Our Memories will never die

Memories Of Nobody

I can feel pain from the backside of my head, it hurts so much that I just want to tear my head off.

I heard Minwoo calling me, shouting my name from afar, I did my best to stay conscious as I bear the pain from my head, I saw him breaking through a hurdle of goons, and he yanked them away, while he kicked the others that tried to stop him.

My legs felt so weak as I try to shorten the distance between him and me, but unfortunately I felt someone’s presence behind me, I turned my head, scared when I saw the leader of the gang holding a baseball bat, his eyes are full of rage, face full of wounds and clothes which are tainted with dark red color of blood, he ran his fingers through his head as he come closer to me.

I fell from my position, a smirk showed in his face, a smirk which holds thousands of menacing thoughts which I would never like to know, terrifying is what I felt when he stand in front of me, “You know you’re beautiful, but ... you’re unfortunate to be that damn’s girlfriend.” He once again smirked at me, I tried to crawl away but he grabbed my foot and land a swift kick right on my stomach, extreme pain is what I felt afterwards, I tried to shout at Minwoo’s name asking for help, but for some reason, I can’t shout nor talk, i turned to him but I found him surrounded by guys that wield knives and other deadly weapon, I can see at his face that he’s worried for me because he kept on looking at me even though he is also in a dire position.

The leader of the gang shouted at me, asking for my attention, but at that time I can’t move, the result of him kicking me is starting to take its toll on me, he once again shouted because of frustration, a petrifying shout can be heard from him, he started to walk closer to me, he hit me with his baseball bat directly at my head, making me black out, but before I totally lost my consciousness, I heard TK shouted my name, after that, I don’t know what happened anymore.


The smell of medicine woke me up, I stared at the white ceilings of an unfamiliar room, I shifted my gaze from the ceilings to the things around me, I saw a table with a basket of fruits, a also saw my mother coming out from the bathroom.


“Umma ... “ I softly said as I can still feel the pain from my head.

Mother looks so worried as she almost ran towards me, she sat on the chair beside me and started to rub my hand, “Are you okay, tell me, is there something wrong?” She asked me, I gave her a nod to tell her that I’m okay, a smile form in her weary face.

“What happened? Why am I here?” It is now my turn to ask her, i can’t recall what happened exactly before I woke up this day, I only know that fact that I am hurt and that’s why I’m in a hospital.

“You were on a date with Minwoo, when a group of gangster from other school surrounded both of you.” She sound so depressed again, but as my mother explain everything for me, there’s a certain thing that kept on bugging me.

“Umma ... who is this Minwoo you’re talking about?” I asked her without thinking twice, for a minute she looked so surprised and looked at me with a confused look.

“You don’t know who Lee Minwoo is?” My mother covered with both of her hands.

“Neh... seriously, who is this Minwoo we’re talking about?” I repeated my question for her, she shook his head first before calling someone from her phone.

Their conversation went on for two whole minutes, I heard my mother say things like “She’s awake now” “You better come here now” “She doesn’t remember you!” to the other line, I knew that she’s talking to the Minwoo guy right now, because of what she said earlier, I am just staring at my mother as she pushed the end button of her phone and put it back to her pocket.

“He’ll be here, he will explain everything for you” She stood up and went outside, I let out a sigh after she left me.


An hour later, my mother and a tall man came inside, I looked at both of them with a confused look, making them look at each other.

“Uhhh” I voiced out, my mother faked a cough, “He is Minwoo, your boyfriend.” I laughed at my mother’s statement, me having a boyfriend which I don’t have  any memories spending time with him.

“That’s funny, no seriously Umma who is he?” I asked her once again, now serious and expecting a different answer from her, but sadly the response is still the same.

I stared at the empty space blankly, my mother sighed and excuse herself so that we can both talk, me and my so-called boyfriend.

“So .. how are you?” The guy called Minwoo asked, he has a very solid voice, strong yet soothing, manly but also has a tint of caring with it.

“I’m good, I just forgot everything about you, that’s all” I didn’t mean to be cold like that, but I’m already frustrated about him and all this nonsense.

“First of all, I’m Lee Minwoo, your boyfriend.” He introduced himself at me, but I only stare at him and nothing more.

“We’re already 9 months together, we often fight, but we don’t let the day end without apologizing at each other.” He continued, sincerity is overflowing from his words, I can feel the love but my mind kept on blocking it, it is because of the memory that is blurry.

Two weeks have already passed, at last my Doctor gave us a sign that we can go home now, my mother went home first, because she have to clean the stuff from my room, so I am alone in the hospital room packing all my things when the door swing open revealing a smiling Minwoo from the outside.

“Your mother told me that you can now go home” Minwoo walked and stayed beside me as I continue to pack all my things inside my bag.

He then started grabbing my clothes and shoving it inside my bag, I looked at him, but he only smiled at me making my heart waver once again.

5 months have already passed since the day where I met my ‘boyfriend’, I can’t still remember him, but he always tell me stories about us, the times where we act like a fool at the park, or the times where I taught him for exams, or the times where I spend the time with the whole Cclown group; his friends.

One night, I feel pain once again surging in my head, I wanted to shout at the pain but I restrained myself for doing it because I might wake up my mother, so I just shove myself on my bed and covered my face with a pillow, images flashed inside my mind, images of Minwoo and me, so it’s true, he is telling the truth, my memories finally came back, I finally remembered him, I cried because of joy.

