Chapter 2

My Roommate Isn't Who I Think He Is


Saejin had grown up with her brother in the house they both lived in as children. Their mother, who had to move to China due to work, sent them money every month that would supply them with enough food and other necessities. She paid the mortgage for the house and though she hated the idea of leaving her children behind, they begged to stay in the house and not leave their schools. She left just after Saejin turned fourteen, her brother being sixteen. He took care of her and they had a close relationship, always walking to and from school and bonding closer than siblings usually do. He attended the college that wasn’t too far from their home in order to keep a closer eye on her and she was forever thankful that he was thoughtful enough to not ditch her in the dust, even when it came to his education.

He wasn’t against the idea of Saejin moving into an all boys’ school because he as well was in love with soccer. He played on the college team and they visited the park together weekly to dribble, pass, do whatever the hell they wanted because they both loved the sport. The only condition for her leaving was if he was allowed to visit every other week, if his college work didn’t get in the way.

When Saejin applied for the school, she was fully aware that she’d have to room with another guy. She assumed it wouldn’t be too bad due to her familiarity with the messy and uncoordinated lifestyle of her older brother, consistently finding his tossed around. He wasn’t unbelievably messy but he was messy enough to make perfectionistic Saejin want to yank all her hair out.

Knowing that she knew what it was like to live with a guy, Saejin pushed that worry aside when it came to thoughts about rooming with a guy and instead focused on trying to look like one.

She never took into account that her roommate could look incredibly god-like and have perfect chocolate abs, small drops of water running down them as he shook his head slightly.

Saejin was aware that if she gasped, shrieked, cried, slapped him, she would most certainly not look manly and instead she turned away, biting her lip. It was slightly too late though, the image burned into her mind of the innocent faced boy with the perfect abs.

“Uh, hi?” A soft but strong voice came from behind her and she turned around again, not looking him in the eyes. Saejin focused on the door of the bathroom which was slightly ajar still.

“Hi,” Saejin greeted, hoping her voice was low enough to be believable but not too suspicious, “I’m your new roommate.”

The porcelain boy nodded, heading across the room. Saejin quickly turned around and focused outside, watching a bird swoop by. She carefully breathed in and out, her heart pounding furiously. I hope he doesn’t always walk around half . I might nose bleed all over the place. Okay not really but my drool will be everywhere.

A wild movement across the lawn startled Saejin and she laughed when she saw Chanyeol in a window straight across from hers, waving his arms psychotically. She waved back and another boy, much shorter with a wide smile appeared in the window, waving as idiotically as Chanyeol was.

Must be the roommate who broke a lot of things, I guess. They look like they’d get along.

Soft footsteps from behind her caused Saejin to turn and she saw the boy dressed in a loose t-shirt and shorts.

“What’s your name?” The boy asked, walking up to her and Saejin held out a hand, a kind smile on her lips. “Bae Jaejin.” She supplied, using her slightly altered name that was much more fit for a boy than the feminine Saejin. Chanyeol had tried to convince her to use something more regal and interesting but Saejin ignored him, wanting to have a name that she would respond to. It was similar to her actual name and she was positive she’d be able to recognize if someone was calling for her.

“I’m Luhan.” He curtly responded, shaking her hand and turning away. Saejin stood there, slightly confused. Shouldn’t he show me around or something? I’m his roommate now. We should be friends, right?

“Hey!” Saejin called and collected herself before continuing, “Er, where should I put this?” She pointed to her suitcase and Luhan eyed it, nodding his head towards the corner he just came around from.

“Beds are over there. You have the top bunk. There’s an empty dresser next to it.” And with that the boy walked out the front door, grabbing a drawstring bag that sat against the wall.

Saejin watched until the sound of his footsteps were completely inaudible down the hall and she blew her hair out of her eyes, putting a hand on her hip.

Alright. Might as well unpack and get that out of the way.


Half an hour and half her suitcase later, Saejin’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She fished it out and read Chanyeol’s text:

soccer practice in ten minutes so hurry hurry! :D :D

Reading the simple message sent butterflies flying in her stomach, the thought of getting to play soccer on a team after so long of a break. She immediately changed into appropriate practice wear, putting on flip flops and tucking cleats, shin guards and some other things into a bag. Pulling it over her shoulder she practically skipped out of the dorm, slowing down and walking sluggishly once people started eyeing her with befuddled looks.

Chanyeol was waiting outside her dorm, dressed as well in loose clothes. He grinned upon seeing Saejin and bounded up to her, Saejin flinching once the giant came out of nowhere. He needs to learn to control his height. That doesn’t really make sense but it does when he scares me.

“Are you excited?!” Chanyeol boomed, his deep voice louder than it needed to be, earning odd looks from people around them. They started walking down the path, Chanyeol taking them to the field which was apparently behind the cafeteria.

