❥ 1.0 : Reunion

We Got Married : The Ex-lover Couple

chapter one; reunion



{ Off-cam - IU's side }

"Can I not do this?" IU asked and glanced at her manager's skeptical face before heaving a deep sigh. "It's impossible, isn't it?" She frowned as she laid her body on the training room floor, looking dejectedly at the ceiling. 

"Lee Ji Eun. This is your career. It's about what you have to do, not want to. Stop being so hopeless and start dressing up, the first filming is in a few hours." Jung hyun lectured while pulling away his eyes from the laptop screen to the petite body on the floor. 

Sometimes, he had to admit that he completely forgot the fact that IU was just a normal 20 year olds. A 20 year olds who's, like everybdy else, following her dreams and succeeding it. But nonetheless, entering the showbiz was her choice, and complaining about the responsibilities weren't acceptable in this industry. 

"I'm just saying..." Leaning to the side, she propped her head on her left hand. "But I've never been a big fan of that show." 

"Why?" He simply asked with raised-eyebrows while tossing her a bottle of water.

Even having known her for the past years, he still noticed that she had been used to keeping distance from people; him, for example. IU wasn't the aegyo-filled type of girl, she's actually quite blunt and can be very cold at times. Most of the reasons might have regarded her childhood, but if you knew her to just that extent, you'd notice that she's always been like this. Awkward, dull and straightforward. 

To make it simple, 'Boring'. But ofcourse, IU was a completely different person in her fans' eyes. 

But because of that and the fact that people keep seeing her as 'the Nation's little sister' with an image that's so far from her trueself, it seems like she's been extending that distance even longer from the public. With lies, of course. 

"Using idol's feelings for entertainment... It's actually not that entertaining, is it?" A sarcastic smile crept across her lips, as she chuckled and shook her head. "It's like... the public have all forgotten that even Idols are human. Isn't that sad?" She laughed; not sure if it was to herself or someone else. 

Her manager faintly smiled as he got up, and walked passed her to the door, while patting her head pityingly along the way. 

"I'm going out for a bit, and you should get dress. I'll come back and pick you up." He continued, "Ah, and... Don't think too much. Know the saying? Life isn't fair." He chuckled, twisting the door knob open and left the room, leaving her deep in thoughts. 

I forgot to ask if he knew who my 'husband' would be. Ah. Meolla. She shrugged her shoulders and jumped back on her feet as she made her way to the dressing room, leaving away the tons of thoughts, locked back in her mind 'prison'. 

Fake husband, fake marriage, and perhaps, even fake love when necessary. 

Seems like, sometimes... Truth isn't all necessary, if you just knew how to turn lies into reality. 

But then, it'd be 'delusional' instead, wouldn't it? ☺


{ On-cam - IU's side }

"Is this the place?" IU muttered to herself as she hestitatingly stepped out of the van into the rather cold weather of February, following by a small group of WGM cameramen. 

Looking pretty as always with her soft and natural makeup, she was comfortably dressed in the baby pink sweater with lacy white collars, and a thick white scarf, followed by a pair of light skinny jeans and white winter fur boots.

Personally, girly looks weren't her style at all; she usually prefered a plain t-shirt with jeans and sneakers, but ofcourse, her stylists would always insist on bringing out a more refreshing side of her.

Well, it isn't her fault that she is born not-so-refreshing, is it? Tch. 

"Where did they tell you to go?" One of the cameramen asked. 

"They said I could just walk straight ahead from here and I'll know. Ah. This is so nerve-wrecking, isn't it? I'm nervous." She laughed as she rubbed her hands together for warmth and slipped them into her jean pockets. 

Hah. Nervous? Nerve-wrecking? Not all all. She was the type of person with high confidence. Well, too high, actually. And truthfully, she wasn't even a bit excited for this show. But since most of the people here seemed to 'act' that way, she might as well followed the routines

"Ah! Chahm-ssi-mahn-yo (Just a moment)." She said, as she entered the Coffee & Bakery shop they'd just passed by a moment ago. 

They walked to the counter, when the people started noticing them. 