The next day, Minwoo once again visit me, he came with a flower and chocolate hidden behind his back.

“For you.” He said as he gave me the flower and chocolate, I blush at his actions, I can’t believe that the almight Minwoo is now courting me once again.

“Thanks, come in.” I said as I open the door wide enough for him to enter.

“So, do you remember me now?” He asked again, I bit my lips trying to keep me from telling him the truth, I decided that I will tell him that I already remembered him on his birthday tomorrow is his big day, reality hit me so I shook my head, I saw him frowned, his shoulders fell and I can hear him softly sighed.

“It’s okay, even though it might take me 19 years, I’ll visit you every day, till the day that you once again remember me.” He flashed out a sweet smile which made me blush.

*Soon Minwoo, just wait for it* I whispered to myself.

Night already came, I groggily walked upstairs, because Minwoo brought me to places where we went this past few months for our dates, I can see the determination he is showing just to make me remember the time we spent together, which really made me happy.

As I open my eyes, I saw Minwoo, full of blood in front of me, the sight in front of me is so terrifying that I want to erase my memories once again, I woke up from that nightmare, it’s already late, I quickly washed my face to erase that nightmare from my head, I went downstairs just to receive a bad news about him, he is now ... dead.

I’m at loss of words when my mother told me about him, he was killed by the leader of the gang yesterday after he visited me, I blame myself, He was killed because of me, If I told him that I already remembered him, things might have ended differently, he still can be alive right now, celebrating his birthday with me, I ran to the place where we always spend our nights; a hill that overlooks the whole city of seoul.

I brought a cake from the bakery I passed earlier, it was Minwoo’s favourite, I stared at the glimmering lights from seoul, I remembered the times where Minwoo always tells stories about stars and constellations that can be seen above us, tears started to fell when I once again remember him.


“M-mianhe ...” I mumbled while I hug my knees.

“Mianhe Minwoo ... Mianhe ... it’s all my fault.” I feel so frustrated right now, all I can think is Minwoo right now, I didn’t anticipated that this thing can happen to us.

“Minwoo, you’re waiting for me right? What if ... W-what if ---“ A soft breeze came out of nowhere.

“Don’t say things like that.” I heard a familiar voice behind me, a voice which I always long for, I turned around to see Minwoo standing in front of me.

“M-minwoo.” I stuttered, I don’t know what is happening right now, am I crazy? Is this an illusion?

“I’m back? Well literally yes but it’s also a no.” He laughed, I don’t care if he’s a ghost or something, I’m just happy to see him once again.

I ran and hugged him, he also hugged back, I felt so secured as the time pass by while we two hug each other, I felt satisfied.

“Minwoo, take me now, please I don’t know If I can live without you” I begged him, but I can see that he doesn’t like the idea.

“Shhh don’t say things like that, you have to live, don’t worry I’ll always watch over you from above.” He stated as he point his finger at the sky above.

“B-but –“ He put his finger on my lips, stopping me from saying foolish things again.

“Shh as long as you’re alive, I’m happy, you have your own life too, you have to live and ... forget about me.” Sadness overwhelmed his voice.

“No way, I can’t forget you, I’ll never love once again, I’ll keep you in my heart forever, till the day we can be together once again.” Tears finally fell from my eyes, Minwoo just stared at me, a smile formed from his pale face, he wiped my tears with his cold fingers.

“Thanks ... but ... your live doesn’t revolve around me, you have to forget me and the pain I left, Mianhe .. “ His voice is full of sadness but his face shows the opposite, yet forced smile.

“B-but.. “ He shook his head, “Promise me, please, promise me that you will not stay like this forever, promise me that the cheerful girl I love will show her smiles once again” His words are like hypnotism for me, every words coming from him is like a spell binding me.

I nod as response, a smile formed once again in his face, but after that when I opened my eyes again, I found myself lying on the soft grass, it was a dream, a dream of Minwoo having a conversation with me, a dream where a promise is formed, a beginning of an ending, and the ending for a new beginning.




Annyeong Another one shot from me :)

i'm not satisfied at this fic compared to the "The Melancholy of a lover" but anyways thanks for reading it :))

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Chapter 1: So sad :(( Especially because TK is my bias .
T^T </3 tk....
noooo why'd he have to die...before his birthday some more....i cried
just when she remembered him...
Chapter 1: I wasn't expecting the ending, at all. I really thought that it will be a happy ending and all but actually it is far from what I expected. The ending was a major heartbreak, tbh ;____;
I love Minwoo's dedication in helping 'me' regain my memory. He was really sweet. I think this was written great, actually. Good job! :)
Hahaha sorry for killing your bias here xD
;A; sad ending.
I love T.K a lot ♥
Hahahaha thankss noona :)
joiseunoona #7
LE CREYS ;;;;;;
Hahaha thanks noona :)

i thought i made this half assed xD
i thought that it lacks power and body hahaha but as long as you liked it it's good :) thanks !!
I Loved it!!!
I would die if something like that happened to me!! First not remembering someone so important for me and after that the same person i forget dies!? No no!!! :( Too much pain!
But dongsaeng it was great! Well written! And i just started to cry when he died! :(
Good job! ♥