Friend's OUTING

A Chaebol's Life


Weeks passed, Minho and Yuri got closer to each other and become great friends, they hang out every weekend with Sooyoung, Jessica, and with Minho's close friends named Jonghyun, Key, Taemin, and Onew. Sometimes they will go out to the beach, ONLY the two of them. They know their feelings for each other, but none them wants to confess it. Jessica got closer to Yuri's and Minho's close friends in school too. Jessica and Jonghyun developed special feelings for each other but they're not yet telling it to each other, Sooyoung and Key are finally official after Key confess his feelings for his bestfriend a week ago, while Onew had a fight with his girlfriend named Taeyeon. Taemin is making a move and is planning to confess his feelings for Sulli. Minho, Yuri, and their friends agreed to have fun this Saturday, they planned to go to Mall at morning and to the Amusement Park at the afternoon until evening.


(Friday at the school canteen , 2:00 pm)


  "So everythings ready, just have a nice day today and sleep early so we can prepare and leave early tomorrow..OK?" Taeyeon unnie said.

 "Ne!" Everybody answered.

Me and Yuri had an agreement that I will go to their house this afternoon to ask the permission of her parents if she can go with us tomorrow until midnight. We walk to the parking lot. While walking, we saw a couple having a sweet moment, we stopped in front of Yuri's car, and the atmosphere is very awkward but I don't know why, maybe because of that couple. We've become closer to each other lately, but everytime that we are seeing a couple being sweet to each other, we're having an awkward silence.

  "So..what now?" I finally had the guts to spoke and broke the silence.

  "I think.. we should.. go now, before it gets dark." Yuri said.

  "Y..eah, I think so too, Let's go?" I said awkwardly.

  "Ok, wait..what do you mean by let's go, you're going to ride my car, you didn't bring yours?" Yuri asked.

 "Oh..yeah, I mean you should go now, I'll follow you." I said. I went to my car and followed Yuri's car. After a few minutes we arrived in their huge mansion. They have many bodyguards. We have bodyguards too but not this much, maybe because they only have one child and it's a girl. Yuri and I got off our car and went inside. In the huge living room, we saw her parent's having a conversation with the maids. As soon as Yuri saw her parents, she greets them and hugged them. I went closer to them and her dad notice me standing there.

  "Who is he, darling?" Mr. Kwon said and he looks scary.

  "Oh..this is Minho, one of my close friends in school." Yuri said.

  "Take a sit Minho, so what brings you here?" Mrs. Kwon asked me.

  "I..." I got cut off by someone coming.."MINHO!! what are you doing here?" Jessica noona said.

  "I came here to asked the permission if Yuri can come with us tomorrow until midnight with our friends..and Sica noona is coming too!" I said.

  "Well it's ok for about you honey?" Mrs. Kwon said.

  "Hmm..I will allow you sweetheart.." Mr. Kwon told Yuri, and she smiled to her dad. "But.. you'll have to bring your bodyguards with you, OK?" Mr. Kwon continued.

  "Ok daddy." Yuri said happily.

  "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Kwon." I said.

  "Minho take good care of my daughter." Mr. Kwon said.

  "Yes I will Mr. and Mrs. Kwon, I will take good care of her." I said and look at Yuri. She smiled at me, and I like it.

Yuri walk me to where my car is. She bid goodbye to me and wave her hand before I left. It's really good to meet her parents, I hope they like me. When I got home, Sooyoung emediately went to me and asked me if I got the permission of Yuri's parents.

 "So did you get the permission of Yuri's parent's?" Sooyoung asked

 "Yes I did, so don't worry she's coming with us tomorrow." I said


(The next day at Choi's Residence, )

  "Where are they..what's taking them so long?" Sooyoung protested.

  "Just wait..your so excited,Sooyoung-ah!!" Minho got irritated.

After a few minutes, Yuri and Jessica came.

  "Hey guys, where's the others?" Yuri asked and went to hug me and Sooyoung.

  "Still not here." I replied.

  "Ohh..Ok, then we'll wait for them." Jessica said.

Yuri and I had some close friend moment, nothing much, but I want more XD. The other three girls looks bored waiting for their beloved. And thank GOD After 30 minutes of waiting, Key,Jonghyun, Taemin and Onew are finally here.

