Flirting Buddies

From Nothing to Something -- story plots; free to take


STATUS: alone
TITLE: Flirting Buddies

     Luhan was just an average boy who wanted to become someone everyone knew. No, not as big as being president. No, not to down low like a police officer. No, not as daring as a solider. He wanted to be a professional Flirting Buddie. 

    After many, many countless failures, no one wanted a Professional Flirting Buddie, no, they just wanted a normal guy. Luhan was about to give up when he sees Sehun. Oh, he was perfect. The shape of his face was beautiful, his eyes, amazing, his lips, smooth. He decides that Sehun, will be the man he flirts with.

    After following Sehun for what seems like years, Luhan notices him going into the SM Entertainment building. Curious, he follows Sehun to see what he's up to. Oh! They're holding auditions, and Sehun is trying out. Seeing this oppurtunity Luhan, too, tries out.

    It's been years since the trainee days, and Luhan is finally debuting. No, not solo. No, no, not as a duet. But as a six member group called Exo M. A sub group of EXO. Luhan only knows that his groups is Chinese and that the other group consists of Koreans. With all this debut talk and everything, it's been long since he's seen or even though about Sehun.

    The day has come where Exo M and Exo K will meet together for the very first time to practice together. Luhan was excited, he was going to meet Koreans, would they be nice? Would they be able to communicate? Busy in his thoughts, he didn't notice Exo K walking into the practice room. Lay nudged him saying, "Luhan, greet them."

     Luhan looked up, surprised and looked over to Exo K, when he laid eyes on Sehun, who was smiling so brightly, it was like an angel's cry. Stunned, and unable to talk, Luhan just stood there. 

That's him. That's Sehun. Luhan thought.

Fate has brought us back together. 




     It's been already one year since their debut, and everyone's comfortable around everyone. The fans have even made the HunHan couple. Luhan didn't mind though, he liked it. He's gotten very close with Sehun and he was happy that they could play and flirt together without Sehun even knowing it. But when Exo M and Exo K aren't together, Sehun is all over the other members. Outragged, Luhan is determinded to claim Sehun to be his one and only lover, and flirting buddie!


     So, I think the background would be the first part I typed up there (?) LOL . I know this one was long, soorrrrryyyyyyy ! 

     luhan + sehun


     I'm currently into the HunHan couple, although I'm not sure I ship it. I don't ship couples actually. So it's rare to see me ship couples. Anyways, this is for the heck of it, since I'm trying to find a good plot for myself to write (: I know this one was a little long, but it's background + plot I guess . I might take this one if I can't think of any romcoms.


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Chapter 1: Can i adopt Blinded with Regrets? ^^
I've been thinking of adopting "Everything Past The Name" but...idk. I'm so busy with school that I can't even keep up with my own fanfics. ;;
Chapter 4: Hai~ Can I adopt Hidden Eyes of Life?
xxPokeleeXX #4
Chapter 7: Can I adopt plot 6??? Its really interesting ^^
Chapter 10: Can i adopt plot 7? it looks like it'd be a good one
ethereals #6
Chapter 14: Your plots sound nice ^^
Especially the HunHan one, the others are a biit confusing for me (like for example the stalker one). But I will subscribe anyways because I like these plot-shops (do you call them like that?) ^^
your story plots are really good.
but im probably too lazy to write the story if i adopted one. OTL.
You're plots are really unique! :) And thank you for making one^^ I hope someone adopts it, so that I can read it! HAHAHAHA! :))
Chapter 13: Gah, I really like this concept!
But when I think of the details, it gets so confusing! >.<
Aish, I really want to write this story.
I can see it in my mind!
Chapter 12: this plot is reaaally beautiful ;u;