Chapter 2

I'm In A Boyband

"How am I in a boyband?,"Misun asked again.

"Omg Sunny you signed the stupid document deal with it,"Lilly said.

"But-,"Misun was cut off by Mark who shoved a sandwich in .

"Grr Mark what was that for?,"Misun asked mad.

"You were talking so much,"Mark said as it was nothing.

Sunny Kim to the Principal's office

"Ohh Sunny's introuble,"Lilly said earning a smack from Misun.

"Hey~"Lilly said while pouting.

Misun shrugged her shoulders and left for the office.

"Hello Ms.Kim you are being picked up by some of your co-workers since they just had a concert and are leaving to Seoul,"Mr.Woodward said.

"Uh okay bye~ Wait I'm no longer in this school huh?,"Misun said.

"No Ms you are now a member of SHINee bye and have fun,"Mr.Woodward said and pushed her out the door.

Misun couldn't believe this and started walking outside to wait.

"Misun-ssi?,"A voice asked.

Misun turned around and saw Super Junior's Leeteuk and Sungmin talking to her.

"Ne?"Misun asked.

They smiled than spoke "Annyeong Sungmin-imnida and Leeteuk-imnida," and bowed.

"Annyeong Kim Misun-imnida,"Misun said while bowing too.

"SUNNY!!!"Lilly yelled.

Misun turned around and was tackled to the ground by her.

"OMG it's Leeteuk and Sungmin,"Lilly said.

"Your heavy get off,"Misun whined.

"Aniyo,"Lilly said in korean.

"Yah Unnie get off,"Misun pouted.

"Than do aeygo,"Lilly said.

"aniyo you can stay and we'll miss our flight."Misun said.

"Do it,"Mark said.

"Aniyo,"Misun said.

Lilly grabbed Misun's arms and Mark grabbed her legs picking her up.

"Misun-ssi do you need any help?,"Sungmin asked.

"Aniyo I got this,"Misun replied.

"Unnie~ Oppa~ let me go pwese,"Misun said in a aeygo voice.

"Kyaaa okay,"Lilly and Mark said they let her go and she fell on the floor withna thud.

"Gee thanks,"Misun said.

"Gee gee baby baby~"Mark and Lilly said.

"Bye dudes see ya when I see ya"Misun said and left running with Leeteuk and Sungmin trailing behind her.

I'M SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I was caught up in school

Please accept my apology *does aeygo*

Here not much but I updated.

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My best friends sister is going to hilltop high thats why i choose that school


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 9: Omg loved te update
Update soon
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 8: Shinee how dare you say That girls kan be just as good as boys !!!!! But still love the story update soon
Chapter 8: Hell yeah!! Exo is in the buildiiiiing~^^
love_rivals82 #4
Chapter 6: Wow just wow o.O i love your story :) update soon :)
Chapter 4: I like it it too flat?;______; fighting author ssi!
love_rivals82 #6
Chapter 4: I like the plot when I first saw it...the story is good too :D

Update soon :3