  "My goodness what took you guys so long to come here? You're not a girl to take a long time to prepare!" Taeyeon noona got a little bit mad I think.

  "It's Onew hyung's fault, he's having two minds earlier, and got us late." Jonghyun blurted out.

  "Yeah that's right and he even asked us not to come too if he's not coming." key continued Jonghyun's sentences.

  "Jonghyun! Key! you two are dead meat, I'll see you two later." Onew hyung threatened the two boys.

  "You don't want to be with Taeyeon noona today right? Because you two had a fight, if that's the reason, then don't get us involved in that." Jonghyun added.

  "Aishhh, syncha!!" Onew got mad.

  "Ok guys stop it, let's go, We better leave now, we've lost so many time already" Yuri spoke.

  "Yuri's right, we've gathered to have some fun right? Not to fight. The waiting doesn't matter to us anymore, Ok?" Jessica said, and calmed everybody. After the near fight, Sulli came and we all went to the van that we were going to ride, Yuri's guards came too to protect us. Jonghyun will be our driver today and Jessica sat at the front seat beside the driver's seat. Key and Sooyoung sat together at the back of the driver's seat, Taeyeon noona and Sulli sat together at the seat after Key and Sooyoung's, Onew and Taemin sat together at the seat after Taeyeon noona and Sulli's, then Yuri and I sat together at the very back seat of the van. When we're all ready, we went off and started the the fun, and I know I'll enjoy the whole car ride, so excited to what's gonna happen next XD.

  "Minho?" Yuri called my name very sweetly.

  "Waeyo?" I asked.

  "Want to listen music with me?" She asked.

  "Ofcourse." I said and smiled at her.

  "Here." She said while putting the other earphone on my right ear.

We listened music together and after a while, my princess fell asleep and I can see that she's uncomfortable to her position, so I placed her head on my shoulder.



While I was starting to fall asleep and is having a hard time to sleep comfortably, I suddenly felt a warm and big hand grabbed my head and placed it on his shoulders, I didn't refuse or move my head out of his shoulders because it felt good being in his muscular arms and it is really comfortable. After a while, I didn't notice that I already slept long, until something woke me up.

  "YEHEY, we're already here guys, let's have some fun." Sooyoung shouted excitedly.

  "Hmm.." I woke up and opened my eyes and saw Minho sleeping too and that I slept on his shoulder, I just realize that he's the one who owns that warm, big hand and that muscular shoulders. I got shock and took my head off of his shoulder, he suddenly woke up because of my actions.

  "Oh, you're already awake." Minho said while yawning.

  "Yeah, I just woke up too." I said.

  "We're already here?" Minho said.

  "Yeah" I said awkwardly. Minho just smiled at me. I saw the most beautiful smile in the world.

  "Come on out guys, Let's go! Let's shop first then we'll EAT later." Sooyoung said.

  "Aishh..syncha, such a shikshin." Minho whispered, when I heard it and I just laughed silently. We went inside the department store and bought some beautiful clothes. The boys got bored so we brought them to the men's section and we bought them shoes. After buying some stuffs, We went to a fancy restaurant and sat together in a really huge table that will fit us all. Everybody had a wonderful lunch, especially our dear shikshin Sooyoung. After having lunch we went to our next destination, TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK!!


(3:00 pm at The Amusement Park)

Everybody gathered to plan everything out while we are inside the park. We decided to split up with the persons we want to be with and meet at entrance at 10:00 pm. Minho, Sulli, Taemin, and Me are going to be together. Jonghyun, Jessica and Taeyeon. Key, Sooyoung and Onew. While we're looking around we saw the Ferris Wheel and it took our attention so we diceded to ride it.


(This is the Harbin Ferris Wheel in South Korea that they rode)

When its our turn to ride it, the guide said "Ma'am, Sir..only two person can ride every gondolas(the seats of the ferris wheel) just to be safe, so who's getting in first?" The guide's words made us sad because we won't be riding the same seats.

 "Oh just let this two go first, we'll wait for next empty one" I said.

 "Are you sure Unnie?" Sulli asked me

 "Yes Ofcourse, no problem, go on, Taemin's waiting for you." I replied.

 "Ok Unnie." Sulli said.

