I loved you~

Misunderstandings lead to.....

Minho pov

I still couldnt find Taemin anywhere and in a while i have to go to the hospital to say goodbye to Yuri

I tried calling but he wouldnt answer it alwaysed went to  voicemail

"Taemin-ah are you ok" i said to myself why the hell would he think i love Yuri and not him did i show less care for him no i dont think i did did i?

oh well i know that he's fine so i'll just go to the hospital to see Yuri

~AT hospital~

I was going to the front desk to chek in and when i went inside the room Yuri started screaming... a joy of happiness though

"yuri-ah are you ok"i said as i sat next to her

"OMO minho-oppa they found a match for me and that person said that they would donate their heart to me and you know what that means.....i get to live longer" i was happy for Yuri and i was happy she got to live but something inside of me was telling me that something was very wrong about this

"Yuri-ah do you know who it is" i asked her. She looked at me then nodded "no the docter told me that that person didnt want us to know but you know who ever it is i am very thankful for them"

"oh ok"i said to Yuri. I told her i was going to go ask the doctor a question and went out. I looked for the doctor and saw him standing to somebody that looked a lot like Taemin but before i can even get a good look  that person walked away

"docter-shii, i was wondering who is the person who is going to donate their heart to Yuri" i said i was hoping he was going to tell me but all he said was that the person didnt want them to know and that they shouldnt know. I was happy for Yuri and thought i should call Taemin one more time to tell him the good news but then i remebered he didnt know about Yuri or her heart so i just called to chek up and to see if he would answer his phone....it went to voicemail....AGIAN

"taeminnie i really want you to answer your phone please baby i miss you and please do come back i dont want my baby getting a cold or in troublr ok saranghae"i said and hung the phone up hoping i would see taemin when i got home later. I then went back into the room where Yuri was at and then she told me she was going to have the operation tomarrow in the morning so i left her cause it was dark and went home

~at home

I was so happy that Yuri and i know i said that so many times but its true and i was also wanting to see my taeminnie but my hopes went down when there was light in the house or any banna milk scent of taemin

I couldnt take it anymore so i just just just called him one more time........VOICEMAIL

I grabbed the lamp beside me and threw it across the room making it brake into pieces i was so angry i started throwing everything and by the time i was done the whole house was a big mess. I strated crying thinkning if something bad happened to Taemin and kept crying until darkness took over me.....

Taemin pov

I heard the voicemail that Minho sent me and cried cause that was all i could think of was to cry and cry i missed him so much and to see him happy talking to Yuri ....it hurted even more and tomarrow will be the last that the pain will end...yea the last. I kept crying untill darkness took over and i fell into a deep sleep not forgetting to wake up early for the.....

Minho pov

I woke up early to go to the hospital and noticied that Taemin still wasnt here

"AISH TAEMINNIE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" i screamed out in frustration

i cried some more and went to go get ready

~AT the hospital

I waited in the waiting room because they were doing it right now so i waited some more not to forget to call Taemin telling him that i l miss him and love him

~hours went by

I fell asleep and woke up when i heard the doctor

" ummmm minho-shii it was a success" he said and with that i asked him if i could go see Yuri and he nodded so i did

"yuri-ah how are you feeling"i said to her as i held her hand

she looked at me then smiled

"im fine minho thank you and tomarrow i could be discharged fom here so could you pick me up"

"sure" is said and stayed there for  awhile but then left when i wanted to

~At home

I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hoping to see my tae baby bu he still wasnt there

'TAEMIN-AH WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU COME BACK PLEASE I MISS AND LOVE YOU I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE I NEED TO SEE YOU IM SORRY IF I HURT YOU JUST plese come back...please" i said as i started crying again. I wiped my tears away and walked in the broken house and fell asleep

~In the morining

I woke up to find myself hugging Taemin favorite toy animal and sniffed it so i could smell his scent

I then got up and made my way towards the bathroom but the dorr bell rang so i went to go get it

"hel-yuri what are you-"she cut me off

"minho-ah im so so so so sorry mianhae minho mianhae" she said as she started crying some more. I was confuse until she held a letter for me to read i picked it up and read it out loud

Dear yuri,

i hope you have a good life with minho hyung ok i did this for you guys so love him forever and ever and please dont tell minho that i gave you my heart i know he will get angry ok and also if he asked just say that i told you i went to a far hfar place away from where he is at....tell him i also love him.....love him for me ok yuri noona bye and sarangahe minho

                                   xoxoxoxox Lee Taemin

I dropped the letter and cried. Yuri tried to pill me into a hug but i pushed her off and ran all the way to the hospital

"doctor do you still have the body of the person who donated there heart to yuri"i said as i choked back sobs

"why yes minho-shii i do why"

"please just please take me to him"i said and the doctor nodded and i went with him

We made our way to the room and there i saw Taemin with his eyes closed and within a second i was beside him

"Taeminnie wae WAE WAE I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT YOU WOULD STAY WITH ME FOREVER WHY DID YOU LIE AD WHEN YOU SAID THAT I LOVED YURI NOOOO YOUR WRONG I LOVE YOU.....i love you" i said as i kissed his now cold plae lips. I remembered that his lips were always warm and tasty but now it tastes like nothing no more nothing......

" i dont wanna live anymore without you taemin" i said as i kissed him again for the last time befor i grabbed a sharp thing beside me and stuck it into myself. I then got into bed next to Taemin wanting  to see him agian.......


That was what minho's misunderstandng was....it lead him to lose the love of his life and to also lose his own life.....


AUTHOUR NOTE: i know it sounds really familiar but i swear i didnt copy ok i had the same idea kekeke i really did and yea but this is what minho's misunderstanding led him too please comment and subscribe ok thank you~<3 




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Chapter 2: sad...........oh........my heart............well done!
Chapter 2: The idea is great!!! It would be an advantage if you let someone read over the story and put some grammar into it, so it's easier to read. But otherwise, I love it!
jongkibum #3
Chapter 2: aw this was so sad T_T
heme-sanloveminho #4
I read this story when you first put it up. Now I desided to read it againt hinking I woilden't cry beacase I know the ending nut...I cried.
Such a good but sad fic.
carrotcake #5
it was so sad. T_T but since i like reading angst, i love this! great job!
Chirisaa #6
Misunderstandings are always the worst. D:<br />
Love this :)
mintzey #7
TT^TT... <br />
at least they'll be together in heaven...<br />
that's what I'm trying to stuck in my head to stop crying D;
DoubleYsYeoja #8
*sobs*<br />
hope you make more 2min story but please no more character death...
asianunicornbaby #9
please make more !!! <br />
<br />
your da best !! :) :)
asianunicornbaby #10
OMO !! <br />
<br />
*crying* <br />
<br />
WHY?!?! <br />
<br />
But it was touching ... <br />
umm is this the last chappie ?? <br />
<br />
I hope its not ..