Everything Past The Name | underconstruction

From Nothing to Something -- story plots; free to take


STATUS: alone

Title: Everything Past The Name

     She only knew my name. Nothing more, nothing less. But, I knew everything about her. Every little thing.

     he stalks her thinking she knows nothing, but really, she's stalking him... but it's not him .. it's another him. The "him" stalking her is a clone of the real "him", she's stalking the REAL "him".  The real "him's" name is (insert name).  

     Zico + female 

     sad [angst] , romance.

     So I changed this one up a bit. I would write this in two character's POV, the fake "him" and the female. I don't think the real "him" would have to be written in here, it might become messy. But you write it (:
** if you use a kpop idol, I see Zico from Block B .. I don't know why though..


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Chapter 1: Can i adopt Blinded with Regrets? ^^
I've been thinking of adopting "Everything Past The Name" but...idk. I'm so busy with school that I can't even keep up with my own fanfics. ;;
Chapter 4: Hai~ Can I adopt Hidden Eyes of Life?
xxPokeleeXX #4
Chapter 7: Can I adopt plot 6??? Its really interesting ^^
Chapter 10: Can i adopt plot 7? it looks like it'd be a good one
ethereals #6
Chapter 14: Your plots sound nice ^^
Especially the HunHan one, the others are a biit confusing for me (like for example the stalker one). But I will subscribe anyways because I like these plot-shops (do you call them like that?) ^^
your story plots are really good.
but im probably too lazy to write the story if i adopted one. OTL.
You're plots are really unique! :) And thank you for making one^^ I hope someone adopts it, so that I can read it! HAHAHAHA! :))
Chapter 13: Gah, I really like this concept!
But when I think of the details, it gets so confusing! >.<
Aish, I really want to write this story.
I can see it in my mind!
Chapter 12: this plot is reaaally beautiful ;u;