In a Different Light



In which Eunhyuk is a "walking perfection whose purpose of existence is to point out imperfections". Donghae's imperfections. And Donghae is an  "incredibly simple lower form of life with a brain the size of a pea", or at least that's what he thinks Eunhyuk sees him as. They've known each other for three years, having met as classmates in some courses. They'd known things about each other and yet, they're still "strangers who just happens to sit next to each other in first period Statistics."

Donghae hates everything about Eunhyuk, until a certain tardiness makes him see Eunhyuk in a different light.






Title: In a Different Light

Characters: Donghae, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Heechul, Siwon, Junsu and others to come.

Genre: AU, College fic, romance, multi-chaptered

Pairing: Eunhae

Disclaimer: Eunhae own each other. Others own themselves.

Warnings: Cursing, grammatical errors 


// Hi guise. 
// Umm. This is not the first fic I ever wrote but this is the first one I am posting for people to read.
// I'm not a good writer but I try hard to be one.
// So maybe you can expect some (?) good stuff in this.
// Okay. Don't expect. Just read and comment.
// Thanks. 
// :))



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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 2: this is getting interesting...why heechul hate eunhyuk??
please update soon
257471 #2
Chapter 2: wait how heechul going to plot eunhyuk's slow and painful death...
why he dislike eunhyuk???
Yes, my minions. Subscribe, read and comment~

Why does Heechul dislike Eunhyuk so much? The way he's reacting, it must be something personal.
Yur frwrd's so alluring, onli the description had me hooked!
Off to read the first chap. now xD
Wow, just the way it is has me like hooked. Even better with the plot! I knew it was going to be great! You are already amazing! Off to a great start! Whoo!
StormyViolet #6
I think this is great (^_^)..
Love your writing style <3
Will be waiting to read the next chapter (^_^)..

You are a great writer. It's not punctuation and grammar that makes a writer. It's the way the story flows. Cheesiness ftw~

I like the fact that they're not really friends, yet Eunhyuk has taken it upon himself to care for Donghae. It's a subtle way to show his feelings. Really, what "stranger" would write an extra set of notes for another "stranger"? I wouldn't even do that for my friends LOOL #foreveralone
Um, I don't know why bur for some reason it's been etched into my head that you are an amazing writer. I don't even know why. I think. . . wait, never mind. I don't think. At all.

I want to read it already! But I think that's selfish to say. You are probably busy. And I should really get to other things rather than blabbing in your comments section.

Thanks for letting me take up space and I shall be waiting in the deepest, darkest shadows. . .

Just kidding.