A Little Bit of Wonderful

A Little Bit of Wonderful [ONE-SHOT]


Seungri sighed and swirled his coke around in his glass lazily.  He reached for TOP’s forgotten drink slowly, trying to make the move as inconspicuous as possible.  Not good enough.  G.D. quickly slapped his hand away.  “Hey, come on now.  You’re too young.  I don’t want a drunk minor on my hands,” he snapped, “Besides I’ve got more on my mind right now…”  He tossed his head towards a girl approaching the bar, clad in a tiny mini-dress and heels.  

Seungri chuckled at his friend and shook his head.  “Go for it,” he encouraged, a little sarcastically. Personally, he didn’t like these club nights very much.  His friends were all older than him, so they could drink.  He, on the other hand, could not. 

“Be good,” G.D. commanded before putting on a half-smile, half-smirk and taking a step towards his next target. 

Seungri turned and leaned back on his bar stool, surveying the dance floor with a slightly bored expression.  The club they were at tonight was one of Taeyang’s favorites.  The music was good, and the lighted floor was packed.  The atmosphere was dimly lit with a bunch of brightly colored, flashing lights. 

He was about to turn back around to order another drink when something caught his eye.  More like someone.

A girl was making her way across the dance floor towards the bar with another girl on her arm.  But he didn’t pay much attention to the friend.   Just her. 

She was flawless, with long dark hair that cascaded down her shoulders in luxurious waves.  Her brown eyes were framed with luscious lashes and a thin line of black eyeliner.  Her makeup was plain, except for her lips.  They were a bright red that seemed to fit her perfectly.  She was wearing a tight, black dress that hugged her curves and left one shoulder bare.  The other arm was covered in a sleeve that reached down to her wrist.  She wore simple silver jewelry and, shiny black pumps.

Seungri perked up, following her and her friend with his eyes as they ordered their drinks and sipped them.  Instead of staying to finish, they abandoned the glasses halfway through and went back out to dance as EXO-K’s “Machine” came on.  He took one last swig on his Coke and rose from his chair.  Time to make his move.

 He made his way through the throng of dancing people until he found her.  He approached her from behind and slowly s an arm around her waist.

“Hey there, y,” Seungri murmured, leaning in close to her ear.  She whipped around with a start.

“Sorry, that doesn’t work on me,” she dismissed him with firm pressure of her hand against his chest.

He refused to be pushed away.  “What does work on you, then?” he pressed, still moving closer as they danced.

She ran her eyes up and down his body, blatantly checking him out, which surprised him.  If she truly wasn’t interested in him, she wouldn’t be curious.  Her response made him raise an eyebrow.  “I like the younger guys,” she replied easily, giving him a sideways glance.

He smirked, and leaned into her ear again.  “Oh, so noona turns you on?” he purred, feeling his lips brush her skin. 

She stepped back, widening the gap, and shot him a look.  “Not when you say it,” she tossed over her shoulder as she spun on her heel and began to walk away. 

Seungri’s jaw dropped and he froze on the dance floor, watching her retreating figure with a shocked expression.  What had just happened?  He wasn’t used to getting rejected like that.  Now that he thought about it, he wasn’t used to getting rejected at all!

No way was he letting this girl go without a fight. 

He followed her quickly, pushing through the floor to take the seat next to her at the bar.  “You’re spicy!  I was craving some salsa tonight.  Why don’t you see what I can do?”

She turned slowly, raking her hair through her fingers and flipping it to the side.  “Sorry, not interested.  I’m tired,” she told him flippantly, resting her chin on her hand delicately, facing away from him again.

“What?  Come on now.  You’re hot, I’m hot.  We make sparks,” he pressed.

She rolled her eyes.  “Go make flames with someone else.”   He moved to put his arm around her, but she saw it and grabbed his wrist.  “Think again, buddy,” she snapped, “I don’t go for that whole ‘bad boy’ stuff.”

A little taken aback, but not willing to show it, Seungri decided to press his luck.  “Oh right.  You’re one of those ‘noona’ girls.  We could try it out.”

She turned again, moving so her entire body was facing him.  She looked him straight in the eyes and said forcefully, “Alright look.  I don’t know who you are or what ‘game’ you think you’ve got, but I am not interested.   If you think I am going to let some smooth talker like you even step to me, you’ve got another thing coming.  Got it?  So unless you’re going to undergo a total personality change in the next three seconds, get out of my sight.”  With that hanging in the air, she gave him a fake smile and titled her head to the side, waiting to see what he was going to do.

Currently, his brain was working overtime to think of what to say.  Finally, he decided to drop the act.  This girl turned heads, and his was one of them.   He had always wanted a challenge, and now he had found it.  Maybe a little of gentlemanly charm was just the touch he needed.   “Okay…well how about I buy you a drink?”

