Yuri is......( part 2)

Seobangs' trip to amusement park

"N-no!" Jessica hold Yuri's hand tightly as the number on the machine was dropping drastically.

"Yoona and Seohyun go and find the doctor now." Taeyeon sent the two maknaes away. The two maknaes quickly ran out from the room and went and seeked for help. Sooyoung turned Sunny so that Sunny will faced her instead of Yuri. She hugged Sunny tightly ad Sunny was sobbing quietly. Taeyeon was hugging Tiffany and she can felt her neck had been dampened by Tiffany's tears. She gently rubbed the back of Tiffany. Hyoyeon was just standing there. Jessica was still crying.

"Seobang~! Please wake up! Don't leave me!" Jessica shouted. Yuri was still lying at there and her chest movement had became slower and slower.

"Seobang! Don't leave me! Come back! How could you!" Jessica continue shouted and shook Yuri violently. But all her effort gone to waste when Yuri's heart rate still dropping. 

"Doctor is here!" Yoona shouted as the doctor quickly walked into the room with a few nurses behind her. Hyoyeon quickly pulled Jessia away from Yuri and hugged Jessica tightly.

"H-how c-can t-this happen?"

"Shh...Jessica believe in Yuri. She will definitely be okay." Hyoyeon whispered into Jessica ears. Jessica just continued to cry. She tried to look at Yuri but Hyoyeon prevented her to do so.  The doctor and nurses were surrounding Yuri and started to do what they can.

"One, two, Clear!" The doctor said everytime he used defibrillator on Yuri chest.

"One, two, Clear!" The doctor tried several times but Yuri's heart rate still continue to drop.

"Umma! GO AND KISS APPA!" Yoona shouted. Jessica only looked at Yoona confusedly.

"Go and do it now. Just like how fairytale end."

"But Yoona, there's no way-"

"How would you know there's no way it work when you haven't try?" Yoona looked at Jessica.

" But it won't work." Hyoyeon said.

"Umma!" Yoona looked at Jessica.

"Argh! I will do it!" Jessica struggled and walked toward the doctor. She pushed away all the doctor and nurses.

'Hey, miss!" The doctor said and tried to pull Jessica apart from Yuri.

"Kwon Yuri! You better wake up or else!" Jessica shouted and kissed Yuri. Her action had surprised the others. Jessica broke apart the kiss and looked at Yuri. She saw a lone tear escaped from Yuri's eyes.

"Beep."  A straight beep sound which indicated the end of Yuri's life.

"No~! Seobang! This can't be happening, Yuri! Kwon Seobang! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Hyoyeon pulled Jessica away. Jessica slumped down on the ground and cried as hard as she could. The others only cried.

"Beep. Beep. Beep."

"It's impossible. The patient's heartbeat is back!" The doctor shouted and everyone shfited their attention to Yuri. The number of the machine was now gradually increased. Then they looked at Yuri. Yuri was slowly opening her eyes.

"Nn-ngh." Yuri finally opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling.

"S-seo-seobang?" Jessica calld out for Yuri to make sure she was not dreaming. She walked near to Yuri so that Yuri can saw her.

"Hmm?" Yuri looked at Jessica. She tried to sit up with the help of Yoona because Jessica was too dumbfounded.

"This is a miracle! What did you do?" The doctor looked at Jessica.

"Doctor, if you may, please leave us alone." Taeyeon stood in front of Jessica.

'Oh, I'm sorry but I need to run a few check up on Ms.Kwon." The doctor said and the others walked out to wait for the doctor finished the check up. After awhile, the doctor walked out.

"How is she, doctor?" Sooyoung asked.

"Ms.Kwon is fine. But we still need to run a few more test and that will be done by tomorrow. You can go in now." The doctor bowed and the eight girls walked into the room.  Yuri was now sitting on the bed, smiling at them weakly.

"Yuri-ah! You make us so worry." Taeyeon said and hugged Yuri.

"Yuri. I am so happy!" Sooyoung hugged Yuri too along with other five members.

'Sorry for making you guys so worry. I'm really sorry." Yuri just smiled weakly.

