My Heart Only For You

My Heart Only For You


( 。・_・。)人(。・_・。 )


Next day


“I’m off, Yesung-ah.” I turned around from the cashier register to face my most valuable employee and best friend.

“Okay eonnie. Tell Kangin-shi, I said hi.” The woman, who is standing near the entrance of the coffee shop, is smiling beautifully at me. Park Jungsoo or Leeteuk as we usually called her, are my duty manager. She’s the one who help me handle things in the coffee shop. I know her since she was my umma assistant when I was still in my college days. I know her well enough because she’s been working so long with my umma so I trust her with my life. I asked her to help me when I need someone to handle the coffee shop and she agrees when I get the permission from my umma. She’s a patient, calm, and kind woman. A huge difference of personality with her boyfriend Kim Youngwoon a.k.a. Kangin. He’s reckless and bad-mannered kind of guy. However, his behaviors are always toned down when Leeteuk eonnie is around. I think Youngwoon really love Leeteuk eonnie that he’s willing to do anything for her.

Sometimes I wonder why Leeteuk eonnie could be together with Youngwoon. Beside the huge difference of personality, their different background, circle of friends and age are also a point which makes people thinks they would never last. Nevertheless, they broke the streak of endless misjudging from people. They last five years of relationship and are going to arrange their married this year. Looking back at them, I notice that their situation isn’t much difference from mine.

“I’ll make sure he gets your message, Sungie. Okay then, bye. See you tomorrow.” Leeteuk eonnie voice broke my reverie and before she could go any further, I called her to stop her from leaving.   

“Leeteuk eonnie, wait!” I shout while saunter to where she is standing.


“Could I talk with you for a moment? It would only take five minutes.” Leeteuk eonnie nodded her head and pull my hand to one of the spot near the door. Then, her and I take a chair for ourselves and sit across from each other. I gulp when I’m about to start talking. Somehow, I seem couldn’t voice out my mind.

“Is something bothering you Yesung?”

“I..I..” I really feel nervous all of sudden, because I feel unsure of myself to be asking the question I have in my mind. Then, all of sudden, Leeteuk eonnie laugh and shake her head making me confused with her actions.

“Is this about that boy who comes here every day one year ago?” She asked me, making me open my eyes to the fullest. How she know about Siwon? I mean, of course she know about Siwon but how she knows that I’ve been thinking about him? I heard she laugh again and that makes me more confused.

“I’m not blind, Sungie. I notice when my anti social friend is having an interaction with a guy, even more because that guy is a high school student.” I think I said my thought out loud because of what Leeteuk eonnie have said just now.

“And I also notice how sad you are when he never came by to this shop again.” She continue when she look I was silent the whole time she speaks. She holds my hand tightly as giving me some support.


“Took you a full year to realize that you make the wrong decision huh?!” I look up to Leeteuk eonnie, wondering why she voice out her opinion like this. Although she could read me like an open book, but she usually just keeps silent and just giving a few words every time we converse. That is also one of the reasons why I’m so comfortable with her.

“What are you talking about?”

“I told you, Sungie, I’m not blind. I know how you feel toward that boy and vice versa. You think I didn’t feel and act the same way like you did back then with my Kanginie?” I smile at that comment. She smiles to me also while holding my hand tighter than before.

“I know how you feel Sungie. I’ve been there before remember. Being with Kangin is hard work. A lot have to settle between us. Ten years of age difference is tough you know. I really doubted myself back then because all people around him always told him that he could get someone more than me. Someone younger, prettier, richer.” I looked at Leeteuk eonnie with sympathy because I know for sure how she struggle with her life all these years until she stable like now in financial. One more reason why I asked her to help me was because I want to help her outcome her financial problems with her parent already died because of car accident and the burden to raise her little brother all by her selves.

“However, when Kangin persistence of kept going back to me even after I reject him countless time, makes me realize that this man is really love me for who I am. He is never going to leave me behind and that’s make me believe his every word and decide that I will spend my life time with him.” Leeteuk eonnie smile so beautiful when she talks about Kangin. You are really lucky to have her as your lover a.k.a. fiancé Kangin.