The girl looked him up and down again, seeming a little startled that he had stayed.  Then she shrugged.  “Sure, why not?” she decided.

“Great,” he said, waving the bartender over.   When the man arrived, Seungri asked for another Coke.  To his surprise, she ordered a Shirley Temple.  She must be younger than he thought!  “No alcohol for you?” he asked carefully.

Thankfully, she simply smiled.  “Nope.  I’m only nineteen,” she replied, “What about you?”

“Same here.”   The bartender delivered their drinks, and Seungri didn’t drink it, just stirred it with a straw leisurely.  “So…can I ask your name?” Seungri tried.

She paused, biting her lip as if it was a huge, important decision.  After a pregnant pause, she took a sip from her Shirley Temple and told him, “I guess… My name’s Chae Rin.”

“Nice to meet you Chae Rin,” Seungri said, politely sticking his hand out for her to shake. 

She giggled and took his hand.  Her skin was soft against his. 

“Now you have me at a disadvantage.  You know my name, but I don’t know yours!” she exclaimed as she picked up her drink again. 

Now it was Seungri’s turn to chuckle.  She was warming up to him.  This was a better start than last time.  “Oh, how rude of me!” he gasped in dramatic horror, earning another musical laugh from Chae Rin.  “I’m Seungri,” he informed her with a smile.

She returned the grin, and he felt his heart jump at the sight.  She was beautiful. 

“Well, Seungri,” she started, “Am I looking at the real you?  Or are you still that jerk from the dance floor?”

He chuckled dryly through closed eyes.  He felt a slight heat in his cheeks, and he pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger in embarrassment.   “Wow, am I really that bad?” was all he could manage.

She threw her head back in laughter.  “Yes,” she gasped.  He must have shown his disappointment, because she backtracked quickly.  “I mean, it was smooth, but- as I said- that stuff doesn’t work on me.  Too many experiences with bad boys to know they’re not the type for me.”

He nodded in understanding.  “I know what you mean.  I get those moves from my friends, and they’re all older,” he admitted, “And they’re kind of jerks anyway.  At least, when it comes to women.”

She rested a hand lightly on his arm, making his skin tingle from the touch.  “Now you know not to take girl advice from your friends.  By any chance, does one of them have blue hair?”

Seungri raised an eyebrow at her.  “Yeah, actually.  That’d be TOP.  How’d you know that?” he asked, now a little suspicious and surprised.  This girl just kept throwing him curveballs.

“He tried to hit on me earlier,” she sighed, “It was right before you came up actually.  Which is why I might have been a little harsh on you…”

“A little?” he repeated, rolling his head to look her in the eyes. 

“Okay, maybe more than a little,” she conceded, “But you deserved it.”  She smirked and- keeping their eye contact- raised her glass to her lips.

Seungri sighed and leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms out behind his head.  But before he could put his arm on the back of her chair, she stood up suddenly. “Oh my gosh!  Is it really that late?” she cried, looking at the clock hanging above the bar.  

“Why?  Do you need to leave?” Seungri asked, a little crestfallen at her sudden departure. 

“Yes I do!  I have school tomorrow!” she explained hurriedly as she moved away.  “Bye Seungri!  It was nice meeting you!” she called as she dashed towards the exit.  

Once again, Seungri was left alone with a totally astonished expression on his face.  And once again, he found himself asking, “What the heck just happened?” 

He looked over to where she had sat just seconds earlier and realized that she had left something.  He reached over to pick it up and saw that it was a small silver clutch.  He held it in his hand, staring at it, deep in thought. 

He sighed.  Now, he’d have to go find her friend and hand it over, and chances were he’d never see Chae Rin again.

All of the sudden, he had a wonderful idea.  He didn’t want to be the guy who just let the girl of their dreams run away from them.  He was going to follow her.   He got this feeling that if he didn’t, it would be the biggest mistake of his life.

With that in mind, he set out to find the girl who had been with Chae Rin earlier.  He finally found her, dancing- ironically- with his friend Daesung.  He squeezed in next to the couple, knowing full well the speech he’d get from Daesung after this interference.  He didn’t care; it was worth it.  “Hey…” he began awkwardly, ignoring the daggers Daesung’s eyes were shooting at him, “Your Chae Rin’s friend, right?”

She curled her lip and responded, “Yeah.  Do I know you?”

“No,” Seungri replied quickly, “But that’s not the point.  I need to know where Chae Rin was going after this.  She left her purse here, and I want to give it to her.”

Her face shifted into a more pleasant expression.  “Aww, that’s kind of cute!  But weird at the same time.  How do I know you’re not some stalker?”

