Chapter 4

My Roommate Isn't Who I Think He Is


“Ex-girlfriend? Why ex?”

A small sigh escaped Chanyeol’s lips before he replied in a small voice, “She dumped him for Luhan.”

Saejin wasn’t surprised that someone got dumped. If a girl split up a group of friends, there must have been some kind of heart break at one point.

But she couldn’t help but feel pity for Sehun and confusion over the situation. Why would a girl leave her boyfriend to… to date her boyfriend’s friend? It’s cruel, isn’t it?


 Chanyeol shrugged as they approached the big water fountain, sitting on a bench that faced it. “Love, I guess. If she had fallen for Luhan then maybe she was too in love with him to lie to Sehun.”

“But… the girl should have some respect for their friendship, right? Did she only think of her own feelings? What about Sehun’s feelings?” Saejin couldn’t help her voice rising. The idea of a selfish girl doing that made her hands clench a bit.

Chanyeol smiled, looking at Saejin. She has such a pure heart. So thoughtful and sweet.

“But… how was there a girl in the first place if there are no girls here?”

“She was Sehun’s friend from when they were little. They were friends for as long as I can remember. He always talked about her, even before they started dating. We all could tell he was smitten. It was adorable, really. He was fifteen and he always talked about how she was a dork and how stupid she was but the way he said it, it was like he admired it.” Chanyeol smiled to himself in memory of the lisping teenager who’d blush as he’d tell stories all day.

“They made it official when they turned sixteen. I think he confessed on their birthdays since their birthdays were on the same day. Maybe that’s how they met, their moms in the hospital or something,” Chanyeol pondered, but shook his head a bit to stay on topic. “Anyways, she said yes because she obviously liked him too. He invited her on campus a lot, and we all saw her a few times a week. She was like a little sister, after a while. But it really surprised all of us when she left Sehun. He was so heartbroken, nothing could make him happier. It was really sad, to be honest. I felt so bad for him, and usually we’d play video games together and I even let him win but he still frowned and looked depressed and we all felt useless…” Chanyeol sighed, lacing his fingers together. He didn’t know why he was going into such detail of what happened but he felt that once he started, having not talked about it in so long made him want to pour it all out.

“And then, suddenly, one day during breakfast, Luhan got a call and left to go outside. He came back inside and looked so happy and we all asked what happened. He said that he… he had a girlfriend. He said a girl called him to tell him to go outside, and he did, and she was waiting and she confessed and he did too and he asked her to be his girlfriend… but the whole time, he didn’t mention her name once. We all just thought he wanted to make it more surprising when we’d first meet her, but… it wasn’t because of that. It was because it was Sehun’s ex-girlfriend.”

“He just asked her to be his girlfriend… knowing that was his best friend’s ex. This was only like two weeks after she dumped him. Sehun was still mourning all over the place. And then, when Luhan brought her to the campus one day… you know how Sehun saw them, the first time? He and Kai and I, we were walking up the path leading here, and we saw them walking towards us, just… holding hands. And it was just that, though. But it had the worst effect on Sehun. He just stopped walking and stood and stared… and I honestly felt like crying for him just because he wouldn’t. Kai and I had to actually yank him away so that they wouldn’t see us watching. Sehun didn’t do anything and he was quiet and it was honestly just… really scary, just watching him sit and not say anything. I always wonder what was going through his mind…

“Then… hm, do you remember that one player during practice, really tall, blonde, screamed in English a lot?” Saejin nodded and Chanyeol continued, “That’s Kris,” A long sigh, “He was my best friend. And then he moved to China to visit his family for three months… and Kris kind of helped us stay sane, he made sure all of us were happy but when he left for just three months… there wasn’t really anyone to make sure we didn’t fight. I mean, Sehun and Luhan didn’t fight but you could tell the atmosphere was always really heavy. Kris actually used to have black hair. He was really mellow and didn’t stand out, but when he came back from China, he looked all… polished. He had new hair and his skin looked perfect and it turns out he did this one modeling thing in China. I don’t know, but it’s like he changed… kinda? His personality isn’t different but his aura is off. He seems really cocky now, and arrogant. Like he’s in charge of everything. So when he came back, that’s when everything kind of changed. I don’t know how, but people started taking sides, and… yeah.”

Saejin was staring at a pebble she was poking with her foot the whole time, unable to speak in response to the story she had just heard. It was so much more detailed than she expected… Saejin just assumed that Luhan might have copied Sehun’s homework once or something. But instead… wow.