“But how you overcome your doubt eonnie? I mean, you really have the time to think about what’s best for Kangin-shi right?! You know that you aren’t the right choice for him. So what did makes you change your mind and decide to accept Kangin-shi despite the entire problem that’s going to surface? Is just having his love enough for you?” I tried to reason out with her. Trying to make sense in every words that this love is hard to endure. However, all I get is a simple smile and a brush over my bangs while she replies me.

“Yes, Sungie. His love is enough for me to decide that’s I’m a fool to reject him the first time. And I’m going to say the same thing to you.” She told as a matter of fact. I could only look at her with doubt in my face.

“Just trust yourself. It’s not a mistake to fall in love with someone younger than us. You have the rights to be together with whoever you want to and no one will say otherwise.” She said finally and stands up.

“Okay, I’ll go now. You think about what I said. Just follow your heart, Sungie and if your heart is following that gorgeous guy, you’ll know what to do.” After Leeteuk eonnie said that, she went to the entrance door, waving her hand and went outside. Meanwhile I was still seated in my chair and really think about what Leeteuk eonnie have just said and agree that all the things I’ve done to Siwon is purely because of my ego.

Why couldn’t I see the whole picture that love never measures anything? Whether you older or younger, whether you a high school student or a working stiff, whether you pretty or ugly, whether you popular or a social outcast. None of them are important. The most important things is how happy you are when they return your feeling, how marvelous it feels when they hold you and adore you to no end, how bless you are when they said they love you and only you.

I smiled to myself remembering when I first meet Siwon. Well first impression was not as great as ever but it’s so memorable. Since that meeting, without thinking my heart is drawn to him. Getting to know him makes my world colorful, he brings that excitement in my boring life, and every breath that I take when he’s around is happiness. Why oh why, I don’t grasp that feeling when he confess to me. Why I only aware of what people thinks. It’s not me at all. I’ll always do what I want even if people find it out of question.

People said that regret always came last and it’s true. I’m always told myself that I will never regret any decision that I’ve already taken, but right now I feel like crying. I don’t know how to fix things over since I heard that Siwon is courting other girl. Scratch that, did I even deserve to tell him that I love him all along while I reject him the first time. Regardless everything, if I have the chance to see him another time I would told him everything. I don’t care if he will believe me or not, as long as I could finally convey my feeling to him, is enough for me. And then, maybe I could let it go and be happy for him.

Ah, it settles. If I ever see him again, I would tell him that. Now that I sort out my feeling, I have other matters in hand. Jaejoong hasn’t come here yet. I begin to worry because she always calls me or at least text to me when she couldn’t came to the coffee shop. However, when I see my watch, I couldn’t possibly wait her any longer. I have to go home because it’s getting late and I’m tired. I’ll already finish cleaning up the shop and ready to leave when the bell in the entrance door ringing.

“I’m sorry, but we’re already clos..” I stop midway when I look up to see whose coming to my shop this late. There, in front of my entrance door of my shop, is standing the guy who’s been on my mind, heart and soul for the last year.


“Hi, Yesung.” He said calmly. I don’t know how to react to this kind of situation. It’s just a few minutes ago that I think about this guy and now he’s standing in front of me, looking more and more gorgeous than the last time I saw him.

“I..” I’m speechless right now. I couldn’t even think a single word to say to him while back then I’m so determined to tell him everything. I didn’t notice that he walk inside my shop and nearing me. When I feel his touch on my chin and lift up my head to face him up front, I realize that I really miss his touch.

“Well, well, are you that mesmerized by my looks that you couldn’t say a word?” Okay, although I miss his touch, I definitely don’t miss his boorish attitude. No, no.. I won’t lie to myself again. I miss everything about him. I feel so happy that he didn’t even change his traits towards me. However, I know that he’s belong to someone else. He probably just misses me as his bickering friends. So, instead of returning his remark, I let go of his hand and lower my face so I don’t have to face him.

“Is there anything I could do for you, Siwon?” I asked him while preparing myself to tell him everything about my feeling. But first I have to know why he is here in the first place.