 "We'll meet you in the exit area, Ok?" I said before she go.

 "Arraso!^_^" Sulli happily replied. After a few minutes,

 "Yuri! come on, here comes the next one!" Minho said excitedly. Yuri hesitated at first but she still followed him inside.

 "Ok!....Why are you so excited Minho?" I said nervously.

 "Nothing, it's just that..This is the first time I'm riding this with you, and I feel happy with it." Minho simply replied.

 "Is that so?" I really don't know what to say, not because of what he said, it's actually because I'm scared of heights, I just want to make my friends happy and that's the reason why I rode this thing.

 "Yuri, What's wrong? Your face is so pale right now?" Minho said.

 "Actually Minho.. I'm scared.." I said and got cut off by him.

 "..of heights?" He said.

 "Yea..hh." I said.

 "Why didn't you tell me earlier, we don't need to ride this. When we got in the bottom again we're getting off this thing emediately." Minho said being worried.

 "No Minho, it's ok, no need to do that." I replied calmly.

 "But.." I cut his words.

 "No buts, it's ok, I'll get used to it later don't worry." I said to calm him.

 "Ok fine,......Come here." He said while tapping the seat beside him, he wanted me to sit closer to him so he could comfort me, I got shock and hesitated at first, but I need him right now, so I obeyed him and sat beside him. He put his arms arround me and hugged me tight. I could feel his mascular arms and chest, and that made my frightened heart calm. And finally, after five minutes we can get off this thing now. When Minho and I are in the exit area already, Sulli and Taemin are still not here yet, they're nowhere to be seen. We waited there for 15 minutes, and they're still missing so Minho and I decided to leave then he brought me to a food stand.

 "Here eat this so you'll have an extra energy later." He said.

 "Why would I need an extra energy later?" I asked curiosly.

 "Just eat. You'll see." He said smiling.

After I ate everything that is Minho giving me, he held my arm and brought me again to somewhere. We went inside the Arcade, he bought tokens and we played everything that is inside that Arcade and I enjoyed every moment of it. After playing, we went to other rides and happily rode everything.

 "Yuri, What time is it?" Minho asked.

 "It's 7:50 pm." I said while looking at my watch.

 " 7:50 pm!? Let's go eat something, it's past dinner time already!" Minho panic. Why is he panicing? He's really strict when it comes to eating time.

 "Owwwwwkaay Mr." I said.

When we're already at the Food Court, We chose the table we want and then he asked me the food I want to eat so he can order it already. When Minho is ordering our food, four guys sat on our table.

 "Excuse me.. sir, we're going to eat here, can you move into another table please.?" I asked them calmly so they won't get mad. One guy got up and walked closer to me and touched my face then I took away my face off of his hand emediately. I got shock, what are these guys want? Minho where are you? 

 "Oh..HO..HOOOW. This girl is tough, isn't she." The other guy said.

 "Get away from me." I said starting to get scared.

 "Shhh..we're not going to hurt you, just come with us, before the people suspect us." The guy who touched my face said and he touched my face again. By that time, I'm getting scared little by little. Until somebody pulled the guy who touched me.

 "Stay away from her." Minho said pulling the guy with his right hand and holding the tray of food with his left hand. Thank goodness he's already here. Minho placed the tray to the table, pulled me to his side and faced the four guys bothering me.

 "Who are you to disturb us?" The guy who touched me said, maybe his the leader.

 "I am her boyfriend, WHO ARE YOU TO BOTHER HER?"Minho said getting closer to the leader. Boyfriend? He is not, but I want him to be. But maybe he don't want to be my boyfriend, he just said that  for me to be safe.= (

 "Boyfriend? Ok we'll leave, but we're not done yet KID!." The leader threatened Minho. The four guys left, Minho and I sat down to eat.

 "Are you ok?" Minho asked. Worried again.

 "Yes." I said almost whispering.

 "Are you sure? Why are they bothering you, do you know them?" Minho asked again.

 "No, I don't know them." I said.

 "Don't trust those kind of person, ok? They just want your..." He said.

 "Let's not talk about that right now. Let's just eat." I said to stop him.

 "Ok, just forget about what happen. Don't worry I'm here with you. As long as you're with me, nobody can hurt you., Understand?" He said to comfort me.

