Chapter Five.

The Stockholm Syndrome.


- “You don’t understand, Chanyeol, I can’t help feeling this, Jongin is a member of my family too, if he’s your brother, he’s a brother to me too, I just can’t stay here with my arms crossed, I need to know how can I help him”.

- “Babe, but… what? What did you say? Help him?”. I can’t believe what my ears are hearing, after days of denials and scoldings; Baekhyun wants to help with this?

- “Yes, help him, you heard me. If I were him and you didn’t remember me, I’d do the same thing, Yeol. I know I seemed to disagree, but last night I had a dream which scared me, and if it ever happened to us, I… I… I couldn’t bear it…”

I go towards him and wrap him in my arms, and hug him tight against my chest.

- “Hey, please don’t say that, there’s no way it would ever happen, I wouldn’t let it, I’ll always remember you, you’re the love of my life, how could I forget you? Please, tell me the dream you had”.

- “Kyungsoo too was the love of Jongin’s life and look how he forgot him”. His face couldn’t look more adorable with his pout which he knows it makes me completely weak…- “in my dream you forgot about me, didn’t remember, even when I talked to you and told you about us, you just looked away, and walked aside”.

I separate him from me, and take his face with my hands, while looking into his eyes.

- “Listen to me, Baekhyun, that won’t ever happen, because I say so”. I smile and caress his face. – “I have no plans of separating from you, arasso? These plans are long-term plans, I don’t want to be away from you, nor ever forget you. You’re everything to me, Baekhyun, everything!”. I see his eyes getting filled with tears, and I smile while I get my face close to his and seal this promise with a kiss. I couldn’t feel better, the moment when I’m with him it so magic, it’s my beginning and my end, my alpha and my omega, and as I told him, he’s my whole life, my everything.

- “Honey, every time you get this lovely, I just can’t help wanting… hahahaha, you know what!”. I can notice a clever smile behind those words.

- “Hmmmm, my y Baekyunnie!”. I push him to the sofa, while tickling him like crazy. He’s very sensitive, thus it’s easy to find his sensitive spots.

- “Aaah, noo, hahahahaha! No, please! Stop it, Yeol! Hahahaha!”

- “I won’t stop until you confess you believe in what I said and until you say the magical words”.

- “Ahahahaha, how… hahaha, do you hahaha, want me to say them hahaha, if you don’t let me? Hahahahaha!”.

I stop for a little while, but still on him, I look at his eyes and wait for an answer. I feel him reaching out his arms and wrap them around my neck, while pulling me closer to him.

- “Park Chanyeol, I love you”. And we break all distances between us with a sweet kiss.




I’m late at the station, I didn’t have a good night, spent it all tossing and turning on my bed, thinking about Kim Jongin, his story, and that I saw him before at that store. That intrigues me pretty much, what was he doing there, and why was he buying art supplies, if he’s a pianist. He said he wasn’t dating anybody, and he was still thinking about Kyungsoo, then, what was he doing there?

I go to the office, and see a figure sitting in MY chair and reading MY reports, this can't be happening, why are they snooping around MY job!? If I doubted about Kim Jongin’s story before, I can be sure now of it being true, Mr. and Mrs. Do are manipulating everything to their own convenience.

Aissh I sigh with disapproval.

- “Officer Kim, how are you? We must start checking the statements of all the witnesses, so we can find the clues we need to get Mr. Do”.

- “Don’t you think that I have done all that?". I laughed sarcastically. –"I’m not the idiot you think I am, Officer L-a-y Zhang”.

- “Yixing, Officer Zhang Yixing”

- “As you wish”.

 Honestly, this person pisses me off. Does he think that I’m stupid? That I don’t know how to do my work? Aishh! I grab my coffee a bit nervous, I can’t stand having someone telling me what to do, I’m the head of this department, aren’t I!? Why did they send someone to do my work!?

- “You must not be so rude, Officer Kim, I’m just trying to help, I know you’ve been doing an exhausting research, but didn’t give any result. I’m here to help with that, to see results. Quick results. I think we must change our research plan, please. Together, we’ll be able to solve this case. I’ll leave you alone, I’ll be in the office next door, just in case you need me”.

I see him walking away, I can finally be alone. I understand he has a good mind, but I can’t help feeling anxious with him being there, it’s so annoying, I want to work just with my team. I feel enough pressure to have to handle another more.

If you would just appear Kyungsoo… I have so many things to tell and ask you… I’ve given up on you, talking to Kim Jongin made me realize that my love for you wasn’t the love I thought it was,  thinking about how much he suffered and sacrificed for you, makes me feel that what I feel for you is just a little crush. That’s why I promised myself to find you, yes, I want to find you so you can be with him again, both of you deserve to be together, if you’re happy, so will I be.

- “Hey Junmyeon, are you okay?”

I wake up from my momentary dream, and see Jongdae moving his hands in front to me.

- “Ahhm, yes, yes, I’m fine…”

- "Are you sure? I know that he may be really annoying, but he’s a professional, Junmyeon, maybe we can learn something from him".

