
Coffee Lovers

"Oh Seunghyun.. I'll see you later." Bom announced to break the silence between them. She repeatedly took glances at him, but halted when he faced her with his hand blocking the entrance. 

"Where are you going?" Staring at her, he tapped his foot waiting for her to answer. "It's not a secret is it?" 

Bom stared back and shrugged. "I'm just going to be with Dara. No big deal, right?" Turning towards the door, she pushed Seunghyun's arm away, and opened the door, walking in quickly. Seunghyun opened his mouth but slowly closed it when he realized Bom was already half way inside the building. "Aigo.." He shook his head and opened it politely for the other patients. "Annyeong," He said with a forced smile and bowed slightly. 


"There you are, Bom." Chaerin called out, as she approached her. Bom nodded as she tried to catch her breath. "I basically ran here so that I don't get interrogated by Seunghyun." Her hand was over her left chest, trying to breath in slow, deep breaths. She could feel her heart beating her rib cage, trying to escape. 

Chaerin let a breathed out chuckle and placed her arm around Bom's shoulders, walking to the elevator. "Alright, Let's go meet him." She slowed her speed for the tired Bom and kept an eye on her. I wonder if I should tell her about Jiyong before I let her meet him.. Shesilently thought, and halted in her steps. She does need to know.. Ok Chaerin. tell her now! Don't wimp out. She took a deep breath and turned to her. "I have another brother, besides Seunghyun." 

Bom shot her head up and stared at her. She knew already since she overheard the conversation when Chaerin was taking care of Jiyong. But pretending like she didn't know, she widened her eyes and dropped into an 'o'. "Mwoh!? Who!?" 

Chaerin was slowly regretting telling her, but she closed her eyes before continuing and opened her eyes to stare in Bom's gaze. "His name is Jiyong, and he's 19." She pursed her lips together, not knowing what to say next, but waited for Bom to answer. 

Still acting as if the news was new, she nodded slowly to acknowledge the information. But there was a part of her that was still curious about him, to why Chaerin or Seunghyun didn't tell her about it. So instead of faking, she'll begin to ask questions. "Why haven't you guys told me about him? And why do you want me to meet him?" Hoping for some answers, she pouted when Chaerin brushed past her and into the elevator. 

"I think.. Jiyong should tell you." Her final answer caused Bom to shut . 


​Standing in-front of the door, the two humans were quiet, thinking of what will happen next. 

Pushing Bom towards the door, she gave her two thumbs up. Bom stared at her and mouthed her question. "You aren't coming?"

Waving her hands as a no, Chaerin swiftly walked back to the elevator. Bom gawked and pouted. ​So I'm going in alone? Gathering up her courage, she huffed out. "come on Bom. This isn't the first time going in the room." That's right.. It's not the first time, but why do I feel so nervous? ​Shaking her negativity off, she slid the door open, to a waiting Jiyong. 

"Hello again, Bom." His rich, deep voice filled every inch of the room and it lured her in the room, for more. Stumbling in a bit, she flushed pink at her clumsiness and closed the door. Walking closer to him, she waved and sat in the chair next to his bed. 

​Jiyong gave a small smile and sat up straighter than before and patted the side of his bed. "Sit right here." 

​She couldn't help but obey him. Focusing on him as she moved from the chair to the edge of the bed, she finally tore her eyes off him and looked down at her hands that comfortably laid between her thighs. 

​Chuckling at her, he also stared at her, trying to take in everything of her. From her slightly messy bun to her pinkish face to her body composure and down to her legs. He leaned forward to her and propped his elbows on his legs and put his cheeks inbetween his hands. "I assume my sister ​told you everything, am I right?" He stressed out the 'sister' part to catch her attention.

​Don't look, Bom. Don't look. ​Her head turned and her eyes fixed to his face. ​Dammit Bom. You looked. ​She began to check out his face and possibly everything of him. His face seemed a bit pale but his blonde hair seemed to bring out the color of his whole body. His arms were slightly muscley and his hands looked soft. The hospital clothes looked amazing on him, despite the bland color. She seemed to be staring at him for a while, when she heard him clearing his throat. "You should take a picture of me. It lasts longer." 

