Part IV: Luhan

Forget, Don't Forget -The Introduction


I really envy Xiumin. The reason is simple. The beautiful Byun Jae Hwa liked him. Either he was just an airhead or he was really dumb, he never saw it. How she stole little glances at him every now and then when our gang was together, and when she gave him homemade chocolate for Valentine’s Day made my body tingle with jealousy. He would never understand how painful it was to see such things. He wouldn’t know that I’ve held back so long. Boy, would he be surprised when he found out I always wished I was him.

They’re all gone now; Xiumin, Kris, Namjoo, Nana, Hebe, and Jae Hwa…

My beautiful Jae Hwa died so sadly. And everyone else just left.

My heart hurts when I think about how she had been killed. It hurts even more when I know I never told her about my feelings. It hurts the most when I remember that she never liked me, but Xiumin.

Our friendship, the seven of us, had been the most beautiful and most painful. Without even a farewell, without even waving to us, without even smiling toward us she left without a note, without a word.

It’s silly to brood over a girl for 12 long years, but I can’t help it. I really liked her, I still like her even after all this time. Jae Hwa was the center of my life. I don’t know how the others are, but I’m sure they’ve all moved on.

Hebe, who was always saddened by something, left with just a simple ‘Goodbye’. We never heard from her again.

Nana had been next in line to leave. Her job seemed to have held much more importance to her than us, her friends. During the rest of the school year none of us saw her, she didn’t come to a single class.

Back then every once in a while I would see Namjoo staring off into the distance. Her eyes were expressionless, cold, forlorn, and lost. She looked so lonely, our humble Namjoo. I would catch her looking at Nana’s empty desk and Hebe’s abandoned seat. I could only imagine how sad she must have felt, but she never showed it.

Namjoo once talked to me about how cold and empty she felt. I didn’t take her seriously. Now that I’m recalling her words I regret not listening to her well enough. She must have been struggling by herself. Humble Namjoo must have had such a depressing hard time all alone. Honestly, I have to be surprised she didn’t resort to suicide.

Did she find her way out of her miseries? Is she ok now?

Namjoo…was a pretty, smart, and respectful girl. When Jae Hwa whispered to me that Namjoo had a crush on me I had no idea what I felt then. I was confident I was a little disappointed that Jae Hwa was pushing me off to another girl so cluelessly. It felt like she had ignored my feelings even when it felt like she knew what my feelings were.

Had that been her way of pushing me off her back?

Maybe…maybe I should have done it. Then I wouldn’t be so lonely. My life wouldn’t be in the dark. If I had taken the chance to ask Namjoo out maybe I might be happier right now. There are so many possibilities that I have even the slightest headache from thinking all of this.

But I know that I am not the most unhappy. Xiumin had been dead and soulless after the news. When Jae Hwa died, when her casket had been lowered, his face stilled. I didn’t see him cry. I wondered if he ever did cry at all.    

How is he now, the Xiumin that my beautiful Jae Hwa liked so much? 

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HaeSicaistheBest #1
Chapter 7: hwaitting and no need to rush tbh enjoy writing it itd be more fun and finish at the time
uhm if its not bothering can you consider abt making kris and nana a couple in the end?
HaeSicaistheBest #2
Chapter 7: their relationship and jaehwa things are very touching and piercing my heart at the same time
how i wish nana can find them all and jaehwa told xiumin to repair their relationship
cries an ocean
all this life journey, human nature, and emotions feel so real
update soon...
Oh wow! Only you could bring out a story like this. Your description made me feel like I'm personally felt the emotion that each 6 of them must've felt that I wanted to know more about Jae Hwa who made such an impact. Feel most sorry for Nam Joo and Xiumin.

I'll be waiting for the story and lemme say this again, you're always be one of the best writer here, since I first came here and until now. Fighting ^^
cant wait!! love how you make each one of them is important to the stories..btw i have watched that anime..
I can't wait for the story! It's really captivating~ I loved learning about all of the characters! My heart really hurts for Namjoo, still... Don't rush yourself, author-nim; nothing good ever comes out of being hurried! HWAITING! :)
@Tinywings - omgosh thanks! you're such a sweetheart
i'm sure that the anime your brother told you about is the same one as i watched. i'd recommend everybody to watch it! plus it's only 11 episodes, pretty short for an anime.

lol ^^ well this one is gonna be full of crackships all over the place heh~ thanks so much for your encouragement. i really appreciate it! yes, i will certainly write more and do my best to make all my readers enjoy my stories! gosh, i just wanna hug you xD
I will certainly read this story. I'm going to start reading 'golden mary' soon, since I'm still refraining myself form reading too much, but I want to begin reading before this week ends.

I believe I heard about this anime form my little brother. He had watched an anime about a girl who died and about a group of friends that were brought together because of this (I'm not going to say anything more just in case this is the anime and the ending you want to use and I would spoil anything) but he said it was a beauty, and I had agreed with him just by listening to it. So I subscribe!

And I really want to believe that I read your stories, not because they are written about famous pairings or have biases all over the place, but because I sincerely believe your writing, your plots, your everything when it comes to writing is just beautiful :) I just wanted to say this to encourage you, which may be entirely unnecessarily, but I would like to voice it out :)

Fighting! :D I hope to comment soon again! :D
@shiningbeasts - ^^ i'm really glad to hear that!! i really like imagining what each character felt and went through heh~ now that i read that over, yes i do feel bad for Nam Joo. she was left behind :(
I'm really loving this story! I haven't really read a fanfic like this~ It's really touching and intriguing to know what's going on in each of the characters' mind. I really feel for Namjoo! ;~~~~~;
Can't wait to see which character is next! :)
@tenmachan - ^^ thanks for subscribing! you can figure things out along the way and have fun assuming things. i'll put up a little summary of everything with the last chapter

@Anne - ^^ yes i remember you telling me about that. lol. well we'll see how things really turn out for this story ^^
i miss you too!