“What?” I could sense his anger through his voice but I calm myself and tried to reply him.

“I said is ther..”

“I know what you said. What I mean is what are you doing by asking me something like that?” He cut me off quite bluntly. I rather stun hearing his angry voice. I tried to reply him again but he cut me off once more.

“I don’…”

“What? You don’t understand? Why you are still like this even when you didn’t see me for one year. Didn’t you miss me at all while I miss you to death?!” Nothing compare to my shock expression right now when I heard that he miss me until now. Did he really miss me that much?

“Siwon,I..” I start to say anything but Siwon held up his hand, signaling me to keep silent.

“No, let me finish, Yesung. I come here when Jaejoong noona said that you look lonely this past year and right now you’re seemed coming to your senses that you need someone beside you and that someone would be me.” I open my eyes in astonish when I heard that Jaejoong have anything to do with this. That girl keeps it a secret from me? So many questions occur in my mind right now, but I need to focus on what Siwon is going to say.

“When you reject me back then, I feel devastated. I mean, the only girl I could stand to be near to is rejecting me. You, of all people I know would understand me and care for me, reject me. I couldn’t do anything back then, because for some reason, I understand your insecurities toward our relationship with me being seven younger than you, me who just a high school student, me who doesn’t have anything to be proud of when you are so independent with having your own business.” Everytime Siwon said something I only get more shock and shock. I don’t know that Siwon is thinking about that too. I thought it’s only me who feel like that. Apparently I underestimate Siwon mature behavior.

“I let you go back then. I let you go, so I could prepare myself to face you again and confess as a man you could be proud of. And I succeed, Yesung. Although I couldn’t do anything to shorten our age differences, I’m able to be equal to you in some way. My appa agree that if I maintain a good stance in high school like becoming the president of the student council, he will include me in his business when I graduate high school. I know I should wait until I could be a success businessman, but I’m afraid that you already have someone else. So, after I got elected as the president of the student council, I told myself that this is enough for me to face you again.” He becomes the president of the student council just for me? Despite that he hates socializing with people. He did that so he could be equal to me? He change for me and not some girl Jaejoong had mention before? Wait a minute, is the girl Jaejoong mention is actually me?

“Right now, I don’t care if you told me you couldn’t be with someone younger, I don’t care if you think of me as a brat, I don’t care about that that. All I care about is you love me or not. If you love me, I won’t let you go this time. Never again. So, I’m asking you now, Yesung. Would you be my lover?” I ponder on my thought of Siwon. All he ever done was purely because of me. How can I deny such love when I know for sure that I love him back? Leeteuk eonnie words came playing in my head.

“Just follow your heart, Sungie and if your heart is following that gorgeous guy, you’ll know what to do.”

After remembering what Leeteuk eonnie had said, I smile to myself. This time, it’s not just Siwon who need to make effort for us to be together, I will be beside him along the way, because I love him.

I shorten our distance and cup his face in my palm, caressing his face with my fingers, trying to grasp that this guy is mine all along. I move closer to him and sealed his lips with mine. I kiss him with all the love I have in my heart. I’ll show him though this kiss that my heart will be forever belongs to him.

At first he was shock because of my action, but after a few seconds, he kisses me back with such vigor that almost makes me breathless. We let go the kiss after our lungs couldn’t support any longer. But, he keeps putting small kisses all over my face and neck.  

“Is that answering your question?” He seems to think for awhile about how to respond to my question while circle his hands to my waist and embrace me tightly.

“I don’t know. Maybe if you kiss me again, I can understand perfectly.” I giggled at that respond. He is such a brat. I put my head in his chest and hold him back with the same tension.


“Hey, you’re the one who kiss me first. You’re the one who ert. Kissing a brat like me, ahjumma.” He complains while teasing me at the same time. I look up for a bit and putting my head back to his chest, replying his teasing to me.

“True, but that brat loves this ahjumma right?!”

“Always and forever.” He said in no doubt at all. I smiled to myself hearing his confident voice regarding his love for me. I think it’s time he knows that I feel the same way.