​She dropped her head, embarrassingly and blushed hard. He let a low laugh and reached his arm to her hands. Taking her hand in his hand, he caressed her hand with his thumb. "Did my sister tell you everything?" He patiently waited for her to answer, as she faced him again. 

"Aniya.. she just told me that you're 19 and you're the brother of her and Seunghyun, but I asked why none of them told me about you, and why she wants me to meet you.." She tried to look somewhere else besides his face, but she fought the urge. 

"What did she say?"

"She told me that you should tell me." Bom quickly answered and finally looked at him. "Why though?"

Should I tell her? ​Jiyong contemplated and looked to the window. "Not now." 

​She blinked a couple times, in confusion and leaned towards him. "And why not?" 

"Because it seems you don't remember me..." He lowly whispered. 

"What?" Bom asked, since she couldn't really hear because he was speaking quite low.

"It's snowing." Jiyong took his blanket off and climbed out of the bed. Shuffling to the window, he placed his hand to the window and looked at the falling snowflakes, gently floating down to the ground. 

​What a weird guy.. Bom got up and also walked towards the window. As she watched the flake fall one by one, she noticed how they looked as if they were prancing as they decending from up above. She looked over at the expressionless guy, she couldn't help but wonder what was going in his head. Turning her attention back to the snow, she wished she could be outside, attempting to catch them in . 

"Can we be friends, Bom?" Jiyong finally spoke, while he continued to look out the window. She took a quick glimpse at him and slowly exhaled. 

"Do you want to be friends?" She asked.


"Then we are."  She responsed.

The two mutely stood next to each other, watching as more of the snow fell to the ground. 


Bom closed Jiyong's door and exhaled out her anxiety. She took a step down the hallway, until her phone started to play the ringtone. 

Trying to glance at her phone and the hallway, she answered the phone. "hello?" She pressed the down button as she reached the elevator. 

"Where are you?" A husky voice responsed. 

"Going in the elevator. Where you are?" Bom said as she rushed in it. 

Seunghyun was putting his files on his desk and took off his coat. "I'm in my office. I'll take you home, so hurry here."

She gave an okay and hung up as she glanced at the floor number decrescendoing. When the bell ding, she jumped out of there and speedily walked to Seunghyun's office. 

After a couple minutes, she reached the office and knocked. "Come in." 

She opened the door and came in gracefully. "Heeeeello."  She spun a few times and stopped in front of the him, with her famous eye smile. 

"Ready to go home?" Seunghyun offered his arm and smiled at her. She giggled and locked arms with him. "You know I just live like across the street from here, right?" 

He nodded and began to walk out of the office. "But it's rude to let a pretty lady go home by herself." 

Rolling her eyes, she swatted her free arm to his chest. "You're such an alien." 

Feeling triumphed, he grinned and bumped her head sideways. 

"Ow?" Bom rubbed her head and glared upwards to him. 

He felt his heart jump a bit and blushed. Aigo...

Bom looked at him weirdly and shook her head. "I won't even ask." 



Bom walked around the cafe and leaned on the coffee counter. Inhaling the aroma of the coffee hanging around, she closed her eyes. She remembered the sound of her mother's feer shuffling around to make her a warm drink after coming home from a snowy, cold day of school. 

Opening her eyes, she frowned at the emptiness of the counter and turned away towards the stairway. She walked up with a heavy heart and opened the door, welcomed by the darkness of her room. She flicked  the switch upwards, and in a matter of seconds, her dark room became alive with light. 

​She walked to her window and saw more snow falling down harder than before. Starting to think about what happened with Jiyong, she gave a small smile. 


"Before you leave, can I have your number?" Jiyong asked as they both stood by the door. She nodded and gave him her phone, and he gave her his phone.