"It's fine as long as you are with us." Sunny said and other nodded their head.


"Ah, my Yoong. Did you take care of your umma?"

"Yes! And I know why umma was angry of you dy." Yoona whispered.


"Umma and the others stalked us during our amusement park trip and she saw you gave Hara a piggyback. Sooo-"

"I understand." Yuri whispered back. Yoona just smiled.

"I guess we need to go now. Take care Yuri." Taeyeon said.

"Yuri-ah! Remember take care of youself." Tiffany hugged Yuri for the last time before going back to the dorm.

"I will. Thanks guys." Yuri waved at the others but she saw Jessica was still sitting at there.

"Sica-ah-" Yuri called out to Jessica weakly. Jessica ignored her.

"Jessica." Yuri called out again but this time she tried to move herself.

"Urgh!" Yuri clutched her chest when she felt a sudden pain from it.

"Seoabng!" Jessica stood up and quickly go and helped Yuri.

"F-finally, y-you answered me. Heh! I g-guess t-this kind of pain is nothing." Yuri just forced out a weak smile.

"Pabo-yah!" Jessica helped Yuri to sit back up and she sat at the edge of the bed, holding Yuri's hand with tears streaming down her face.

"Don't cry. Please. It hurt me so much seeing you cry." Yuri quickly wiped off Jessica's tears.

"Sica-ah, I'm sorry about Hara. She was just a friend and she sprained her ankle so I-" Yuri was being cut off by Jessica who had finished wiping off her tears.

"I know everything. I'm sorry."

"No, I am sorry."

"Pabo seobang! You shouldn't scare me like that!"  Yuri pulled Jessica into her embrace.

"Don't move." Yuri whispered.

"Seobang-ah, I am really scared when I heard that you are in hospital."


"And I love this necklace." Jessica pulled out the necklace.

"Oh, so you wear it? As I thought, it rreally suit you."

"Seobang-ah~,I should let you explain before I made any conclusion."

"Shh, it's all my fault. Next time let's go on a date to the amusement park."

"Pabo Seobang! You shouldn't let me worry again!" Jessica gently hit Yuri's chest.

'Sica-baby, i-it h-hurt." Yuri suddenly clutching her chest with a very painful expression.

"S-seobang-ah, I'm s-sorry. A-are you o-okay?" Jessica leaned nearer to Yuri to check on Yuri but suddenly she felt Yuri's lips was on her lips. After awhile, Yuri pulled herself away and looked at Jessica.

"I will be fine if I constantly get this treatment." Yuri grinned. Jessica blushed furiously but she still remained in Yuri's embrace.

"I love you, seobang."

"I love you too, yeobo. Please forgive this foolish woman for letting you worry."

"I d-don't know."

"I will do anything you ask."



"You promise me, Seobang!" Jessica smirked.

"O-okay. As long as you are happy." Yuri just hugged Jessica tightly as the two of them enjoyed their moment.


A/N: AHA! Next chapter is finale!!! PLEASE LOOK FORWARD!!! XD

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Chapter 8: Bien podria Yuri hacer otro tipo de ejercicios 7u7
Chapter 8: Cute story...hahah yulsic couple so cute
Chapter 8: Nice story author..
Poor yul seobang..
Thank you for the story author
Chapter 8: "Luckily my wife is Sunny. and Yoong's wife is Seohyun. Note to self, never ever find an American wife to prevent suffering like Yuri and Taeyeon."

What a nice realization from Sooyoung... hahaha! Your story's good, I liked it! :-)
Chapter 8: Nice story! Everyone got punishment but I pity tae and Yul the most...haha thanks for the story
imzara #6
Chapter 8: not bad , nice story , like it ^^
Chapter 8: Daebak xD poor seobangs especially taeng n yul

Great job author nim
haha it was awesome! and the part with sooyoung yelling at tiffany about taeyeon's magazines XD omo just loved it
hahaha I like it! sweet!

I pity taeyeon..
yucakwon #10
hey au .. can i translate your fic vietnamese? i like it very much