“I love you.” He looked surprise when I said those three magic words. He loosens up his hold and lift up my face. Although he surprise, I think it’s a happy surprise because he smile is so breathtaking that I could only response with kissing him again. Our brief kiss ended when I still have something to say.

“I’m sorry for making you suffer this past year. I will make up to you. I’ll promise.”

“I know. I know. I love you too.” He responds with a small kiss on my forehead. Ah, is this how it feels when you get your love one by your side. Because all I ever wanted is right here all along. Siwon is the answer to all my prayer to fulfill this emptiness I feel.

“I can’t wait to tell Jaejoong noona about us.” His statement broke my trance and I’m a bit annoyed by him calling Jaejoong with noona while he never does that with me.

“Why you call Jae noona and never to me?”

“You’re my girlfriend. Why should I call you noona?” He look astounded with my remark that makes him chuckled. I pouting my lips and let him go completely and turned around my body back facing him.

“I’m older than you.”

“I call you noona when we’re on bed.” And out of blue, he picks me up and carried me bridal style to the entrance of the shop towards my car.

“Yah!! ert!! Siwon!! Put me down!! I need to lock the shop!!” I scream at him to prevent his crazy action. However he seems to ignore me altogether. Well, that Siwon alright.  Never listen just do the things he likes. Well, I let it go this time because I can see happiness radiating from his whole body.

Regardless of that, although I don’t really care if a burglar came to my shop, I care about my safety in Siwon hand. I don’t know if I could still be me when he found his way with me. Nevertheless, let’s just think about that another time. All I want to do is enjoy my time with Siwon.

There are going many obstacles ahead of us. Testing our love to the fullest. But, we will exceed it, because we love each other. And that’s the main ingredients to keep a relationship last. Besides, I have a brat that so gorgeous and amazing who would protect me and like Leeteuk eonnie had said, his love is all that I need.




( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Notes : At last it finished!! Feel ashamed because I haven’t finished others stories, yet I made another one. Well, I hope it satisfied your thirst of yewon love (although I’m still craving for more).

I brought good news (if you all think its good news). I’ll be updating ‘Girls’ and post a side story of it. But I’ll be updating it in my LJ or WP because I have second thought of not updating in here for a while. What do you amazing readers thinks?

Anyway if your reading this first, you should now where you should be going if you curious enough with the continuation (if not, then I’ll be the one whose crying for three nights T^T)

That’s all for now. Enjoy and don’t forget to leave a trace of your visit. Fill my fuel of writing, okay. Love you all amazing people.

Sankyu and peace all



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Chapter 3: I loved this. Thanks for sharing. <3

How funny~ somehow, I can relate this fic. xD
ochyyyy #2
Ahh I lovee this :)
I lovee siwon here, he's a fighter :) and _______ one haha wonder if he is in reality

Their love is really cute

Lovee thiss :)
ochyyyy #3
Ahh I lovee this :)
I lovee siwon here, he's a fighter :) and _______ one haha wonder if he is in reality

Their love is really cute

Lovee thiss :)
cloudy_28 #4
AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH...What a sweet ending,ME like this so much. And love each other is the main ingredients to keep a relationship last?? I do agree with that. Woahhh..i just couldnt say a word,this's so good n sweet story
n4oK0_ #5
Hi amazing readers, check out my LJ ( for more updates story and new one... Have a blast people...
KcuLL22 #6
I'm in love with this story!
If only you make sequel of it, I'll be soo much happy! Puuhleaaaseee *puppy eyes*
I don't know how can I missed this lovely story ><

oh, btw what"s ur LJ?
Actually, I'm not that well with LJ it's just aff is easier to read. Why not aff?
P/s: but why don't you think when you set Yesung is seven ages years older than Siwon is too much? lol. I wish Yesung is just one year or two years older than him, lol~
You are awesome and the fic is lovely, too^^
ochyyyy #9
Poor yesung, relax sungie the girl would be you :)
Just wait for will you??

Since I'm sure the girl that jae and siwon talked on the phone is yesung, I can't wait for their meeting :D

Please update soon ^^ thankss a lot