A Surprise in Class...

My Bestfriend's Crush has Fallen for Me?!

[Dongwoo's POV]

I was eating lunch with Infinite and a bunch of girls were crowding around our table until something caught my eye. There was this one girl eating alone in the back. I felt pity for her so i stood up and walked towards her table. She looked up at me surprised. "Annyeong! What are you doing here alone?",I asked. She didn't answer for a while but eventually replied, "Uhh..uhh..I'm just eating" "Hahahaha I know but why are you eating alone?",I asked curiously. She didn't answer for a while...

[Ji An's POV]

"Hahahaha I know but why are you eating alone?",Dongwoo oppa asked. I didn't know what to say so I just kept silent. I felt like girls around me were giving me death glares.Suddenly out of the blue, he quickly grabbed my wrist, holding my lunch tray on the other hand, and took me to Infinite's table. Infinite was staring at me,smiling,except for L who was just laying his head on the table. It was really awkward until Woohyun oppa asked,"Dongwoo, who is this pretty lady?" Eww greassyyy..."Go ahead and introduce yourself.",Dongwoo oppa said. "Uhh..uhh..Annyeong. I'm Ji An..Lee Ji An",I said nervously. "Annyeong! Come here and sit.",Sungyu oppa said while tapping on the seat between Dongwoo and L. I awkwardly walked to the seat next to them. "So...are you a fan of us noona?",Sungjong asked breaking the silence. "Umm..not really..I guess..",I said. Everyone's eyed widened. "Mwo?!!",everyone chorused. I was surprised at their reaction.

[Myungsoo's POV]

I was shocked on hearing her answer. How can someone not like us? We're handsome, talented, oh and did I mention HANDSOME? I guess she really isn't like the other girls. For some reason a small smile formed on my face. Then Dongwoo wrapped his arms around her shoulder and said,"Well, you'll eventually end up liking us Ji An." My smile then turned into a frown. For some reason,I didn't really like it when Dongwoo put his arms against her like that.

[Ji An's POV]

It was really uncomfortable when Dongwoo oppa put his arms around my shoulder so I slightly just pushed away. I felt like the more I got closer to him, the more death glares would be thrown at me.

[Ha Na's POV]

My friends and I were looking at Infinite and seeing what they were doing until I saw Ji An in between my dear Myungsoo oppa and Dongwoo oppa. Seeing Ji An near them kind of made me jealous so I got up and walked to their table.

[Myungsoo's POV]

I kept taking quick glances at Ji An until I saw someone standing near our table. "Omo! Ji An! What are you doing here? I was looking for you!",Ha Na said. Ji An looked surprised. "Who are you?",Hoya asked. "Oh I'm Ji An's BFF,Park Ha Na!",she replied. "Oh well then you should join us too!",Dongwoo said happily."Really!Gomawo oppa!",she said in joy. I could tell Ji An didn't really want her to.  Ha Na grabbed Ji An and forced her to sit next to Sungyeol so she could sit next to me.She kept trying to get my attention but my eyes couldn't leave Ji An.

[Ji An's POV]

Ha Na was just using me at the moment so she could get closer with L. She would never say I was her BFF. I was a bit annoyed and so was L ,because Ha Na was trying really hard to get his attention. "Oppa! What's your favorite color? What do you like to eat? What do you do when your bored? What's your ideal type of girl?! Oppa~answer me!",she asked annoyingly. He never answered and for some reason he kept looking at me once every while. Ding!Dong!Deng!Dong!Dingdongdengdong! Finally we got to go back to class, it seemed like we were at lunch forever! When everybody settled in their seats, the teacher came in. "Class,I'd like to introduce our new classmates! Please welcome Jang Dongwoo and Kim Myungsoo!",he said. My jaw dropped.


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Iriyaana #1
Chapter 3: Hey! Author nim whr are u? I am missing you. Pls pls pls update soon. I had already read this story 3 times its my 4th times now. Pls update. I want this story to end. Preety pls.T_T
Chapter 3: Please update~
Kpoplover_621 #3
Chapter 3: Wow update soon!!!! New reader here!!! I love the story so far!!!
Myungsooforeva81 #4
Update sOon ~
Haha thanks!
Thank you!!!! You were actually my first subbie! I really appreciate it!
Wow this is a really good story so far. Nice :D
Haha thank you!