“I haven’t played on an actual team in years. Of course I am,” Saejin retorted, bumping him in the leg with her bag.

“I bet you’ll be starting middy once they see you play.”
Saejin scoffed but knew that she did have a shot at just that. Not only did she know her soccer skills were much more than ordinary but being smaller and more versatile than the average player, she was able to maneuver herself around everyone and avoid anyone. She was sneaky when it came to stealing the ball and she found it easy to shoot where the goalie least expected it. Chanyeol consistently joked that her sixth sense was prediction, being able to tell where the goalie will jump for.

Rather than denying or agreeing, Saejin asked a question in return. “Are you starting?”

Chanyeol nodded, obviously full of himself. “Been a starting forward since I first tried out. Ha.”

Saejin laughed at his obvious arrogance and bumped him once again with her bag.

“Hey,” Saejin suddenly said, recalling the frantic boy who waved just as energetically as Chanyeol, “Was that you’re roommate who was waving at me?”

Chanyeol laughed in response. “Yep. The idiotic one you saw is Baekhyun.”

Saejin raised an eyebrow teasingly. “Your name’s not Baekhyun though.”

She quickly sped up a little to avoid the loud retort she knew was coming that Chanyeol did indeed shout, storming up to her. “HEY! I’m not an idiot!” How dare she call me an idiot what with my perfect grades.

Saejin clucked her tongue, shaking her head. “I’d disagree with that.”

“Yah, I get straight A’s every year.”

Saejin shrugged easily. “Good grades don’t mean you have common sense.”

And with that Saejin jogged away, laughing when Chanyeol’s screams could be heard on the other side of the moon.


There were plenty of guys already dribbling around when they arrived at the wide field, the soft thumps of feet clashing with soccer balls audible everywhere. They set down their stuff on a bench in front of the bleachers and Chanyeol took her up to a man who was very obviously the coach. The whistle hanging around his neck, being stereotypical enough was just the start of it. He had knee high socks and old man shorts on, a solid colored shirt tucked in. The odd thing about the man was his unbelievably young appearance despite his old man clothes, his face not looking any older than a twenty-five year old. Saejin held in a snort and bowed.

“Hello, I’m Bae Jaejin and I’m–“

The couch interrupted, letting out a ‘oh!’ that resembled Santa Claus. “I’ve been expecting you! I’m the coach here, Mr. Jung but just Jung is much preferred. I don’t want to be an old man, you see. Why don’t you and Chanyeol here warm up, okay? I will consult you with your position on the team at the end of practice.”

Wow. He’s not a strict .

Chanyeol pulled a soccer ball over from a pile and jogged across the field, patting it back and forth between his feet. Saejin followed after lacing her feet up in cleats and after ten minutes of a focused game of pass, Jung called them over.

Luhan took off his goalie gloves and walked over to the huddled group, raising an eyebrow when he saw his new roommate standing next to Chanyeol. He plays soccer? He doesn’t look like he’d be that good. He looks too… wimpy. Why’s he with Chanyeol?

Saejin held in a loud pitched giggle when Jung announced they’d be doing a scrimmage, her smile not hesitating from stretching across her face. She only began to pay attention when he called out positions for the white and black team, elbowing Chanyeol who was announced as starting forward for the white team.

“Hm. Jaejin, what position do you usually play? I can evaluate your playing skills today if I have you start.”

Saejin responded, maybe too eagerly(if a one word answer could even have too much eagerness), “Midfielder!”

“Alright then. Jaejin, Jongin–“

“Stupid nickname boy and Baekhyun will be our starting midfielders for white team. Alright?”

The guys all nodded and two boys walked up to Saejin, smiling. One had thick lips and black hair falling across his forehead and the other was shorter, brown hair and a wide smile adorning his face. Saejin immediately recognized him as Chanyeol’s roommate, the spastic waving one who apparently broke lots of things.

“Hey there! I’m Byun Baekhyun.” He greeted cheerfully.

“I’m Jongin but I prefer Kai even if stupid Jung won’t call me it,” The other grumbled, but smiled welcomingly at Saejin. “Jaejin, right? Chanyeol says you’re a hell of a middy.”

Saejin shrugged, blushing slightly. Stupid Chanyeol. I’ll definitely yell at him later.


The next hour and a half were a blur of swift steals and easy shots on the goalie who ended up being Luhan, much to Saejin’s surprise. Maybe that’s where he rushed off to when I first met him. He’s honestly a pretty good goalie. Saejin thought, smirking as she stole the ball yet again. Too bad I’m a better scorer.