- "I don’t think so. But I’ll have to bear this, I’ll show him who’s a better officer"

I laugh with evil, and prepare a plan…

- "Your days here are coming to an end, Officer Zhang, I’ll show you that perhaps you shouldn’t have come here". I still laugh out loud imagining that man being grabbed by his clothes and thrown out by the door, just like in the old cartoons.

- “You must have gone mad, Junmyeon. What’s that smile? It scares me!”

I don’t even look at Jongdae, I keep making a plan of how to get rid of this low-class officer in the best way.

- “You’ll see soon, my dear friend, you’ll see soon”. I say, laughing with evil.




“I was your fiancée…”

- “Kai?”

I finally come out of my trance, and look at Kyungsoo’s expectant face. Didn’t I reply to his question already? No? Didn’t I?

- “Kai, are you okay?”.

- “Oh, yes… sorry. Hi, Kyungsoo, I’m Kai, I’m a pianist and the reason why you are here is… because I want to help you to get your memories back”. I smile while I look at him. Yes, I’m a coward, but I couldn’t do it, because I want this to happen in the most natural way possible, I can’t force him to remember, much less telling him all by once, it could be much worse for him and the least I want it to hurt him. I rather die than see Kyungsoo suffering once more.

- “Well, this is the best I could do with the stuff I found here. I hope you like it, though I have a feeling that for some reason, you love this, don’t you?”.

Kyungsoo, if you just knew that this is my favorite meal, and that you created it for me… Relax, Jongin, calm down… we better go step by step.

- “I already tried it before, and believe me, this is something I always adored”. I can notice he’s uneasy, whenever I talk this way I can feel he feels uncomfortable and seems scared. - “Can we start eating?”.

- “Oh… yes, yes, of course, you can start”. He answered, going back to that shiny and innocent mood he always had.

We start eating, and also talking about mundane and nonspecific stuff, like things we like, or personal features, as if I didn’t know everything about him, but I try once more to be patient, Chanyeol already told me… if I rush him, I could cause him an irreversible damage, and that’s a risk I’m not willing to take.

I like this talk between the two of us, I feel like he’s putting all his fear and repulsion aside, opening himself to trust me and let me get inside his world. I can see him smile more often, and address me in a more informal way. I feel happy by his side, it’s like if we went back to the old times when I tried to conquer him, we’re going back to those days when we were still knowing, conquering, falling in love with each other… I’m falling in love again with Kyungsoo…

- “I’m done with cleaning all this, though you didn’t want me to do this… I just can’t see that everything’s a mess. Sorry, Kai”.

- “You already were like this before the accident”. I say smiling, until I realize I’m talking about the past again. – “Sorry, I know you feel uncomfortable when I talk about the memories”.

- “Kai… I want you to talk to me about that. I want you to talk to me about the past… there are things that I don’t know, aren’t there?”.

- “Are you sure you want me to try to get your memories back? I know I told you that you’re here for that reason, and actually, that’s the goal, but I want you to feel comfortable and ready to face everything. I’ll wait for you, Kyungsoo, all the time that’s necessary”.

- “Kai… I...”

- “Shhh, don’t say anything, everything will happen naturally, you’ll  be able to remember, I know, I have faith in you”. I go close to him and take his hands, he looks at me scared, but I kindly give him a hand shake. – “I trust you as I always did, we’ll do this together”.

- “Thank you, thank you so much for that, I know it may sound hard since we are in this situation, I didn’t like it at the beginning, but I don’t know why I feel that with you, I’ll be the man who I was before, this emptiness will go away from me, I’ll get back what I lost”.

- “Do you want to go outside? Since you came here, you didn’t go outside, even to see the sun light… I know it’s the night already, but, do you want to go to the roof?”. Of course, I say this knowing that this won’t cause any danger to your stay here, this zone isn’t inhabited except for my house. There’s just one road which leads to the most habited zone, and the roof is high enough to prevent runaways.

- “I’d love to. I’ve seen beautiful nights through the window, and the skies full of stars, I love to see them, you know?”.

Kyungsoo, why does every single act of yours make me lose control? Of course I know you love to see them, we did it every night in the roof of our former home, while you told me dozens of fun stories and you taught me things.

We arrive there and I see him running to the balcony, his joy and excitement for having contact with the outside make me smile, I see him reaching out his hands towards the sky, as if he were trying to take some of the stars for himself.

- “Kai, do you know which constellation is that?”.

I look where his fingers show me and I realize it’s the Coronae Borealis, the constellation we took as ours, and whose main star was a gift from Kyungsoo for me, one of the countless times we went out to look the night sky.

I pretend not to know the answer, there will be time to tell him that it’s our constellation already. – “Isn’t it the Coronae… hmm, I don’t remember well…”

- “Hahaha, it’s the Coronae Borealis. I always felt attracted to it, whenever I see it, I feel warmth in my heart”. I see him turning around towards me and looking at me with a cute and lovely expression in his eyes. – “Kai… you and I… were something important in the past, were we friends? I want you to tell me how we met each other, I’d want to know how we started a relationship”.