"Omo omo! Isn't that IU!" People started whispering, mainly about the 'What-is-she-doing-here' topic.

Most likely since the news about her entering WGM hadn't been made official yet. Well, not after the first filming obviously. 

"Ah. Just a moment." She smiled as she glanced at the camera men before going back to order, being her considerate self as usual. 

"Five hot chocolates please." She smiled. 

"I-IU-ssi. Gwenchana. We're alright." The cameramen reassured, but she just waved off the matter and handed out 2 servings to the crew and held back the rest two. 

"Don't worry. I also bought one for my husband, see?" She laughed, and headed back out of the shop in a casual manner.

Sipping the hot chocolate, she continued to stroll forward...

Still not aware of who was waiting for her at the far end of the road.


As she started to notice the familiar surroundings, she halted her steps before turning to the camera. 

"Don't you think this place is familiar...?" She raised her eyebrows, took a moment to recall the memories, but starting to take steps again as nothing came to mind, unfortunately. 

The crews can only hold back their laughter for when they already knew the secrets. But one thing they didn't know was that there was also another side to the story.

Suddenly, IU stopped abruptly as she took in a sharp breath, rubbed her eyes, and felt like the world was turning their backs against her when she stood before the tall building. 

"SM...?" She glanced back to the camera crew suspiciously but only got a knowing smile instead when they all mouthed and gestured her to go on in. 

She laughed and shook her head before stepping into the building as told, while the some of the staffs stopped their work and glanced at IU in surprise. 

It recalls so much memories, that it hurts to even smile, when she could've been on the verge of tears.

"Ahnyeonghasaeyo" She lightly bowed, greeting them, before picking a random group of staff and decided to head over to them. 

"Excuse me. But do you, perhaps, know where my husband is...?" She asked and awkwardly smiled. 

"Ah neh, IU-ssi." They nodded and chuckled, before pointing at the elevator, "Please go find him in the second floor. And congratulations to your marriage~" 

"Neh~ Kamsahamnida~" She grinned and bowed again as she headed for the elevator. 

"Then my hot chocolate is at waste afterall." She jokingly said to the camera and entered the elevator.

While taking the short ride, the crew was still able to take the chance to ask her a question as scripted.

"What do you look for in a man usually, IU-ssi?" 

"Ahh... This question again?" She laughed and shook her head, "I used to like guys with nice collarbones. Well, it's not like I stopped liking them with one anymore," She paused and bursted out laughing, "But it's not really that way now. As long as I have a good impression of them, everything's fine." She went with the most neutral answer, avoiding any further questions before the elevator stopped, signaling that they've arrived on the second floor. 

"Oh? Eunhyuk oppa?! What are you doing here?" She was in a lost of words when Eunhyuk headed for her in his training outfits, his hairs dripping in sweats. 

"What do you mean, what am I doing here?" He chortled, lightly pushing her temple with his finger, "And why do you seem so surprise? Am I not good enough to be your husband?" He jokingly scolded.

"So you're my husband afterall." She smiled, and handed the hot chocolate over to him. 

Even though, she had not even once expected it to be the dancing prince, but it'd be better off this way. Plus, they're close and it wouldn't feel awkward filming in the title of 'Husband and wife'. 

But just as her mind was settled down...

"Ani. I am." A tall figure appeared behind Eunhyuk.

It was only then when she noticed him and everything went silence. 

No motions, no sounds, just him and her. Might be perfect for a scene in those soap operas. Well, it's not like her life hasn't been dramatic enough these past few months. 

Even the crew wasn't making any sounds as they stood there watching the two stood face to face, statued. 

If only... just a little bit closer had the camera caught the image, they would've seen it. 

The anger, the shock, yet the pain, and the yearnings in the both's eyes. 

And ofcourse, the hidden stories in the depth of their hearts. 


'For me you're worth the fight,

But I'm not going to fight forever.' 


All of a sudden, she felt a lump in . 

Memories flashed through her minds like an unavoidable wave. 

His short, and simple words, but of which had ended things for them mercilessly. 

