Pay the prize of waking up a sleeping girl

Sleeping Beauty... Or not!

Hongki’s POV:

The rest of the way she was silent. I tried to talk to her, I really did! But even though I tried to gain her attention by poking, screaming and even unplug her earphones, she still ignored me. So… I ended up talking to myself instead.

So Hongki… How’s your day so far?

Omo, where should I start?! Hm… I guess it’s best if I start from the beginning… I woke up. That’s the start you see. Then… ehm… I ate breakfast! Then went to the bus and…

My busy “mind talking” with myself got interrupted as I saw the stop where I was about to get of approach.

Sorry dude, I’ll tell you all about it later…


The sun shined when the bus stopped, so a happy Hongki jumped onto the pavement, next to the sign saying :FNC Music (Also known as my angency! ^^)   

Gaah… Freedom! Oh dear Freedom!

I stretched out my arms and pulled in a deep breath.

Hm… Maybe this day won’t get so bad anyway?

I turned my face towards the sun and closed my eyes. Wearing my big yellow jacket and with my arms still pointing out on each side, I must’ve looked like yellow, smiling windmill. How wonderful!

But a shadow grew bigger where the sun used to be, and suddenly my whole source of happiness was covered by something. I flung my eyes open, but blinded by the sun I had to close them again. All I managed to see was a mere silhouette of something in front of me.

I swear, the culprit will get no mercy!

“What are you so happy about?”

The voice came from above, as a voice from the sky.

C-could it be… and angel?! Or the flying talking rabbit with blue fluffy ears and big feet who jump on the clouds up in the sky making the noises of thunder?
Wait… does they even exist? I don’t think they do… I really need to tell Seung Hyun that. Omo, He’ll be so sad when he find out…   

My mouth shaped as and o and I tilted my head up towards the sound.

What do you want, oh voice from the sky?

I felt someone hit my head with its palm, and surprised I opened my eyes…

“What theee-eee-ee-eeeh…” I stopped in a sentence. It wasn’t an angel talking, or even one of those cool, now concluded non-existing rabbits, but no other than…

Sleeping beauty?!

“Oh, so you do talk?”

I could hear the sarcasm in her voice, but I didn’t answer since my attention where elsewhere.

Wooooaaaaaah… Sooo taaaall...

I gazed up at her with big eyes. She had an amazing height, and I’m talking about extreme extreme hights here! She must’ve been over 10 cm taller than me!

Yiash… Calm down Hongki, all girls wear those shoes nowadays. Uhm… what are they called now again? Oh yeah, High Kneels! Wait… that doesn’t sound right. No… High heals! That’s the word, high heels! In that way, they won’t get so short. *ke ke ke*

I chuckled in my head and threw a look down, which destroyed all of my self-confidents.

She’s. Wearing. CONVERSE?!?!

I raised my head, making eye-contact again. My eyes filled with horror, hers with fright.

What kind of girl are you?


A moment passed without anyone saying anything, and after a while she looked down at me with a questioning facial expression.

I faked a smile towards her and felt that I was growing smaller every second that went by.

When I didn’t say anything, she just shrugged, again rolled her eyes, and with that turning away from me, heading for the main building.

I watched her as she walked up the path. Pouting and with a sad mind I sighed.

Well… I guess life goes on.

I shrugged and was just about to take a step, when a familiar sound reached my ears.

I guess my life is calling for me!

The sounds of screaming people are approaching from behind. I put on a confident smile and turned around.

“Hi there!”

They are running!

“Make a line for autographs, please…”

They are so running!

“Thank you all for supporting me and my baaaaaaand..?”

And they are so… Running past me?!`


 With sad eyes I followed the screaming crowd as they passed me and continued running.

“Aliceee~! Aliiiiice~!”

Who the is Alice?!

My question got answered the second after, when sleeping beauty turn around, smiling.

For a moment I forgot the fact that she stole all of my so called fans, because her smile was capturing my whole mind. But then I realized what I was doing, and hurried to shook it of and a frowned at her.

Who do you think you are? Alice… I mean, what kind of name is that? Actually very beautiful... sweet and soft, like a lamb… Is that what you are? A lamb? Omo, I have discovered your secret!

With my mind busy thinking all kinds of weird stuff I continued walking towards the building. I threw a quick glance on my left as I passed them, and received a self-content smile from the so called Alice!

My expression went from sad to sulky and with folded arms and a pout I ran past them and in to the agency.


Alice’s POV

With all the screaming fans surrounding me, I felt like it was really worth something coming to Korea. I smiled back at them and happily signed autographs. In the corner of my eye, that weird guy was walking towards us. It seemed as if he was in some sort of inner conversation with himself and had a concerned and sad look on his face.

He was actually kind of sweet. If it wasn’t for the weird behavior, I might even... No, not even then...

As he passed us he gave me a look, and I put on a self-confident smile. Immediately he became sulky and ran away like a little child. Even though I felt like I was mean, I could help but to laugh.

Hey, suit yourself! You were the one waking me up from my sleep. You gotta pay the prize for your actions!   




I'm so extremely awesome! A month since I updated, and this is what I write? Omg, I'm so sorry for being a bad author. And for my lack of good humor as well... Some stuff in this chapter, well... what can I say? I'm tired and very easily amused ^^

Keep commenting and subscribing! I can't believe there's actually people out there liking this, but keep on reading if your one of them! It makes me really happy! :D

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Chapter 2: Lol I love this!! This is so funny my face hurts from smiling so much.
I hope you decide to update~~
babanga #2
Chapter 2: his tought is just cute and fdjksafj i love it!
premiummilk #3
randomly and i love this
OMG, this is so cute and funny! "they are so. . . running past me!" LOL I love his talking to himself too! "sorry dude, I'll tell you about it later" Keep up the good work!
Lamb? Wow. So random. But it's cute~ Update please!
LunaBoo #6
Ahahaha.. Hongki's thought is so cute.. and random.. Ahahaha.. Omo.. A lamb? ahaahah..<br />
<br />
Update soon!!
Alice? Lamb? ahahahaha, i <3 hongki's thoughts.
its funny. i like it.
This is very funny! His reaction are cute too! Please update soon! :]
waaaahh !!! i like it !!<br />
please please please<br />
update soon !