10 Things About Onew

10 Things About Onew


10 Things About Onew

Key’s POV


1) He fails at being helpful…


I swear to God or something, I will cook Onew if he doesn’t move out of this kitchen! What is he doing here anyway, this is my space! I’m the Umma, I’m the cook!

“Key ah, Key ah~ let me cook with you~” Look at him smiling at me like that. What does he think he’ll get from me, a cookie? Tough luck there Dubu, it’s not happening.

I shook my head and moved in front of the cooker, intent on getting the breakfast ready for everyone. Unfortunately, tofu-hyung had decided that he would infest his sangtae on me today.

“Hyung, come watch TV with me while Key ah cooks,” thank you Jonghyun, thank you!

I saw Onew move from beside the kitchen countertop to the living room, and sit down next to Jonghyun without any emotion upon his face. Aigoo, maybe I upset him.



2) He has the sangtae…


“My son, how was school today?”

“It was okay, like it usually is.” I nodded and patted Taemin’s head as we got inside the group van. We had a radio schedule today, so we needed to get home quickly and change (Minho and Taemin that is) before heading off.

“Let’s play a game, whoever loses has to do all the dishes.” We all nodded at Minho’s suggestion and he started off the rhythm for the name game.

“Jonghyun one”

“…Jonghyun! Taemin three.”

“Taemin, Taemin, Taemin. Key two.”

“…Key, Key. Jinki four!”

“Onew, Onew, Onew, On— Ya! Why’d you use Jinki?!” We all laughed heartily at his reaction, sometimes hyung is too slow. When he started pouting, he looked so much like a kid. Silly hyung went off into his sangtae land again; all I heard was him mumbling some rubbish and next thing you know…


Why, oh why, do we put up with it?



3) He’s hard to wake up…


Ah, now this is what I liked to see; Jonghyun and Minho watching TV, while Onew is a good leader and helps my son with his schoolwork. Ah… now I don’t have to do anything.

“Yay! Hyung, thank you! I think I’ll be fine on the class test tomorrow.” I watched Onew pat Taemin’s head and give him that smile where his eyes disappeared. Taemin got up with his books and walked to the bedroom, saying goodnight to everyone while Minho did the same. I went into the kitchen to grab some water when I saw the paper work that was still on the table.

“What’s that?”

“Hm, oh this?” Onew held up the bits of paper and shrugged.

“It’s just some plans for our schedule, manager-hyung said I should look at it.” I nodded. Onew didn’t look too happy about going over it, so I figured if he found it boring, then it probably was. Sometime during our small talk Jonghyun must’ve gone to sleep because the TV was off and the living room was empty.

“Don’t stay up too late, hyung.” Onew nodded before focusing his attention back on the piece of paper. Aigoo, look at him being all serious and leader-like, how he still manages to look like a piece of tofu whilst having a straight face is beyond me. I headed off to bed, sleep already consuming me.


4 hours later


I woke up at …two-something in the morning to get some more water and what did I find still at the kitchen table? The one and only Dubu, all knocked out and asleep in his clothes, paperwork hidden under his head during his peaceful slumber. I tell him not to stay up too late, and then he goes falling asleep here. I frowned slightly; he’s lucky it is summer or he’d be freezing in that thin, pink t-shirt of his.

I tried whispering to him. “Onew hyung…”


“Mmph, I’m a chocolate tofu …” I scowled, this guy is ridiculous, no wonder he has his own condition.

“Dubu, wake up.” I tried again, pushing at his shoulders gently. All I got was ‘mumble mumble mumble’. I grabbed my glass of water, readying myself in case he didn’t respond to this last call.

“Onew, so help me if you don’t wake up, I will—” Ah! Yes! He’s stirring! The almighty Key has done it again. I’m so, so, so hot, hot~!

“Key ah… What is it?”

“I swear if you fall asleep out here again, I’ll find you and kick you awake.”



4) He’s comforting…


“What’s wrong, Kibum ah?”

I’d been sitting down on my bed for ages now. I felt lost... I guess I just missed home.

“You feel sick?” Onew raised his hand up to my forehead and stared at me with worry. I sighed as he sat down next to me and shook my head. I knew I was acting like a baby, but as we sat there not saying anything to each other for a while I was grateful for his silent comfort. Onew then turned to me, gave me a knowing look and nodded, before patting my back and speaking.