Losing control of myself, I feel a tear running down my cheek, I feel I’m losing all my strength, I need him to remember me, but at the same time, I want to protect him. I don’t know what to do… I don’t know what can I do…?

- “Kai... are you okay? Kai? I see him coming closer, and still afraid, putting his hands on my face, and catching tenderly my tears. – “I’ll wait for you to be ready too, Kai, it doesn’t have to be now, but I’d like you to tell me everything… I’ll wait for that moment. Please don’t feel pushed, I don’t know that we went through, but I know it must be painful for you to remember… I’m afraid and I show it, but I won’t hurt you, I promise”.

I close my eyes as I feel the warmth of his hands on my face, it’s a natural gesture which came straight from him, how not to feel hope with this, I’m feeling that out flame is still burning and our love still lives inside it.

- “I hope you not to think it’s something silly, but, for starting a new relationship between us, I want to make you a gift…”. I open my eyes and see a wide smile on his face, while reaching out an arm to the sky, and showing me a star.

- “Can you see that star? Its name is Stella Borealis and is the main star of Coronae Borealis constellation… I know I don’t have any contract to prove it, but from tonight on, I give it to you as a present… do you want it?”.

I see him laughing, and without thinking it twice, I wrap him in a warm embrace, taking him with the low guard.

- “Thank you, thank you, Kyungsoo”. Without releasing him, I bury my face in his neck, and again shedding tears, but tears of happiness.




A flashback of memories crossed my mind, the nocturnal sky full of stars, two holding hands, a hug, Kai laughing. Scared, I open my eyes, I’m still in his arms. What is this? Are this memories that are coming back to me? I start shaking and I can see he realizes this.

- “Kyungsoo… I’m sorry, I’m sorry”.

- “It’s okay…”. I separate from him, and go back to the balcony, I feel anxious, I don’t know what happened to me in that embrace, I didn’t have a headache as before, but that memory… definitely felt like a déjà vu… I lived this before…

-“Kyungsoo, you’re cold… do you want to go back to the house?”. I can feel concern in his voice. But I decide not to show neither fear nor doubt, assent with my head and we go back to the house. I think that once I’m in my room, I’ll be able to think about all of this calmly.

- “Kyungsoo…”.

I turn my head around and notice a change in his attitude. This isn’t the fragile Kai which was in the roof. This is a resolved and decided Kai.

- “I’m ready… I’m ready to start telling you everything. I’m ready to go back to the past”.




- “Yes, Mrs. Do, these are the reports I could gather from the police agency. There aren’t many things. We could not find many clues. The only thing that caught my attention was that… the officer Junmyeon had an interview with someone from Kyungsoo’s past. His name is Kim Jongin”.

I can notice her face going pale and I had to walk some steps to hold her, because she seemed to lose balance.

- “Kim Jongin, you say…? Lay, you must make me see him. I need to talk to that man. I need to!”.

- “Who is that man, Mrs. Do? Who’s Kim Jongin?”

Nervous and clearly confused, she replies:

- “Lay, promise me you won’t ever let Kyungsoo meet that man! I don’t want that bastard to lay a single finger on my son ever again! He can’t! He can’t!”.

- “I promise you, Mrs. Do. But first, please tell me, who’s that man?”. This makes me doubt even more about this man’s identity, and even more with Mrs. Do evident nervousness. This is pretty suspicious.

I need to go to my office and check out some data, there’s something here that’s not clear, I think officer Junmyeon skipped dome data and didn’t give the whole information. This time I must act under my own professional judgement. Maybe visiting Kim Jongin’s house will answer some questions…



A/N: here's the chapter 5!  I hope you enjoy it :) sorry for the delay! and please do not feel bad because Kyungsoo still does not remember his past, very soon that will change ;)

Thanks sooooo much everyone who subscribed and commented on this fic, you make smile and feel SO happy! because this fic is made for all you who love KaiSoo lovely couple

See you in the chapter 6, Love u all! byebye~~

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Chapter 6: WHaaaaatttttt !?!! Finaaallyyy
Chapter 4: Oooeemmgiii nerve-rackinggg !!!!
Chapter 2: Omg this cover just kills me - they both look so freaking damwn y hot bad dark cool ughh I can't anymore ;( <3 so lovely
kimkaiii #4
Chapter 16: That was sweet,i love it authorsshi thank you!
EXO1249488 #5
Chapter 1: thank you thank you thank yoooooouuuuuu IM IN LOVE WIYH THIS STORIE HAHAHA
Lilianlimi #6
Chapter 16: My Kaisoo feeeellllllzzzzzzz <3 thank you for your story authornim~
I love this authornim :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Chapter 16: Huahh I love uu author-nim <3<3<3
Chapter 16: Lovely story author-nim... kamsahmanida...
Aoihelen #10
Chapter 1: jkasjks this first chapter is perfect!