​Entering their phone numbers in, they both felt butterflies in their stomach and their hearts were pumping fast.

"Call me whenever. I'm not really busy." Bom said as she handed back his phone. 

"Well, I'm not even busy." Jiyong retorted back with a stuck out tongue. She laughed and nodded an okay. Waving at him, she opened the door and walked away. 

End of Flashback- 

Cause all around the world people want to be loved.
Yeah, cause all around the world, they're no different than us. 

Her phone vibrated in her leg pocket, and she grabbed it, looking at the caller ID. ​Jiyong. 


"It's Jiyong."

She smiled and squealed inside. "I know. your caller id showed up."  

Hearing his amused chuckle, she laughed slightly and blushed.

"Well, Bom. Let's hang out." 

Surprised at his sudden statement, she choked on the inhalation of air. "Ehh?"

"Let's hang out. I'm bored." 

She looked at her clock. ​11:00. "right now? it's 11.."

Jiyong was standing by the window, staring at the coffee shop from afar and turned to look at his tv. "Fine. I guess you don't want to hang out then." 

Bom shook her head vigorously and walked towards the mirror to check her appearance out. "no no. I do want to hang out." 

​He smiled and began walking towards the exit of his room. "Great. where are you?" 

Bom began telling the directions to the shop and said farewell to him, before hanging up. Realizing what happened, she rushed out of her room down to the shop. She the heater to warm up the room and she went to the counter to make some drinks for them. 


Tugging on his jacket closer to his body, he started to clatter his teeth due to the snowy wind. He saw the lit-up cafe and smiled, while quickening his pace. He stopped at the window when he saw Bom elegantly pouring cream on a cup. Feeling his cold heart melting due to the sight of her and the warmth that the cafe gave off, he walked up the steps and knocked the glass door. 

​He saw her look up and jogging towards the door, waving. After watching her unlock the door, he was greeted by warm air and Bom's bright smile. "Welcome to Coffee Lovers, Jiyong." 

​He nodded and walked in, shaking off the coldness that coated over his body. "What a warm place, Is it yours?" Noticing the sad look she gave, he closed his mouth and took in everything he could. He finally settled his attention to Bom who was behind the counter, making some drinks. 

"Come over here and have something warm to drink." 

​As he walked towards the counter, his shoes clicked on the wooden floor, making a loud thump every time he walked. Pulling his chair out, he slid in and thanked her. He sipped the hot drink slowly, taking in every taste he could, with his taste buds. The feeling of the warm liquid going down his throat, made his spine shudder. He took another sip but he looked at Bom above the brim of the cup. She had her elbows on the counter and was looking ahead of him, in deep thought. 

​When he finished his fill, he slid the cup forward to Bom a bit and gave two thumbs up. "That was good." 

​Bom smiled at his compliment and took her cup with his and walked to the sink. 

Jiyong didn't know what to say, but it was okay because he enjoyed the company of her. 

"My mom owns this place.. well Owned, since she passed away. My dad wanted to sell it off, but I wanted to keep it. I don't think it was a good idea, since I somewhat got kicked out of the house. I live here alone while my dad lives somewhere else. He owns that hospital you're staying.. in fact he owns a lot of places. He wants me to become a doctor since he's a doctor, and an entrepreneur," She sighed, and continued as she washed the cups, delicately. "This place was originally named 'Coffee Kim' since my mom's name was Kim, but Do you want to know why my mom later changed the name to 'Coffee Lovers'?" Turning to look at the interested Jiyong, she began her explanation once he nodded. "My parents met under coffee. My dad walked in one day and ordered some coffee and he happened to sit where you are sitting." She laughed as she remembered her mom telling the story, ignoring the embarrassing yells of her dad. "My mom told me how my dad wouldn't stop staring at her as she made his drink, and that he kept saying she was beautiful. I think my dad was a big flirt back in the days. But she told me how he would come every day, sitting in the same spot, watching her work." 

