyeon..
yucakwon #10
hey au .. can i translate your fic vietnamese? i like it very much