 "Yeah, Yeah. Just eat Minho." I said.

After eating, we bought ice cream had a long walk and we talked and talked and talk, Until it's time to meet up with the others. On our way to the parking lot, we saw my personal guards from afar sleeping inside the van. And then suddenly the four guys that we encountered earlier, appeared in front of us blocking our way.

 "What do you want again?" Minho said.

 "Her!" Pointing at me. "But we need to get rid of you first." The leader said and started to form a circle around Minho.

 "YURI! RUN!" Minho shouted, I hesitated to leave him alone with them but I still obeyed him, so I run as faster as I can to ask for help. While running to our van, One of the four guys run after me, I got to the van and woke my guards up. While waking them up, the guy chasing me got me, and brought me back to where the others are. I saw Minho fighting with them hand to hand, While we're getting closer to them, Minho's attention turned to us both so one of the men hit him that made him fall to ground.

 "NOOO!! MINHO!!" I shouted worriedly. They continued beating him up.

 "Yuri, Why are you here, Why didn't you run?" Minho said crawling on the ground.

 "I did.." I said crying.

 "Give her to me!" The leader ordered the man holding me. "Now she's mine." He continued. He kissed my chic down to my neck.

 "NOOO! YURI!" Minho shouted again and stood up, but the two other men punched him, kick him and everything, He's face is now full of blood, I can't recognize him already. The leader and the other guy held my body tight and kissed me nonstop, I can't let go of them, they're too strong for me. Then suddenly I heard Sica's and the other's voice.



 "Get away from them."Jonghyun shouted and beat the other guys up, he got the help of Yuri's guards and of our other friends. Jessica went to comfort the crying Yuri. I want to be the one comforting her right now but I can't, I can't stand up anymore, I'm so tired, my whole body hurts, and I'm dizzy. After a few seconds my vision got black.



They brought Minho and Yuri to the Hospital. Yuri is perfectly fine so she decided to take care of Minho until they can go home already. She looks physically fine but inside, she's still traumatized by the happening they encountered. All of them went home at midnight and went back to the hospital the next early morning. Minho woke up that morning.



When I woke up, I saw Yuri sleeping beside my bed and held her hand and brushed her soft and smooth hair. I look around and realize that we're not in my room and we're in a hospital. Yuri woke up, she looked at me and smiled.

 "You're awake." She happily said.

 "Yeah, just now." I said and smiled at her back.

 "Ohh.. Are you hungry, you want some food?" She asked panicing.

 "No thank you, I just.. want to look at your.. face right now." I said. Yuri looked at me and got paused there. I don't know why but I want to this right now. I sat up and I sat her down the bed too, then I leaned closer to her and kissed her, I thought she's going to refuse to it, but she didn't instead she kissed me back, now we're kissing passionately.After a few seconds, she broke the kiss emediately and looked down. Maybe she realizes too that we're not suppose to be doing this because we're close friends. After a few seconds of having an awkward silence, I finally had the guts to speak.

 "I'm so sorry.. I'm not thinking first before I make a move, I'm really sorry." I said.

 "I'm sorry too." Yuri replied.

 "It's ok, you don't have to apologize, I did it first." I said.

 "But I kissed you back so.. I'm sorry too." Yuri insisted.

 "Alright, I'm sorry again, I'm really sorry." I apologize again and again. Yuri laughed and I did too.

 "Do we need to apologize the whole day?" Yuri said laughing.

 "Yeah, I think we should stop. Sorry." Minho said laughing.

 "You apologized again, stop it!!!" Yuri said a little bit loud, and that made others come inside the room greet me.

We had a beautiful day with everybody, but Yuri and I, it's still a little bit awkward between us when we're alone, we barely speak to each other. Yuri's parent's came and told me that they are grateful to what I did for her even if I got beat up. They told me to take care of their daughter when we are together. I hope Yuri and I will be back to our old relationship, where we talk to each other without that awkwardness.

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Chapter 2 is out,Hope the old viewers will read it, I can't update many chapters because I'm busy with my studies.Hope you'll still wait for the next chapters.


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myjojoz #1
Chapter 2: Love your story minyul fighting!
Chapter 1: Wow destiny ^^