“I really miss Kris,” Chanyeol said abruptly, his eyes glazed over as he focused on the fountain in front of them, “He was so understanding. He was always there for me, and we were pretty opposite but I liked being around him. And now… I know he’s the same person, I can tell. But the way he presents himself now, acting like everywhere he goes is a runway, it irritates me so much. It’s like he thinks he’s better than everyone else. It’s funny, he’s actually extremely self-conscious. Anyways, even though I know he’s being kinda arrogant with his appearance, I miss Kris. And I know Sehun misses Luhan, too. You know, they used to get bubble tea every Thursday together. Luhan would drive them to this little shop down the street and I’d always see them sitting together at a table near the science wing, laughing and drinking their drinks. Sehun really looked up to Luhan and Luhan really protected Sehun.” Chanyeol let out a long sigh. “I wonder if Luhan even misses Sehun. Or if he just doesn’t care anymore. He sure acts like that. He’s been cold to you so far, hasn’t he? He’s been really cold to everyone now. Sehun’s ex is still his girlfriend. So he should be happy, right? I don’t know. He’s not the same. I don’t think any of the twelve of us are the same anymore.”

At that moment, Luhan was walking down the path, looking for one of his friends. His feet were stepping one foot ahead of each other though at a slower pace than usual since he didn’t feel rushed today. He clutched the straps of his backpack and smiled when the sun hit his face as he stepped out of the shadows of a tree, his skin heating up at the warmth.

But the warmth died quickly as he saw his roommate sitting on a bench not too far away, Chanyeol next to him. Chanyeol was sitting extremely properly, his eyes empty and staring ahead. He was fiddling with his fingers and Jaejin was patting his shoulder, looking helpless.

Why is he always with Chanyeol? Luhan thought, his steps slowing again.

He watched as Chanyeol’s mouth moved, continued to move as words didn’t seem to stop pouring out of his mouth, Jaejin lending a listening ear. Luhan frowned, feeling uneasy as he thought of everything Chanyeol could be telling his roommate.

He wouldn’t be telling Jaejin anything though, right? Jaejin’s new. They probably don’t know each other as of yesterday, so why would Chanyeol tell Jaejin things?

Luhan shook his head to rid himself of the thought and recalled promising Jaejin that he’d show him where his class is. Gripping the straps of his backpack tighter, he took a deep breath and approached the bench.

“Hey Jaejin.”

Saejin’s head popped up when she heard her pseudonym being called in the sweet voice that belonged to her roommate. It’d be ironic if Luhan were around here, since we’re talking about him.

Saejin spotted the boy approaching them and she waved, confused. Well that was odd timing.

He came closer and said, “Hey, I told you I’d show you where your class is. Let’s go.” He waved for her to follow him and Saejin frowned. I don’t really feel like going with him, to be honest.

Thankfully, Chanyeol knew Saejin would feel uneasy and spoke up. “I can show him where it is.”

Luhan turned around, slightly shocked that Chanyeol was talking to him. “I have the class with him,” Luhan retorted, confused why he felt the need to talk back like this, “so I can show him since I’m going that way anyways.”

Saejin sighed and knew it’d be pointless if they fought so she stood up, walking towards Luhan. She turned her head and waved at Chanyeol who hadn’t moved, his eyes following her sadly and his mouth slightly parted. “I’ll see you later Chanyeol,” Saejin promised and Luhan frowned when he heard the words. They just met today or yesterday, right? So they aren’t close, right?

Saejin walked ahead of Luhan and the boy turned his head, looking at Chanyeol. He was shocked to see Chanyeol staring him down, the two looking at each other, both of them feeling mixed emotions.

Luhan coughed, feeling uncomfortable and he turned away, catching up with Saejin. Chanyeol smirked in victory but it was a smirk of dejectedness. I wish Saejin didn’t go with him so easily. It makes it seem like she’d choose him over me. Saejin, please don’t go off with Luhan like Sehun’s ex did. I don’t want to lose you to someone like Luhan… you’re smart enough though to realize that Luhan’s not worth someone like you. He’s nothing compared to the open hearted, sweet, silly and thoughtful you that I love.

Chanyeol sighed dejectedly and turned around, walking back to the cafeteria.




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Chapter 5: ok new reader here :) pls update soon :)

btw..i added you as a friend author-nim..i hope you don't mind? i really wanna read all your fics & i can't seem to open some coz its locked XD

fighting on the next chapter! :)
__sunny__bunny__ #2
Chapter 5: pwease update soon author-nim. I really like this storeh :DDDDDD
pinkie #3
Chapter 5: Update soon<3
Chapter 5: Gurf. What will happen?
Puddihingh #5
Chapter 5: Please update soon! I want to see what kind of relationships saejin will have with the boys or how they will react when jaejin is a girl :) i like your writing style, it's very easy to read and it just pulls you into the story :D
Chapter 5: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Kris.
Chapter 5: oh god! I hope Chanyeol doesn't get mad. OMG. Things going to get heated up in the next chapter, I bet!
maryumizme #8
it's okay, i forgive you ^^ love ya ! thanx for the update !
Yay! An update!~ I'm so happy to read a new chapter from this story again! Fighting!~ XD
Chapter 4: PLEASE LET HER BE WITH CHANYEOL:((((( I dont want my channie to end up like sehunnir:(