CEO Decided That .

My Appa is better than yours .


Yesterday was the day Sungwoo and Daemin were fighting and today .. was the day the CEO decided that INFINITE were to comeback .
He sent an email to all seven saying ,
The awesome 7 scorpions . Its been a long time since I put you guys aside for hiatus and then .. I have decided that I will bring back my 7 children with a new song . Get to your old practice rooom and we'll start tomorrow at 5pm . I missed training you guys . See you soon.
Thank me one day .
CEO ."
Everybody's reaction was pratically the same . They were wild and crazy and insane . Just like the 7 scorpions . They had missed each other .
At 5pm , the entire group was there . They had lost contact with each other and they finally met . It turns out that .. No one got married or got a girlfriend except for Sungyeol and Woohyun .
"I have a 5 year old kid . I'll take him here tomorrow to meet you guys ." Woohyun decided that Daemin should meet them .
"Me too ! I shall take my little boy here !" Sungyeol was thinking the same .
"I can't believe that the choding got a son . How pathetic " Sunggyu was obviously jealous . 
"I got a dog ? " Innocent Dongwoo spoke .
The rest laughed . They missed each other and spend 2 hours talking and catching up with one another .
By 7 pm , they had to learn their new dance . It was hard , tiring just like old times . 
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