The Stay

On The Other Side

Moments later we're sitting in the kitchen, Kibum mulling about the space in a whimsical pink apron, cooking something or other. I sit still at the kitchen table where Kibum had told me to wait. The messenger bag I had recently had slung around my neck, now hanging from my seat. Of course I was once again awed by the design of the living space. This really isn't what I expected when I heard about the house earlier today.


The kitchen wasn't overly lavish, more a simplified modern style. The floors were some sort of light gray stone, while the walls were a soft pale blue. The far wall to the left of me, where Kibum was currently stationed, was lined with lightly colored wooden cabinets, topped with a gray-blue counter. In the center was the stove, presently covered with a steaming skillet or two. A space to the left of that was the sink, while on the right was a taller cupboard covered with a glass door. Inside of which appeared to be a multitude of glassware, all clean white and porcelain, with yellow and gold.


The wall behind me held a continuation of the counter top, where I'm guessing the pans where held underneath, what with everything my host had quickly pulled out from there when we'd arrived. On top of the counter were a few belongings; a bowl of fruit, a small yellow and white flower arrangement, some papers of undecipherable origin, and a book, also of an undecipherable origin. Behind that was a large window looking towards only god knows what as the night had finally become pitch black, clouds covering the shining autumn moon.


In front of me were two doors, one being the way in, the other leading to the pantry. The fridge was also on that particular side of the room.


I fiddled with the pale yellow table cloth and listened to the sounds of sizzling hot food on the stove top, and Kibum humming softly to himself, the tune blending with the background noise. Everything smelled amazing, and my stomach gave another whining protest. This time Kibum didn't hear due to the sounds of clinking pans and plates, and I thank the world for that. I really can't deal with any more embarrassment.


Soon Kibum finished cooking, and places two hot plates of the most perfect golden omelets I have ever seen, on the table. -No, really, they were legitimately five star worthy. This has nothing to do with how hungry I am at the moment. I swear.-


He removes his apron and takes the seat in front of me after grabbing two glasses of milk and setting them to the respective owner. Then together we enjoy the delicious food. And let me tell you, if the food looked five star quality, then it tasted a hundred times better. It was like, the perfect omelet. Reverent of the meal I was eating, I mindlessly take a sip of my drink. At that moment I look up at the boy in front of me, who is enjoying his own meal.




He looks up, eyes wide and cheek full of food, looking kind of adorable in all honesty. -Does that make me the creeper?...huh.-




Marry me.”


He chokes on the food he was trying to swallow, flailing in surprise, and quickly tries to wash it down with his own drink.


W-what?” He looks sort of amused, but undeniably confused.


This.” I point at the food. “Is the best omelet I have ever eaten. I really don't think I'll ever be able to eat any other omelet besides yours now.” I then point at the drink. “And you gave me Banana milk. Banana milk alone is enough of a reason to marry you.” My face is serious as can be, because really, I don't joke about banana milk.


Kibum looks at me oddly, possibly wondering which asylum I had secretly escaped from. And then, for what must have been the hundredth time that night, he laughed. Whole and heartily.


I just sit there, by now relatively used to the boy's reaction to most of what I do, and wait for him to stop, eating my amazing omelet all the while. Eventually he stops, wiping the tears of laughter from the corners of his cat-like eyes.


T-Taemin, Ahaha, you-you really are one strange kid, you know that.”


I just smile, continuing to drink my milk happily. I had only been kidding about the marriage thing anyway. Half way at least.




We finish the rest of the meal in good humor, jokes and conversation passing easily between the two of us, and then clean up quickly. I insist on helping with the dishes, with some resistance from Kibum, but he soon relents when I implement my 'ultimate weapon,' -AKA; The Puppy Pout- and we get finished before midnight. I move to say good bye, feeling I had overstayed my welcome, considering it really was midnight, but Kibum stops me, saying, and I quote, 'The walk is seriously too far, and with the cloud cover you won't be getting anywhere fast, if anywhere at all. Besides, you'll probably get yourself killed on those branches. They already seem to have it out for you.' End quote.


I protest, not only for him being too kind in the aspect of letting me stay the night, but also with the fact that I would NOT get myself bested by a bunch of oversized twigs. -Really. Who did he think I was?-


But Kibum won't listen, and is already taking my bag from the chair and heading towards the flight of stairs in the front hall. I follow him, protesting some more, but eventually give up. That boy was stubborn as a mule and then some.


We get upstairs and he gives me a small tour. Pointing out the bathroom to the left, his room one door down, a study to the right, and a linen closet adjacent to that. Then he's showing me my room, a door set diagonally from his.


It's a white room, with a big comfy looking bed and lightly colored room decor. There are hints of yellow, in a multitude of variations, and a few brown tones. The bed is on the right, facing the opposite wall, with hickory end tables on either side, one of which holding a gold and white colored lamp. A dresser sits underneath the windows ahead of me, a few decorative nick-knacks sat on top. On the floor lay a plush sunflower-yellow rug, and to the left stood a desk and a brown office chair.


It's really fantastic, if not a bit feminine, and I don't know what to say. I turn to Kibum, my mouth surely in prime position to catch a few flies. All he does is give me that warm smile that reminds me so much of my mother. He puts my bag on the desk and tells me that there are clothes in the dresser that I can change into, that if I need anything he's just across the hall. All I can do is close my mouth nod dumbly in response, and this elicits a chuckle or two from the other. He bids a goodnight and walks to his room. I quickly turn out the door and stutter out a thank you through the hall, he smile again and disappear behind the door to his room.


Walking back into my own designated room for the night, I take a deep breath and sigh. The clothes in the dresser are about my size, and I successfully change into a pair of gray sleep pants and a pastel green tank top. Moving to the bed, I find myself amazed at how soft it is. I practically sink into the mattress.


Closing my eyes I exhale gently, and soon I'm drifting off. Images of a time almost forgotten flutter on the back of my eyelids, a woman I miss more than anything smiling at me with a joy I barely remember. This time though, the two of us aren't alone, as a fox-like boy joins us in this perfect dream land. It's the best sleep I've had in a very, very long time.




Fun tidbit- Every room described in the story has a natural object that represents the color theme.

Living room= Trees; Browns, tans, greens

Kitchen=Forget-me-not's; Blues and yellows

Taemin's Room= Sunflowers and White roses- Yellow, brown, white.


Again, Thank you to those who subscribed and commented~ I really appreciate the feed back.



Till next time~







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Rubylove00 #1
Chapter 10: Im now addicted to this story!!!!
Chapter 10: @taemin's last part

I didn't!!
I just subscribed, this story is great!! :D:D
damn this is soooooo interesting<3 I love supernatural stuff so muuch!! Can't wait for more.!~~ You're doing great with this story, keep it up ^^
I still wish I was there!!
This story is so lovely ;u; I love fAntasy stories!!
Grrrreat chapter~~ poor Taemin with his never ending embarrassing moments :D I feel sorry for him though I can't help but to find these little accidents really funny :DD Btw, I'm happy Key's umma side starts to show~ ^w^ update soon, dear~
But Key practically told tae that he's a freakin he's a ghost!!

Pride as a man be damned!! Haha I died!!
I wish I was there to laugh at Taemin!!