Seungri sighed in annoyance.  As it turned out, Daesung was just as annoyed. He must have wanted Seungri out of his way, because he burst out, “This guy’s my friend.  He’s good; I can vouch for him.”

The girl narrowed her eyes at Seungri, but when she saw Daesung’s expression, she caved.  “Fine.  But if he’s some serial killer, I’m coming after you,” she gave in, “I’ll write down her address.”  She moved to the wall and grabbed a napkin off a random table and a pen from the purse hooked around her wrist.   She scribbled down some numbers and a street name.  When she finished, the girl handed it to Seungri.  “That’s her apartment number,” she informed him, pointing to the first number. 

“Thank you so much,” Seungri gushed, giving Daesung an apologetic look as he ran to the door.  At the curb, he hailed a taxi and gave the address to the driver.  “Take me there,” he ordered.  Ten anxious minutes later, the taxi pulled up in front of a dark apartment building.  After paying the driver, he hopped out of the cab and jogged towards the door. 

It was an older building, so he didn’t need to be buzzed in by a tenant.  He checked the apartment number one more time before starting to run up four flights of stairs to reach her floor.  When he reached the top, he doubled over, hands on his knees, gasping.  Maybe he wasn’t as fit as he thought.

But that didn’t matter right now.  Actually, nothing did. The one thing on his mind was apartment 4C and the girl behind that door. 

He spotted the gold plate above the door and knocked twice.  He waited in eager suspense, praying she had actually come home.  Praying this was actually her address.  As the seconds ticked by, he began to doubt.   What if she was going to meet another guy?  What if they were both in there right now? 

His thoughts came to a sudden, squeaking halt as the door slid inward, revealing her face. 

“Seungri?” she managed to stutter, surprise and confusion evident in her eyes.

“You forgot this,” he stammered, feeling a flush come to his cheeks.  He didn’t usually stalk girls.  Only the really important ones.  And this was a really important one.

To his total and complete relief, she laughed.  “Oh my gosh- I didn’t even realize!”  After a pause, a stray thought came into her head, and she voiced it timidly.  “You know, this is like Cinderella! Except that this time the dumb prince didn’t let her get away!”

He broke into a sincere grin.  “Am I the dumb prince in this scenario?”

Chae Rin leaned in the doorway casually, looking down bashfully at the clutch in her hands.  “Well, in this case, he’s not a totally stupid prince.”

“Because he came after his Cinderella,” Seungri finished for her, and he unconsciously took a step closer.  Their gazes met and locked, and he realized just how close they were. 

“Yeah, I guess he did,” Chae Rin whispered, her voice trailing off into silence as Seungri reached over to take her hand in his. 

He mentally prepared himself for what he was going to say next.  “Chae Rin, I know we just met, and I know we don’t really know each other, but I feel like you’re special.  And I would really, really love it if I could see you again,” he confessed.

Without hesitating, she smiled and leaned in to peck him on the cheek.  Before the door closed, she murmured, “Anything for my prince.” 

Seungri stood in the hallway for several seconds with a huge, silly grin on his face.  He felt something in his hand, and he looked down, spreading his fingers.   In his palm was a crumpled piece of paper.  She must have slipped it in while he was distracted by her face.  Or her eyes.  Or her lips.

He unfolded it, his curiosity getting the best of him.  It was the seven digits he had been craving.  He enclosed it in a tight fist.  He wouldn’t lose this.  Seungri wore his victorious smile all the way home. 

He knew one thing for sure; love sure was not a fairytale.  It wasn’t flawless.  It didn’t always have a “happily ever after”. 

But he also knew that he didn’t want it to be like all the stories.

He wanted it to be his story. 

Right now, at that moment, with her number in his grasp, another date on the way, and her kiss still warm on his cheek, Seungri knew that everything…was just as it should be. 

It was right.



Author's Note:  How did you like it??  I hope it was good, 'cause I thought it was pretty cute and fun to write!  Just so you all know, this is actually my entry in a one-shot contest! :) So, to show support for me and my entry, please please PLEASE subscribe and/or comment to support! I would be SOOOO thankful!!  Thank you to everyone who read!! <3  P.S.  Check out some of my other one-shots, and I am currently taking requests!! 

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fantasticbabyx #1
Oh my I loved this. Great story! :)
bgreenwivy #2
Oh my gosh this was adorable.
LiahFaile #3
I once heard on a radio that where Misa from Death Note had these eyes that could see people's names and times of death, Seungri had these shinigami eyes that can see girl's phone numbers.
I really enjoyed this one shot! You should definitely write more and do whatever you want with it. There's great details, and a great plot.
Nathy_ChunJi #4
Loved the one-shot
Great story! I totally love Ririn couple! The way you described her was hella y. >.< I also hoped that her friend was Minzy and there was a little Daemin moment in your story ^.^