Misunderstandings lead to.....

Minho pov

I woke up with a sleeping Taemin next to me. I smiled with the sight in front of me....he's so beautiful i never want to loose him ever.

"baby wake up" i said to him. He started to move but he still didnt wake up so i got on top of him and kissed his ever so soft lips. Taemin started o wake up and i smiled in victory

"wow nice way to wake someone up yebo" he said to me while giving me a kiss back.

"aish what ever come on Minho before we are late for school" he said as he walked from the bed into the bathroom. I smiled and also got out of bed to get changed into my uniform. Suddenly my phone started to ring.

"Hello"i said

"Minho...can i talk to you"i heard from the other line. Who was it?

"uh...who are you first"i said to it

"YAH stupid yuri who do you think it is" yuri yelled through the phone

"oh hahahahhahahhah you sounded more like a girl through the phone than in person"i joked


"No i do not want to die and plus ill see ou at school i have to go ok" i said to her as i was about to hang up i heard a  "i love you" but i chose to ignore it and hang up the phone. When i turned back, i saw Taemin standing there.

"Minho who was that"he asked as he went to his clothes that was set up on the bed.

"oh that was...."i stopped right there cause Taemin never liked me talking to anybody else mostly Yuri because me and her used to date and Taemin still thinks i have a thing for her

"what that was who"he asked while he looked at me confused

"key"i lied to him. He looked at me then gave me one of the smiles that always made my day.

Taemin pov

He's lying. I also heard someone on the other line say "I love you". What is that suppose to mean from a person either than i love you as a friend or a boyfriend. I looked ta him and just smiled. Sometimes i wonder even  if he loves me anymore. He is getting more distant and i also see him now again hanging around with yuri, his x. I do beleive him when he says he is over her but i can tell that she isnt over him yet. Yuri broke up with minho not Minho broke up with Yuri.

"Minho come on lets go ok"i said to him while i was making my way to the door. I see him following behind me while looking at his phone. His it more inportant than me Minho.

~~~at school~~

"uhhh Taemin i gotta go somewhere ok" minho said to me without waiting for my response he ran towards where he wanted to go.

"no"i said to myself. I followed to where minho was going and found him talking to yuri. I knew it.

"hey Yuri"minho said while taking the seat next to her "what do you wanna talk about"

"minho.....'she sarted off "i still.....l-ove-love you" i watched as minho eyes got wide but then he....smiled

I....was he gonna take her back.....i didnt want to lsten no more so i quietly made my way to my class.

Minho pov

I was surprised that she told me this but i only love my one and only Taemin. I just gave her a smile and was going to speak but then she beat me to it.

"minho i know that you now love Taemin but i must tell you why i did what i did." i looked at her while she continued "i have bad A BAD HEART.....and when i left i didnt wnat to hurt you" i stopped her there and pulled her into a hug.

"its ok Yuri i know what you did was because you thought it was the right thing to do" i said to her as i hugged her even tighter.

"but Minho i gotta go to the hospital in two days"yuri said to me. I didnt know why but this feeling inside me for her clicked just for a second only for a second.

Third person pov

When minho and taemin came out from school that day, they ignored each other. Minho has now been calling Yuri to always check up on her but Taemin will always hear it. Minho  had no feelings for Yuri but he just wanted to see if she was still alright. the next day,  sunday. Minho and Taemi still didnt talk to each other until the younger one decided to start a conversation.

"minho hyungiiiiiiii~" taemin siad trying to get minho's attention that was still on the phone and not on him. Taemin kept trying and trying until he decided to see what was minho doing that was so inportant than him. Taemin went to where minho was at and snatched his phone away.

"Taemin give that back right now" minho screamed at him. Taemin was terrified because never once had minho ever screamed at him. He didnt bother to look at the phone anymore and handed it back to minho who was regreeting that he yelled at the younger one.

"Taeminnie im sorry. i didnt mean to-" minho was cut off when taemin just walked out of the house. He then screamed in frustration and sat down.

~~5 hours later~~

Taemin still hadnt came back and minho was now getting worried so he called.

Taemin pov

I was so scared that i stepped out of the house and walked to the park where minho and i first had our date. I sat down on the first bench i saw and wondered why he acted that way until everything clicked. Minho hyung is now seeing Yuri agian is he...... and if i stand in his way any longer things will just get worst right i said to myself as a bitter laugh came out. I decided to stay there for a longer time until i heard some kids behind me say things

"hey did you hear yuri has bad  a bad heart and have to got to the hospital tomarrow to you know...."i was suprised when i heard that and i thought about how minho will feel if Yuri the one he loves died.

~~5 hours later~~

i was still getting my thoughts together but my phone started to ring. i looked at the caller id and saw it was minho.

I decided not to answer it and to just go home. Once i was home i saw a angry minho on the couch

"YAH LEE ATEMIN WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU" minho yelled at me. Told you it would get worst.

"minho"i said to him. he looked at me.

"do you love me or yuri" i siad to him. I saw how he looked at me and then the ground. "you still love her hmm"i said

"and you would not be happy if she died right" he looked ta me then was going to say something untill i said it first

"lets go our seprate ways kay minho and go to yuri and love her before its to late ok"he looked like he was going to stop me but didnt and just stood ther. I choked back a tear and walked out the door. Cant you donate a Heart.


it dosnt match but yeah hahahahahah i dont know i just keep feeling sad hahaha its a twoshot and the next chapter will be the last ok so COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE LOVE YAAAAAA~

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Chapter 2: heart............well done!
Chapter 2: The idea is great!!! It would be an advantage if you let someone read over the story and put some grammar into it, so it's easier to read. But otherwise, I love it!
jongkibum #3
Chapter 2: aw this was so sad T_T
heme-sanloveminho #4
I read this story when you first put it up. Now I desided to read it againt hinking I woilden't cry beacase I know the ending nut...I cried.
Such a good but sad fic.
carrotcake #5
it was so sad. T_T but since i like reading angst, i love this! great job!
Chirisaa #6
Misunderstandings are always the worst. D:<br />
Love this :)
mintzey #7
TT^TT... <br />
at least they'll be together in heaven...<br />
that's what I'm trying to stuck in my head to stop crying D;
DoubleYsYeoja #8
*sobs*<br />
hope you make more 2min story but please no more character death...
asianunicornbaby #9
please make more !!! <br />
<br />
your da best !! :) :)
asianunicornbaby #10
OMO !! <br />
<br />
*crying* <br />
<br />
WHY?!?! <br />
<br />
But it was touching ... <br />
umm is this the last chappie ?? <br />
<br />
I hope its not ..