My Heart Only For You

My Heart Only For You


Yesung P.O.V 

The first time I saw him when I went to my sister school to bring her forgotten script for her upcoming drama. It was Sunday morning with the sun shine warmly to make it a very nice day. I was lost at that time because my sister school is so huge with long corridors that could resemble a maze. I remember clearly how we meet each other. 


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )



Its official, I’m lost. Why Jaejoong School is so big? I already spend my precious thirty minutes just to find her. And why there isn’t someone here to be asking direction? Oh yeah, I’m forgot. It’s freaking Sunday. No one is in the school, not like my idiot sister who loves to torment her big sister by making her come to her school just to drop a freaking drama script. 

I looked around again, hoping to find someone to ask direction. When I’m already desperate and decide to just go home, I saw a tall muscular guy standing in the corner of a building not too far away from me. He look likes he’s having a phone conversation. Instantly, I saunter to him quickly before I miss that guy. 

“Excuse me.” I said to him while tapping his shoulder gently, knowing he’s on the phone. I just want to let him know that I was around. However, the guy ignores me completely. He didn’t even turn around for a bit. Although, I feel irritated by it, I tried to cool down, try to understand his situation right now. 

I wait for a couple of minutes before that guy shut his phone and put it in his jeans front pocket. I was getting ready to face him and ask for direction, when the guy just stroll down and leave me behind. What the..?! I run after him and grab his arm. That’s make him turned around and shows me his face for the first time. 

I hate to admit this, but he’s look so handsome. With that nice proportional face, pointy nose, beautiful bone structure, thick eyebrows, and black eyes, making him look like the decedent of Apollo. Not to mention his tall muscular body and that tan skin. Every sane woman would head over heel for this guy. But the problem is, I was not that sane woman right now. I’m too upset just to admire him much longer because of his good looking features. 

“Why do you take off like that? I already waited for you to finish your phone talk but you just walk out like that!” 

“Who told you to wait?!” 

“I already tap your shoulder so you know I’m there.” 

“Oh that tap. I really confused back there. Oh sorry, I didn’t notice. You’re too short; I thought that tap was just a simple wind.” 

“What?! You brat!” I scream so loud because I’m pissed off by this guy attitude. His so rude, telling me that I’m too short. Well, compare to him I am short, but that beside the point. 

“Hey ahjumma, don’t yell. I’m not deaf.” He said with picking his ears with his pinky finger like he’s trying to clean his ears and put out a jaded expression. Meanwhile, I don’t really focus on his attitude; I’m focus with what he just said to me.  

“Ahjumma?!!” I shriek with a scowl in my face. I don’t believe this. His face doesn’t match with his attitude. I was just about to retort his comment when my ‘dearest’ sister jogging to me while screaming likes a freaking annoying groupie at my college.  

“Eonnie!!” I look at her while still wearing that nasty scowl I could muster. She looks taken aback by my face features but decide to ignore it. She takes her script that is in my hand and folds it while asking me where I have gone. If only she knew. 

“Eonnie, what took you so long? I really need that script or Yunho will kill me.” I choose not to answer her and focusing myself to glare at the guy in front of me who looks like bored to death and unwilling to be here. He even yawn a few times while stretching his body, making his t-shirt go up and show me his perfect six-pacts abs. Is this guy for real?! 

“Hey Jae.” I heard he greets my sister softly. Well, well, well.. He can talk nicely to other people too. But, how come he’s so rude to me. 

“Oh, hey Siwon-ah. What are you doing here? Yunho is looking for you. Aren’t you supposed to rehearsal next part with him?” Jaejoong respond to the guy, whose name is Siwon. He seems uninterested to answer Jaejoong question, but in the end, he still answer it. 

“Not interested. I mean I already get most of the part where I should act and unlike you, I don’t want to be together with that man no longer than 10 minutes.” Huh! He is such a cocky brat. I dislike this guy even more. I see that Jaejoong appears to be disagreeing with his comment and state her objection to it. 

“But you always with Yunho every day. You like to be with him.” 

“Not true. I’m close to him just because I stay in his house Jae, not because I want to. Anyhow, tell Yunho that I will not attend today’s practice. I have a date.” Jaejoong smile to his response and nod her head. What the?! Jaejoong! This guy is about to skip and you let him?! Oh, my freaking God. 

“Okay. Bye.” That guy called Siwon only walk away and waving his hand while his back facing the both of us. I turned my head to my sister and look at her still smiling and staring at the back of that guy. 



“You do realize that you’re letting him skip your rehearsal, right?!” 

“I know.” 

“So.. Is it against the rules of your club?” 

“Oh, don’t worry eonnie. Siwon is a genius in acting. No need to force him to rehearsal.” 

“Okay, if you said so. By the way, what kind of guy is that guy?” Instead of answering me, Jaejoong look at me with shock in her big doe eyes. 

“Why the sudden interest, eonnie?” 

“Nothing. Just want to know why he’s so rude to me.” 


“Who else?” 

