Chapter Two

▬▬▬▬Berry ♥ Bun Cafe || Apply Close▬▬▬▬


Chapter Two

“How about this one?” my aunt pointed to the small square box on the newspaper.

I looked closely to what is printed inside the box.

“A mechanics shop? I don’t think so.” I said and continued looking at my newspaper.

I’m currently looking for a job so my aunt doesn’t have to pay for my rent.  I’ve been living here ever since I graduated high school in Spain. My aunt has been paying for my rents ever since. The least I could do is get a job and not be a financial burden to them.

I’ve looked at every newspaper there is in Seoul. I’ve been looking since the morning and I can’t find anything! Most of these jobs require a college degree. I don’t have one because I never went to college. Maybe I should have just listened to my parents.

“This is hopeless! Maybe I should just go back to Spain.” I rested my head on my arms.

My aunt sighed. “No Hwa Myeong. You DO have hope; you’re just not looking hard enough.”

My aunt scanned the newspaper again. “How about this one?!”

She pointed to a box that read, ‘Become a live-in employee at Berry Bun Café!

“A live-in employee? What’s that?” I asked.

“A live-in employee is basically someone who works at the café, but also lives in an accommodation above or near the café. I used to be a live-in employee myself when I was your age. It’s a great experience because you get to learn how to live on your own and meet new people!” my aunt explained.

I pursed my lips. “I don’t know about this. It’s going to feel weird living somewhere else.”

“That’s the whole point of it! You haven’t had many friends since coming to Seoul. This is the perfect chance! Besides, don’t you love making drinks? Why not apply to be a barista?”

“I guess I’ll give it a try. I mean, I do need the money and all.”

Next Day

“Here goes nothing.” I said as I pushed the door open to the café.

There’s no one inside the café, except for one lady who was sitting alone; reading a book. She seems to be very into the book considering she still doesn’t realize I entered.

“Um..hello!” I said to get her attention.

She looks up from her book and is shock to see me standing there.

“Oh my goodness, I’m extremely sorry for not noticing you!” She bowed. “We’re closed today so I wasn’t expecting anyone to come in. How about you come in tomorrow and I’ll give you a free drink as an apology for completely ignoring you before. Again, I’m extremely sorry for that!”

“That’s okay! My name is An Hwa Myeong and I'm here to apply for a job. I saw your ad on Seoul Times and is interested in being a barista here.”

“That’s great! I’ll just interview you here since it’s nice and quiet today.”

We both sat down.

“Do you have your resume?” she asked.

I quickly took my resume out and gave it to her.

Honestly, there isn’t much on my resume. I’ve never had a job before. Not only that, I didn’t even go to college! I don’t even know why I’m still sitting here. I’m basically wasting her time. She could be reading her book right now!

“Your resume is a bit shorter than I’d expected. Was there a reason why you didn’t go to college? You don’t have to tell me if it’s too personal.”

“It’s nothing too personal. I just decided not to go because there were no majors I was interested in. I just wanted to explore the world before thinking about my future. I mean, what’s so different from college and traveling the world? You’re experiencing a new life AND being educated at the same time. The only difference is, I don’t get a degree for traveling the world.”

She nodded. “I’m impressed. I love the way you think, but I don’t know if I can hire you as a barista. It takes a lot of training and I don’t know if you’re up for that.”

“I can do it! I may seem like a lazy person, but I’m a very quick learner. Plus, when I’m stressed out, I love making coffee art! I’m up for any training you give me.”

“You’re very confident. Tell you what, I’ll give you the job, but if you mess up twice during training, I’m going to let you go.”

“That’s perfect! I’ll make sure I’ll do my best!”

“Great! Orientation hasn’t been decided yet since I still need to gather up other employees, but training will start tomorrow. Arrive at 8 am sharp; don’t be late. Oh! And welcome to Berry Bun!”

I bowed. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I won’t let you down!”

♥ Author's Note: Here's the second chapter as promised! I hope you enjoyed reading it. It's honestly not as great as I imagined, but I tried. I'm really trying to get these to be longer, but it's so hard! Maybe it'll be longer once I have every character in the story. I'm not getting a lot of comments anymore. T^T Even if you didn't get chosen, please read

the story. I put a lot of thought into it and I would appreciate it if one or two comments were made during the story. Comments encourage me to write more and more! Next

chapter will most likely be up tomorrow. There will be no updates on Friday though (I have to go somewhere). Thank you for all those that comment and read! ^^


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Hwa Myeong travelling around the world!?!? She is so cool!
Can't wait to read the next chapter ^^
Waah this was great.
Gosh, live-in jobs seem so much fun. I want a job like that with a nice manager :33
The chapter was very neat and detalied. :DD
Why must your write such beauty?
I'm anticipating the next chapter!
J_Joy37 #3
Ah I'm sorry I haven't commented! But I have been reading everything up till now! I like the first person pov and these introductions to each character~ I love Shinhaes persistance~ That's the catch 22 when it comes to finding jobs, people want experience but you need a job to get experience! URGH! It . DX And Hwamyeong seemed to have an easier time at getting the job. XD!
Won Shinhae is really cute hahaha
Of course if you have passion you can do it! LOL
I hope you get better soon! ><
U-waah~ Very well written! Detailed as well. Beautiful, aha.
lol. Pink, pink, pink.
The character's ambitious traits are extremely impressive.
I look forward to more1
Congratulations to all the chosen girls! I wish I could have applied, but I discovered this story too late D:
I love the layout of this story, it's so cute! And the website is absolutely adorable as well! I would just like to ask, where do you get your gifs from? All the tiny pics are so cute! (Like the little cup of coffee - or is it tea? - at the bottom of the page)