​She turned off the tap and placed the cups upside down to dry on the counter. Turning back to Jiyong, she giggled and walked over to him. "After a few months of that, she confronted him and they had lunch to get to know each other. and after a year, my dad asked her out, and then 5 years later, he asked her to marry him right here in this shop also. Cute, huh? I kind of hope that I get a cute love story like that one day." 

​He smiled and grabbed her hands. "That was an interesting story." 

​Bom flashed him another smile and her head moved close to his face. She narrowed her eyes and flicked his forehead back. "What's your story?"

​He shrugged and leaned back. "Youngest brother of two doctors. 19 years old. I go to the hospital a lot, due to my weak body. Work as a waiter in a club, help in a pet shop, and that's really about it. Any more questions?"  

Bom nodded and started to think of questions to ask. "Oh! Why didn't Seunghyun or Dara tell me about you?"

"That's up to them to tell anyone about me. Maybe because I ran away from home and I was cut off from family ties." 

She cocked her head to the side and formed an O. "Ran away? why?"

"Because I was a useless person in the family. Being sick all the time, I can't really be the heir of the family business, nor could I be a student going to medical school." Jiyong answered back with an emotionless face, waiting for the next question.

"Why do you look so familiar?" Bom finally let out the question that was bugging her ever since she saw him. She tried to figure who he was, without asking, but she was stumped. 

"'ll figure out." A bitter smile formed on Jiyong's face and he stood up. "Well, it's getting late. I think I should go now." He walked to the door, but turned around to see Bom walking over towards him. He held up his hand to stop her and bowed slightly. "Thanks for the drink and your hospitality. I shall see you soon." Not letting her reply, he pushed the door and started to run back to the crosswalk back to the hospital. 

​She jogged to the door and saw that Jiyong was already half way across the street. ​Crazy kid.. Didn't even let me say goodbye. Hul. Locking the doors, she tried to see Jiyong's figure but she couldn't make out where he was. She walked to the thermometer and turned the heater off. She turned off the lights of the shop, and walked back up the stairs to her room. 


Hello there c: Here's the update. ((-: Again, I'm sorry if it's confusing you.. buuut, don't you worry. I'll reveal everything, soon. c: 

I might update again, because while I was writing this, I had a bunch of ideas that I'd love to put :3. so yeah. 

Enjoy. (: 


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Chapter 5: I'm still waiting for an update T.T
Chapter 5: please update asap!!! actually i really hate it when i've read the story and the main characters have to die ;__; but your story is amazing TT after read the whole chapter i read the forewords again and make me cry T^T jiyong why you must have to die? hiks bom plese be strong TT i want to hate seunghyun in this story but i can't :( i know he doesn't want bommie to be sad because jiyong is gonna go anyways TT *sorry for my long comment*
mtrlfcpa #3
Chapter 5: end? for real??????
Chapter 5: i love it :) but seunghyun is soo meaaannn :{ why can't he accept the relationship between jiyong and bommie D:>
aghhh i love it can't wait for next chapter ^-^
Seunghyun you son of bitc.h!!

I really HATE YOU here..and this is for the first time I hate TOP in every ff I read!!

Protect her from what?? Sadness..bullshi.t..protect her so u can be with her??

Go Jiyong, tho world against you, I still supporting behind you!!
Chapter 5: okay.. first, i have to thank you author nim.. for updating this story.. i really love this story.. so, thank you author nim..:D
secondly...*breathe in, breathe out.. WTH IS ING WRONG WITH SEUNGHYUN???!!! my heart feels jiyong pain.. it really hurts with being so close to your loved one but she doesnt even remember you..
deijuvenile #7
Chapter 5: Most selfish Seunhyun character I've ever encountered. I hate him. End of story.
Chapter 5: aarrg!! what's going on?!! Seunghyun don't u dare to take Bom away from Ji!!
bomxalijah01 #9
Chapter 5: omo!!!!!! jerk seunghyun!! bom is for jiyong!!!!!
btw update soon!!