“Homesick.” I leant against him, resting my head on his shoulder for support.

I didn’t have to say anything; I knew he understood that I needed someone to be there for me. We just sat there for a while more in silence. Hyung’s hand stayed on my back, comforting me.

“Thanks, Jinki.”

“Oi, I’m still your hyung, you know?” I smiled. Onew always tried to make us feel better when we were feeling down.

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”



5) He trips up randomly…


"Girl, I love your style, love your smile

Wish that you could be only mine, be only mine

I can’t let it go, I don’t know what you’re doing to me

You’re so fine, ooh, you’re so fine…"


“SHINee! You’re up next!”

I turned to look at the rest of the members to see what they were doing. Taemin was looking around, restless as usual. Minho was just standing, being quiet and psyching himself up before he got onstage. Jonghyun was singing along to Big Bang’s Number 1 to keep his mind off of the nervousness and Onew… I don’t even know where he went. I sighed and mouthed to Taemin ‘where did Onew go?’ but my poor son didn’t know either. I sighed again.

“15 seconds and we’re up.” Jonghyun said to me just as Onew popped up out of nowhere with a sheepish smile. I sighed at him, and all he did was shrug.

“Sorry guys, nature called.” He’s lucky he got back in time or I would’ve hit him with my cooking spoon when we got home.

“SHINee, go, go, go!”

We went to go up the stairs to the stage in our usual order. We bowed to Big Bang as they passed us, excitement and anticipation bubbling up together in the pit of my stomach.

Just as I looked up to the front I saw tofu-hyung trip and brace his landing with his hands. Aish, of all times… He’s lucky he didn’t sprain something from the impact. He laughed it off as he went onstage, and we all got into our positions for A.Mi.Go.

Aigoo, why must this boy carry his sangtae everywhere he goes…?



6) He swapped ages with Taemin…


I sat down with a sigh, tired after practice for three hours straight. Taemin plopped himself down on the sofa next to me before laying his head on my shoulder. My son is probably so tired from dancing so much; being lead dancer takes its toll on the boy. I looked around the living room and saw Minho sprawled across the floor with Jonghyun. Onew came inside the room a moment later looking energised, which was odd because he looked like he’d been dying down in the training room just a while ago.

“Let’s play.”

Everyone’s heads turned towards the leader in slight disbelief. “What?”

“I said… Let’s play.” My eyes met with Jonghyun’s before rolling in annoyance.

“You’re not serious, hyung.” Taemin moaned. Everyone was tired, even the maknae of the group. Aish, what was with Onew and the sudden bursts of energy..? He pouted as he saw the look on everyone’s faces; exhaustion.

“I’m so bored~…” 5 minutes had passed and that was all Onew had been mumbling to himself. Seriously, what has gotten into him? It’s like he’s the youngest of SHINee…

I blame that damned bowlcut.



7) He’s not so innocent…


“Wanna hold you, wanna please you

Let me feel you, ‘cause I need to

Lay you on the table

Let me from—”




I looked at him oddly and he just stared back, blankly. You cannot be serious. Please tell me this guy, who was second best at his school, knows what he is singing. He tilted his head in question at me as I shook my head at his obvious confusion. Wow, Onew hyung really is full surprises…

“You understand English, right?” He glared at me. Okay then, maybe a different approach…

“You know the lyrics of that song, right?”

“Of course I do, Key. I’ve been listening to it constantly.” I stared blankly back at him hoping that he’d figure it out for himself.

“…So what is it then?”

“The lyrics of the song…” He nodded, silently asking me to continue. You’d think he’d have caught on by now…

“Are very… Uhm… Hyung, they’re not very…pure.” A moment of silence ensued.

“Oh! That’s it? I was beginning to worry there. Mm, yeah I know, but the song is good.” He grinned. My eyes narrowed at him before I walked away in a huff to the kitchen to prepare dinner. After all the trouble I went to point it out to him, he brushes me off! What an ungrateful and not so innocent hyung!



8) His voice is really soft…


“Goodnight guys.”

I closed my eyes to go to dreamland, maybe I’d meet some fans, and maybe we’d talk, hold hands there and all be happy.  I was just about to doze off when I heard some sniffles from above me. Jonghyun was crying again.

