Chapter 2

Baby Don't Cry (Hiatus)


" Kim Soo Hyun ! Come on little kid , run a little bit faster , can you ? " The sport's teacher , Ms. Song shouted throught her megaphone . 
Soo Hyun sigh , " I am trying as fast as I can , Ms. Song ! " he replied . 
" Ah ! " I can't hold my breath again , I hate running ! 
" Soo Hyun -ah ! Wait for me .... , " I panted at him . 
He smiled at me , " Don't worry , Ae-Young . Just overtake me and I'll run a little bit faster , okay ? Just try your best ! " He told me . Wait .. 
Did I just have a deaf sickness with that ? Overtake him ? Hell ! I can't do that , because no matter how much he tried to protect me or even to take care of me , I just can't watched him being teased like that . 
" Ae - Young ah ! Please make it hurry ! Ms. Song is watching at us ! . " He said . I just can't , eventhought he flased his bright and powerful smile at me . Trying to convince me that everything's gonna be okay . 
" Hey ! Cut off ! You two , come here  ! " Ms. Song scream without her megaphone . 
Me and Soo Hyun run slowly to her . 
" What are the two of you doing ? Huh ! Are you guys a couple of what by any chance ? Duh , nevermind . As a defenition , I want the two of you ran on the track . 5 lap's times ! Ok ? I repeated again , both of you ! " 
" Ok , Ms. Song , " said me and soo Hyun together in the same time . 
" Now , class is dismissed . "
As Ms. Song headed back to school , I could heard the whole class were laughing hardly and crazily like a beggar begging for a food . They were teasing us . Hey ! It is not funny ! I can't take this anymore , this is not fun . I started to burst in tears when then Soo Hyun lifted my chin up and wiped away my tears perfectly with his thumb . 

Smooth , special . I like it ....
" Ae - Young ah ... I told you to overtake me , why don't you do it ? " He said with a soft tone . 
I just looked at him . Staring at him blankly . 
" It's okay , I told you I would take care for youu , did I ? " He ask and i nodded fastly . 
" Then , let both of us run again , we will do this together hand by hand , Okay ? I promise , if we get start this , then both of us will  end it together . " He said , beaming his killer smile . 
" let's do this together . " I smiled , as i rush holding by his hand  . 
# Enf of Flashback #
The next thing I knew when I open my wide beautiful eyes is , I was inside the hospital . The most worst place every I ever been in this un-fair world . I saw Kevin was there too , sleeping . Yes , he is my Kevin that I know . He never changed , I does missed his mother-like attitude . 
" Ae - Young , It's 03.30 AM , you should get some sleep you know , " I turned aroung and saw the maknae of U-Kiss , Don Ho . That have aby-faced boy who just got his driving license . 
" I just woke up Oppa . Why should I sleep again , huh ? You were the one who need to sleep . " I chuckled . 
" No , supposed to be Kevin hyung who were should sleep . He's taking good care of you day and night for a week by now . " He said . 
" I got black out for a week ? Wow ! Oppa are you got to e kidding me ? Thats was a long period of time . " I smiled , " Oppa , where is Kiseop and the others ? " 
" Oh yeah , they went back to the dorm a few hours ago . Say , would you mind telling oppa why you went to that horibble club ? You're brave enough to go there even thought you are still very underage , I know there might be a very strong reason for this . " He asked with a serious expression on his face . 
" Oppa . Do you believe in love first sight ? " I asked back .
" I was in love with Soo Hyun oppa for , almost far as I can remember it . It was .. Since Kevin oppa moved , I had no friends at all , so does Soo Hyun oppa came in my life with his sweet smile . From the day I knew Soo Hyun oppa until now , I coulnd't forget every second of that moment . But what do I get ? He got himself a girlfriend and I got my self a one-sided silly love . I - I just can't stand it anymore ! We were only normal friends , like the others . And i'm scared if I confess to him . He would never talked to me again or evern more worst than that ! " 
I started to cry . 
# Next Day #
" Hey ! Kevin Woo oppa ! Wake up dear ! It's 7.30 AM already ! " I screamed . 
He woke up and I find it was quiet amusing when I saw his palce face . 
" Hey ! If you ever do that again , you are done ! " He exclaimed angrily . 
" Sorry oppa , heheheh ... "  I say with a playful smile . 
" But on top of that , when did you get up ? " He asked . 
" At 03.30 AM . Don't worry , there is Dong Ho oppa accmpained me last night . " I said , " So , how did you know I was there ? " leaving a question mark on my face . 
" Some guys I know called me and said they saw you there, looking rather drunk and frustrated." He stated.
"Ohh.." I stared at him when I heard there is a knock on the door .
"Come in." Kevin said. It was Soohyun oppa and the others. I forced myself to fake a smile when I saw Soohyun oppa.
" Hey girl  ! You are awake . Glad your illness wasn't that serious , " AJ said happily . 
" Yeah , when we heard Kevin was screaming , we hurriedly come inside and saw you fainted . We thought it would be so serious , so than we brought you to the hospital . Thank God , you are okay , " Hoon explained . 
" Since you are awake , mind to telling your beloved oppa's what is the reasn that you are dringking ? " Soo Hyun beamed . 
I look at Dongho oppa who was sitting on the couch with my " What should I tell them ? " look . 
He caught my look and quickly shook his head . 
" Okay , here was the story . I was on my way to meet my bestfriend , which was also my fiirst crush . When I almost knocked the door , I suddenly overhead him talking to his girlfriend . All sweet talk all the was of the conversation and I knew I didn't have a chance to be with him . I quickly run away from the place and went out from the building , crying . I was crying for about one hour , then I decide to go to the club . " I told them . 
Dong Ho oppa stood up from the couch .
" It is just the right thing to say , Ins't it ? " He smiled , leaving the others with a question mark . 
I just smilled , then I saw Kevin with his curious face looking at me . He knew I was hidding something from him , I could read his mind . 
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Sleepy now, But this chapter's done for you guys ^^


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Chapter 15: Omg....why does it feel like Kyuhyun loves her too?
superchris2001 #2
Chapter 14: Who, who, who, who, who
lifetimeKM #3
Chapter 14: Aww. Poor youngie. :( I wonder who did she call? Hmm.
lifetimeKM #4
Chapter 13: This is going to be good. Hehe. Update please. :)
Casandra #5
Chapter 13: Are u going to make them fight. .
Casandra #6
Chapter 13: Are u going to make them fight. .
hwaiteuk #7
oh nice story!
Casandra #8
Chapter 12: Oh god why. .i really hate third person in love life. .so u know what i mean. .
Casandra #9
Chapter 9: Cute chp. .kekeke update again. . .
Casandra #10
Chapter 9: Cute chp. .kekeke update again. . .