“Well, for starter his name is Siwon. Choi Siwon to be exact. He’s two years younger than Yunho and I, that’s makes him seven years younger that you, eonnie. He’s basically a loner. He never cares about his surroundings. He’s never get close to people if he can help it. He likes to be left alone, but with his handsome face and gorgeous body of his, it’s impossible for the ladies to be away from him. He’s rude to me too when I first meet him. But, because I’m Yunho girlfriend he got closer to me. He’s living with Yunho because his parents currently out of this country for business. He’s all talk when he said he doesn’t like Yunho, when in fact he respect Yunho. Maybe it’s because Yunho is the only one Siwon could open too.” 

“Whoa, okay little sister, too much information. I get it already.” 

“I just thought you should know him a little bit more, eonnie. He’s not rude to you on purpose. He’s just like that. So don’t be mad at him okay, eonnie.” 

“Okay, fine. I won’t mad at him. Anyway, I need to go to the coffee shop. If you could make it, stop by okay. Bring Yunho if you want. Since you’re dating him, not even once you introduce him to me. If you bring him today, I’ll treat the both of you.” 

“Really eonnie?! That will be great. Okay, see you there.” She said, not forget to give me a kiss in the check. Jaejoong runs back to a building and disappear when she enter it. I sighed and went back to my car. Never mind about earlier incident with that Siwon guy. I think I would never see him again, so I’ll just pretend that I meet some crazy guy and it will pass. 

End Flashback 


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 


Oh, how wrong I was back then. Not just I see him again; I even see him every day. He’s become a regular in my coffee shop since he came with his date a week after I meet him. Since then, he always came to the coffee alone, but on Sunday; he will be with someone, and is always a different girl every time. It’s been like this for the past three month. 

In that three month, I become quite close to him, although our meeting is always consist of bickering and I always punch him in his shoulder because of his rude remark. We somehow understand each other. I know he doesn’t like noisy people and so do I. The difference is he ignores them, and when they’re persistence enough, Siwon only let them be close to him without any positive response came from him. Meanwhile, I’m more of type to go frontal. If someone messes with me, I tell them to go jump a cliff and die, so they could back off from me, as simple as that. 

Three month of bickering, teasing and talking to each other, makes me realize that something is growing in my heart. I don’t get it at first, but after I experience the longing when he’s not around me, the happiness when he’s smiling to me (yeah, he smile at me now), the giddiness when he accidentally touch me, the jealously when he brought his dates to the coffee shop (I admit I’m jealous, so what), and etcetera, I know that I already falling in love with him. I fall for him bad, which is crazy, because he’s seven years younger than me, he’s a high school student, and he’s not even my type for starter. Therefore, being the dim-witted me, I rejected him when he confesses his love for me. 

Call me foolish, call me hypocrite, call me anything, but I know he could find someone better than me. I mean, I’m not the first class lady that could complement with him in other ways. He’s a handsome young man; I’m an average looking woman. He’s popular even with his indifferent and rude attitude; I’m just the outcast with hot temper viewpoint which make my social status even worse. We’re totally opposite to each other. 

Anyhow, after the episode of him confessed to me and I rejected him, Siwon never come to the coffee shop again and that makes me really devastated. I often found myself daydream while staring at the front door of the coffee shop. Nevertheless, I don’t regret my decision to reject him, because it’s no used to think about the past. I don’t even cry because of it. However, I regret only one thing. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him. Well, I know for sure, he doesn’t want to see me again, but still, if I could, I want at least to get a closer look at him for the last time. But, it’s just a wishful thinking from my side. The reality is kicks in when I never see him again. Maybe never going to see him. One thing for sure, I will always love him and that my heart will only beats for him only. 



( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 


Notes : This FF is like two or three shot. I’m still working on the second part while managing the other FF too. So, be patient and I will update soon. 

Sankyu and peace all 



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Chapter 3: I loved this. Thanks for sharing. <3

How funny~ somehow, I can relate this fic. xD
ochyyyy #2
Ahh I lovee this :)
I lovee siwon here, he's a fighter :) and _______ one haha wonder if he is in reality

Their love is really cute

Lovee thiss :)
ochyyyy #3
Ahh I lovee this :)
I lovee siwon here, he's a fighter :) and _______ one haha wonder if he is in reality

Their love is really cute

Lovee thiss :)
cloudy_28 #4
AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH...What a sweet ending,ME like this so much. And love each other is the main ingredients to keep a relationship last?? I do agree with that. Woahhh..i just couldnt say a word,this's so good n sweet story
n4oK0_ #5
Hi amazing readers, check out my LJ ( for more updates story and new one... Have a blast people...
KcuLL22 #6
I'm in love with this story!
If only you make sequel of it, I'll be soo much happy! Puuhleaaaseee *puppy eyes*
I don't know how can I missed this lovely story ><

oh, btw what"s ur LJ?
Actually, I'm not that well with LJ it's just aff is easier to read. Why not aff?
P/s: but why don't you think when you set Yesung is seven ages years older than Siwon is too much? lol. I wish Yesung is just one year or two years older than him, lol~
You are awesome and the fic is lovely, too^^
ochyyyy #9
Poor yesung, relax sungie the girl would be you :)
Just wait for will you??

Since I'm sure the girl that jae and siwon talked on the phone is yesung, I can't wait for their meeting :D

Please update soon ^^ thankss a lot