I was about to get out and see to him when I realised that Onew’s bed was empty and heard some soothing whispers.

“Hyun ah, are you still feeling ill?

“Need medicine?

“I’ll have to sing if you don’t reply, Jonggie…”

“…it’s okay.”

“All right… Let’s go call your umma and see how she is, ‘kay?”

A non committal grunt was the response that Dubu must’ve gotten because I heard shuffling and saw them getting down, before they left the room. I smiled to myself as I tiptoed to the slightly open door, peeking to see Onew rubbing Jonghyun’s back and humming Yiruma’s Kiss the Rain. After a few more moments Onew stopped; Jonghyun had said he felt fine and was thanking hyung after drinking some water and calming down.

I crept back to sleep with a smile still in place. Dubu’s soft voice had done it again. Indeed, victory was sweet.



9) He became cute…


I looked to my left to see hyung looking at the paper that had a list of what we would be talking about today on Starry Night radio. I sat back in my chair and listened to everyone during the break; Shindong was asking if his mic could be fixed, while Onew was still going over that paper. I poked him as a distraction and he let out a small grunt much to my amusement. I decided that I’d try and find out what different noises he would make each time he was poked. So, the next ten minutes passed with me annoying him and him responding with odd noises. I did, however, find that he could make a donkey noise, strange as it sounds. Then again, Onew hyung is strange. Hehe Dubu sangtae-

“Yah! Kibum, you will stop poking me… now!” I looked blankly back at him. His cheeks were pink and he was ‘glaring’ at me as hard as he could. When I say as hard as he could, I mean, he was trying to look as sternly as he could, but failing as he usually does. Aigoo, how adorable and childlike!


“What is it?”

“You know… with your bowlcut, you’ve become incredibly cute,” I smiled.

I couldn’t help but pinch his cheeks. Omo! They were as soft as I remembered; maybe I’d be taking advantage of this and poking him a lot more. I mean, come on, an ‘angry’ Dubu is a cute Dubu, and well… I can’t just let a chance to see the dorkiness that is tofu-hyung when ‘angry’ slip by so easily now, can I?



10) His smile really is something…


Ahh, Minho, the lovely alien who loves sports… Why must you wake us up so early just so we play some soccer? Aish, I should’ve faked sick… Who am I kidding; I would’ve come out anyway. I could see Taemin at Jonghyun to ‘pick up the pace’ and ‘speed it up a little’. That’s right, my son! You get into the soccer spirit!

I looked to the left of me and grimaced slightly. If there was anyone who completely failed at this particular sport, it’s tofu-hyung. He’s just so…terrible. Aish, it makes me want to cry.

“Nineteen points to three, Minho is in the lead!” I shouted into my foil mic. I watched with mild amusement as Jonghyun tried and failed to defend his goal from the ‘flaming charisma’ on the attack. Minho scored yet again, bringing his total up to twenty.

“Do you think Minho takes pleasure in seeing us lose to him like that?” Onew asked. I looked over to see Jonghyun making a face. He lasted much longer today though, I had to hand him that.

“Probably, I think he’s secretly masochistic.” I replied. Onew looked back at me with a slightly confused look.

“I don’t understand. The only pain being suffered is that Jonghyun knows he’s going to have to relive another day of getting his handed to him.” I shrugged. Well, if I knew the way that Choi Minho worked, it would save a lot of time trying to figure that googly-eyed alien out.

“True. I suppose Minho finds it enjoyable to watch, which I can’t blame him for. It is funny,” I laughed out. At that moment, Jonghyun had taken it upon himself to fall to the ground in defeat, earning a rather stunning smile from Onew. I looked at hyung and smiled to myself. Despite him being lame, and childish, he has great qualities. We all do, but somehow Onew’s just refuse to be ignored.

I couldn’t help but think, as his lips curled up and showed his perfect teeth, that this was his greatest quality. His best quality. It wasn’t his voice, no; a voice could be trained to be perfect and it definitely was not his sangtae, even though it did prove to be quite hilarious at times. No, his best quality had to be his smile, because no matter what happened, whether it was him being lame, or him just at a tough time, his smile was always the same loveable, beautiful, tofu smile. Maybe this was the reason he was picked as leader. It wouldn’t really surprise me, it is pretty amazing…



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vip925 #1
Ahh, this story is so cute. I will always love it! <3
keziayansen #2