The Visitor

On The Other Side

“Why don't you use your magic to help with breakfast?”


We're in the kitchen, both still in our sleep clothes. Kibum is at the stove again, pink apron once again wrapped around the boy's front, making what I assume to be pancakes. He briefly glances back at me,

still gathering the many ingredients.


“Hm? I guess I don't because I feel it would make me lazy. We have so much technology making everyday tasks so much simpler. Sooner or later no one will do anything. What you saw this morning was more of me not being all that awake than anything. I find things done by hand are more enjoyable anyway. Besides, homemade pancakes are the best.”


I nod in understanding, though I know he can't see me from our positions.  Quietly, I get up from where I'm seated at the table to stand next to Kibum.


“Can I help then?”


Feline eyes turn to trace my form, and then he smiles, a pleasant warmth radiating from the expression. He nods and points to the pantry door, telling me to grab the extra apron. I quickly walk around him and open the door, grabbing the spring green fabric from the hook and putting it on.


In no time I'm helping him mix the ingredients, and we're laughing and joking around. One and a half cups of all-purpose flour, three and a half teaspoons of baking powder, and one teaspoon of salt are soon in a large bowl in front of the two of us. I reach for the sugar and, though Kibum had clearly said one tablespoon of white sugar, I disregard him and put in two or three. What can I say? I have a sweet tooth. I don't think he noticed anyway, as he finishes off the batter with one and a forth cups of milk regular mild, though Banana milk might have made it a hundred times better- and three tablespoons of melted butter. I got to add the egg last, and stir them up together into a nice smooth mixture.


Kibum turns on the stove top and places a large skillet on the burner. As we wait for the dark metal to heat, my companion starts to spread butter onto the pan greasing it so the food doesn’t stick. And then, came the cooking.


 At the beginning, I slightly mess up the food, not sure how much time I have to wait in between flipping, or how to flip in general, and the first two or so pancakes come out awkward. A mixture of under done and over done if that's even possible. I even ladled too much batter at one point, -a whopping full cup instead of one forth- and I have the worst time trying to turn it without the pastry falling completely apart. Luckily, with a little help from Kibum, I get the hang of it in the end. Apparently, I'm not supposed to flip the pancakes until the batter is bubbling in the center. -And I vaguely try to ignore the warm sensation that covers my hand where the other had recently placed his own, showing me how to flip the pastry without ripping it.-


The atmosphere in the kitchen is happy and welcoming, and it's one of the best feelings in my opinion. It's like we're in our own little world, away from the stress of everyday life and really, nothing could be better.


When the pancakes are done, Kibum turns off the stove and places the food on two plates for me to take to the table. I oblige, and when I sit down to wait for him, he's already putting a box of fresh strawberries and a can of whip cream on the table, as well as Banana Milk. -No meal is complete without Banana Milk.- He sits and soon we both have a liberal amount of the sweet substance piled on our plates.


Of course the food is great. Kibum seems to have an affinity for cooking, and when I mention this, his face turns a dusted pink, saying no he doesn't and that I had helped too. I just laugh and we continue to enjoy our meal together.


We're almost finished with breakfast when the noise starts. It's like a loud banging coming from the front room. Startled, we both look towards the kitchen door, as the sound gets closer and closer, and I really would have been scared if not for the annoyed look that had found its way onto my companions face.


Suddenly the kitchen door burst open, and someone...tumbles to the floor in a haphazard lump.


Kibum sighs. “Onew, really? We have a guest. You need a better entrance than that.” He  really doesn't sound all too amused, but there is a hint of teasing behind the flat toned jab.


The person on the floor looks up, a sheepish grin crossing his face as he moves to pick his body up from the hard floor. The guy kind of reminds me of a rabbit. Nervous and doe eyed. He was relatively endearing, what in his all white ensemble. White dress shirt, white jeans, white shoes. Really, the guy might as well have been a freaking angel. What with his attire and innocently pure smile.


“A-ah. I'm sorry Key. I was in a hurry and well, you know me.” The boy looked apologetic, hands reaching up to fuss with his chin length hair.


“Onew condition at its best. Or worse I suppose, seeing its effects on you.” Kibum snorted, a smile softening his face.


The lightly dressed boy shifted, nodding in agreement to Kibum’s statement, and then turning his attention to me. Tension suddenly held his posture “O-oh. Um. Hello there… I just. Old friend…and business… I.”


“He’s safe Dubu. No need to make up stories. The kid already knows part of my side anyway.”


Onew looked at me with relief and an almost childlike curiosity, tension leaving almost immediately. The Chesnutt brunet sighed in relief. “He knows. Ok. Um. Hello. I-I’m Lee Jinki. But everyone calls me Onew. It’s nice to meet you Mr…?”


I stood up from my chair and bowed slightly. “Lee Taemin. It’s nice to meet you as well Onew.”


“It’s nice to meet you Taemin.”


Kibum stood up with us. “Ok. Now that we have introductions out of the way,” He turned to look at me. “ Taemin, why don’t you go wash up and get dressed while Onew and I clean up hmm?  I need to talk with him in private anyway.”


It seemed I really didn’t have a choice in the matter, so I just nodded and finished my Banana Milk before heading up stairs. The prospect of a shower sounded amazing anyway.




I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOOORRRYYYY!!!

My only excuse is that I was typing college papers and failing math and learning Electric Shock to teach my Hip Hop class and I've been sick and so much sh## I am sorry.


This chapter started getting really long to so I've slpit it in half and the next chapter will be up shortly.


Onew is adorable.

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Rubylove00 #1
Chapter 10: Im now addicted to this story!!!!
Chapter 10: @taemin's last part

I didn't!!
I just subscribed, this story is great!! :D:D
damn this is soooooo interesting<3 I love supernatural stuff so muuch!! Can't wait for more.!~~ You're doing great with this story, keep it up ^^
I still wish I was there!!
This story is so lovely ;u; I love fAntasy stories!!
Grrrreat chapter~~ poor Taemin with his never ending embarrassing moments :D I feel sorry for him though I can't help but to find these little accidents really funny :DD Btw, I'm happy Key's umma side starts to show~ ^w^ update soon, dear~
But Key practically told tae that he's a freakin he's a ghost!!

Pride as a man be damned!! Haha I died!!
I wish I was there to laugh at Taemin!!