Melody and Harmony in love



Jaejoong felt alone. He wore a black hooded jacket. The hood over her head covered her hot tears, that cold, dark night.
Under the light of a streetlamp, he cried standing, head bowed.
The drizzle fell on the city, and the fog clouded glass windows, it was like an ordinary man, a man for whom no one would miss, a man no one understood.
Yoochun was with wet hair, watching his friend for several minutes, feeling part of the loneliness that seemed to emanate from Jaejoong.
Even if the world turned their backs, even if other friends could not understand, even if the fans do not know the real Jaejoong, Yoochun was there to love him. Take care of him.
Without a word, he walked slowly, hugging Jaejoong from behind, whispered in his ear, "Okay, time to go home"


Yoochun said, "There is definitely something wrong with us."

Jaejoong smiled, knew that his tears had dried, he could not cry anymore. He said "I know."
The night had been long and cruel, his body ached, and his mind was tired. He sighed and took a step forward. "I keep waiting for you to tell me good news, telling me good things. I think this whole time I was an idiot, this foolish hope that keeps me fighting."
Yoochun shook his head saying "Don't you see?' That's why I love you. I'm still here, I'm still singing, and you're by my side."


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I dont know why this hasn't any comments yet, alone your description is amazing! Your choice of words made me really shiver, I could practically see the scene right in front of my eyes. And Yoochun backhugging Jaejoongie, what more could I want? ;). Well except for you to update soon and explain why Jaejoong is crying and all. I'll be patiently waiting :) *subscribe*