The sound of the dripping rain. A drop after another, blending well with her flowing tears. 

She pulled herself back together, as she plastered a faint smile, "Oh Sehun ssi...?" 




"Neh. IU ssi." He said, with a smile. Although his cold eyes made her cringe. 

That same voice that had promised her too many things, but ended up breaking it all.

But it was too much really.

And for once, she let go of the thoughts of her career, as she reached back to pause the camera from filming. 

Turning back, she extended her hand, before landing her palm hard on his cheek. 

"...You jerk." A drop of tears rolled on her cheeks as she pulled his tall figure into her arms. 

She wasn't much of an emotional type, but when his voice called out her names, she just lost it. Yes, the same voice that used to whisper out those 3 beautiful words... The most beautiful lie she'd ever been told. 

"IU noona..." He muttered, shocked, when she only hugged him in tighter and silently cried into his shoulders. 

"Call me like you used to... Call me Ji-Eun-ah, Ji Eun-ah... like you always did, you babo."


( BGM )




Author's Notes;  ;A; I didn't feel good about this chapter. It's lacking something. But I ended up posting it anyway, because I couldn't recall what I was lacking. OTL I hope you're not too greatly disappointed by it. (I promise I'll do better next time!) Anyways. The reasons why I didn't do the captions with the MCs and the black room interviews and stuff like that like the rest of WGM fics was that I wanted to add a new feel to this. Like I said (or not), this isn't just about the two being on a show, but about their relationship BTS. (Plus, it's focusing on when they're 'filming', not when the episode is being aired) On another reason, I didn't really know what you guys wanted, so I just went with my choice. But do tell me if you want changes! Ok. I should go. This is getting long. LOL. I'll update tomorrow, hopefully. (But if I don't, go blame the k-drama/shows schedule :P) 

Comments Section; Seriously, I love all of your comments! And yes, it all motivates me to keep on writing (which is weird for someone like me who usually gives up so fast) Please keep on commenting! You don't know how much it means to me (and every authors out there, really) and I promise I'll reply to every one of them, either at the end of each chapter or on your wall. :)

@llyminny : I'm truly grateful and I hoped you like this chapter. But don't expect too much from me. I don't want to disappoint anyone of you in the future. ;A; Tbh, I'm just a rookie author. OTL Believe me, I only hope that I can finish this fic, if that's not too much. lol. But thanks. :)

@A_MooNStar : *joins in the spazz* kyahhhhh. I finally write a fic for my OTP. It's just that I felt like not many people know about this ships so I'm trying to spread the love. >O< But overall, I hoped you enjoy this fic! 

@Chel_Sea : Kyahhhhhh. Thanks so much for the love, I love you too~ *hugs* (I'm weird. LOL) Hope you enjoy the fic neh~ And comment more ^~^

@iUinspiritedangel : Awwwww ;A; Thanks! I don't think this fic deserved to be call 'awesome' yet, but nonetheless, tons of thanks!

@jieunnie199 : Hwaiting! For me and our OTP~ <3 (And thanks for the comment, I really, really, really appreciated it!)

@stayuptonight : OMO. OMO. OMO. That means they'll meet in some ways!!! *can'tcontainfeels* But nonetheless, thank you for having interests in this fic! 

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i'm almost finish with the new chapter guys.. please be patient with me >


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Chapter 2: Plz update soon
haha1234567 #2
Chapter 2: Cant waitt >_< sehuniu <3<3<3<3
Chapter 2: Hey.! ^ ^ when will you continue this story again?
Human246 #4
Chapter 2: Update soon please!!!
Chapter 3: what's? I think it'll be updated. I miss the fanfic so much. please, update soon cingu
Sounds adorable! As expected from you! :D
ForeverKpoploverr #7
Update soon! >.<
stayuptonight #8
Aw even I feel hurt ...just by reading. Ah so curious ..what happened? :(
Yay IUxExo story again :D.
i'm so happy right now, especially IUxSehun couple. hehe
update soon, uhh i can't wait :D hehe
Hello! I am a new reader and I love this fic so much! Plz update soon ^^