Just as she thought, Saejin did end up scoring three times out of six shots on Luhan, the quick goalie barely missing the ball by mere centimeters. He was fast-witted and seemed to know where the ball was going but when she scored the third shot he jumped for it too low, Baekhyun jumping over and tackling Saejin in celebration with a much too aggressive… hug? Headlock? Saejin had no idea what it was but she tried avoiding her teammates when she scored or stole the ball, afraid they’d unintentionally pummel her to a pulp.

The scrimmage ended at 9 to 8, Saejin’s team being victorious this time around. The guys on the white team cheered and tackled her, shaking her violently until Chanyeol put a subtle yet protective arm around her shoulders.

Looking up at the grinning boy who was shielding her from more surprise victory attacks, Saejin smiled to herself, wiping the sweat off her forehead. Thank god for Chanyeol. I’d be squished by now if it weren’t for his thoughtfulness.

Jung commended each player on a job well down and dismissed them, noting them about practice the next day. Everyone slowly left except for Saejin, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, the two dorks waiting behind at the bleachers.

“Jaejin, come over here,” Jung called and Saejin rushed up to him, eager to hear whether she’s on the team or not.

Her heart sunk when Jung sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Jaejin, I’m very sorry, but... you have to spend the rest of the year on the team with these idiots.”

Saejin braced herself to a pity pat on the back but instead got the tenth(or was it fourteenth? Saejin didn’t know, she lost count when a headache began to pound after the eighth) violent shake of her shoulders. She didn’t understand what was going on until the stupid joke sunk in and she squealed, jumping up and down. “I’M ON THE TEAM?!” She yelped, trying to maintain her man voice.

Jung nodded, hopping up and down as well. “YOU DID! Here’s the schedule and I’ll give you your uniform tomorrow at practice. Congratulations!”

Saejin skidded over to where Chanyeol and Baekhyun were waiting, holding out her schedule like she’d just won American Idol. “I’M ON THE TEAM!” She shouted and the two friends jumped up and tackled her, Chanyeol once again protecting her from the hyperactive Baekhyun.

The walk back to their dorms was filled with compliments on each other’s shots and steals, Saejin blabbering the whole time. She was too excited to think anything through but wouldn’t shut up anyways, both Chanyeol and Baekhyun laughing at her the whole time.

They said goodbye once they reached her dorm and she skipped up the stairs, opening the door of her dorm with glee. Her excitement didn’t falter at all when she saw Luhan sprawled on one of the couches, a textbook and notebook on his lap, his hand scribbling fiercely.

Luhan looked up when the door opened and his spastic roommate ran in, smiling much too eagerly. They met eyes and Luhan watched Saejin sit on the other couch, grinning. Is he ever not smiling? Luhan thought, frowning slightly.

“I made the team!” Saejin cheered, her feet pit patting on the floor. Luhan nodded in response, returning his attention to the book in front of him.

“You did really well today,” Saejin added and Luhan replied with a curt thank you, not looking up.

Luhan knew Jaejin was expecting a compliment in return and he leaned back in the couch, sighing. “You did good too.”

Saejin leapt up with happiness and disappeared into the bathroom, cheering all the way there. “THANKS LUHAN!”

Luhan watched in amazement, confused why Jaejin was being so giddy and hoppy. He’s not normal, is he? He doesn’t have any disorders right?

Saejin was fully aware that she was acting very idiotic at the moment, probably affected by the ten minute walk with the Idiotic Kings themselves. She didn’t care, too happy about having made the team to pay attention to anything else.

Luhan heard another loud cheer from inside the bathroom and he tossed his pen next to him on the couch, rubbing his eyes. I have a feeling I’m going to have trouble focusing on my studies with him around.




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Chapter 5: ok new reader here :) pls update soon :)

btw..i added you as a friend author-nim..i hope you don't mind? i really wanna read all your fics & i can't seem to open some coz its locked XD

fighting on the next chapter! :)
__sunny__bunny__ #2
Chapter 5: pwease update soon author-nim. I really like this storeh :DDDDDD
pinkie #3
Chapter 5: Update soon<3
Chapter 5: Gurf. What will happen?
Puddihingh #5
Chapter 5: Please update soon! I want to see what kind of relationships saejin will have with the boys or how they will react when jaejin is a girl :) i like your writing style, it's very easy to read and it just pulls you into the story :D
Chapter 5: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Kris.
Chapter 5: oh god! I hope Chanyeol doesn't get mad. OMG. Things going to get heated up in the next chapter, I bet!
maryumizme #8
it's okay, i forgive you ^^ love ya ! thanx for the update !
Yay! An update!~ I'm so happy to read a new chapter from this story again! Fighting!~ XD
Chapter 4: PLEASE LET HER BE WITH CHANYEOL:((((( I dont want my channie to end up like sehunnir:(