Chapter 14: Friends?

Sleeping Beauty and the Campus Prince

Your POV:

I went to the school being extra extra extra extra (a/n: please repeat for to times) careful. And when I say really careful I mean it. I step in the school cautiously look left and right up and down. Everything seems 'normal' and when I say normal I mean sudents teasing and insulting me with their hurtful words. But I don't care... I never cared even from the start. I walk down the hallway to find the same routine every morning. I headed to my locker and was about to open it when...

"noona!" Sungjong shouted and gave me a bear hug. I felt icy glares as everything became quiet "sungjong let go of me" I said trying to pry him off. Why does history like to repeat itself? "nooo!!!!" he cling to me tighter. "Yah let go of her" I heard someone said and he was taken off me immediately. I turn and saw the rest of Infinite with Sungjong rubbing his cheeks. "hey" they said and I just nod to acknowledge their presence.

I opened my locker and I noticed something clicked. Wait... my locker never made a sound like that. I widened my eyes and immediately went to the side. Then a blackish fluid burst out of my locker. PHEW. I avoided it just in time. I look to the direction where it burst and saw Infinite each of them holding an umbrella. WTF?! Why are they holding an umbrella?

"why are you guys holding umbrellas? I aasked them They just sheepishly smiled while rubbing the back of their neck. NOTE all of them did it on the same time. Weird much? "you never know when you need an emergency" Sunggyu spoke for the group. "and carrying an umbrella around is considered an..." "an unexpected expected emergency" Sungyeol said. I raise an eyebrow not getting what he said. I saw Hoya bonk him on the head. 

"ookkaayyy..." I slowly step backwards and proceed to class. I don't need to go to my ocker to get my things because as I said I already have my things in my bag and m stuffs are probably ruined. I walk to class and saw songsaengnim going to class too. Mr. Kim is one of my favorite teacher here because he's nice and fun to talk with. 

"morning Mr. Kim" I greeted. "good morning to you too my best student" he ruffled my hair. See? he's cool and he treats me like a daughter ever since I went here. You might think I'm a teacher's pet but I'm not. We went to the classroom together and I let him enter first out of respect. But when he opened the door flour dropped from above landing on him. I gasp and so did he. I think the target is supposed to be me because I saw none of my classmate's except for L and Sungyeol in the hallway. Well apparently they didn't think that the teacher might also enter. As I was saying I think they didn't know it's him because soon eggs was thrown. L and Sungyeol arrived and saw Mr. Kim. "Mr. Kim are you okay?" I ask. He wiped the flour on his face "ALL OF YOU DETENTION FOR A WEEK!!!" He shouted.

"what?! Mr. Kim even us??? we didn't even do anything" Sungyeol said while L nodded. He look at the three of us who's standing there innocently. He sigh "okay except the three of you" the two 'yes' and fist bumped. The three of us entered the room and everyone is giving me dirty glares. I went to my seat and saw a pillow like thing. I tossed it and it went to Yoona's seat. meh~ I don't care I don't even know what it is. 

Nobody noticed it except for L and Sungyeol. They just snickered but I kept my poker face on. Then Yoona went inside the classroom but my teacher just ignored her as it is the usual routine in here. She didn't notice the pillow like thing and just sit on her chair. *PPPRRRRTTT* Everyone burst into laughter as she quickly stood up. Even Mr. Kim is laughing "who dares to do this?" She ask but everyone continued laughing except me who finds nothing funny. She went out but nobody seems to care because they continued laughing.

I see her revenge have begun. What a childish one. Every single one of her plan failed or back fire to her. It's now afternoon and I went to the cafeteria to eat my lunch. As I said I have everything prepared in my bag. I took out my lunch box and started eating. I saw shadows looming over me so I look up and saw Infinite again.

"mind if we join you?" Woohyun ask. I shook my head and they took a seat. I saw L in front of me while Woohyun is sitting beside me. Yes people as you notice I don't use honorifics in my mind so don't even bother correcting me. They chat and joked while I kept silent. "why are you silent? talk~" Dongwoo said. "i don't feel like it" I said to him. "awww come on" he continued pesterind me. I sharply look at him and he stopped. 

"noona would you like to go to the park later?" Sungjong ask me "aniyo sungjong ssi I don't feel like going to the park today" I said. "drop the formalities" Sunggyu requested "can't" I packed my lunchbox and stood up. I was ready to go when L stopped me  and sitted me again. How did he do that when he's in front of me? I really don't know. I look at them "what?" and Woohyun raised his hands signalling me to stop.

"it's either you drop the formalities or we'll drag you around with us" do you know the feeling that you're being put into the hot seat and everyone is watching? I sigh "fine okay?" they give a nod of satisfaction. "don't be scared of us we're humans too" Sunggyu said. I almost scoff but refrain myself knowing the whole school is watching. He might have notice my discomfort so he hissed at everyone and they went back to what they're doing. "so what do you say friend?" okay that was unexpected.

I'm lost at words. friends? they want me to be their friend? "huh?" I ask "so you want to be our friend?" after registering what they said and look at their expectant face I sigh mentally. There's no backing down now Kyungmi "friends" I said and smiled. They whooped and cheered. "well I got to go. See you...friends" I added the last part a bit hesitantly but smiled thinking I have friends. I left them and went to go to my next class. On the way I keep thinking how its like to have some friends.


I updated today because I promise 2 or more chapters. I'm not the type of person who'll break into a promise so here it is ^^ but I'm serious about the reviewing part so yeah I might not update regularly. So tell me your opinion here okay???

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I was about to update... Until I hit the stupid back button and all my hard work went down the drain =.=


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Chapter 61: Aaaahhhhh... I looveee itt! New reader here though! Succhhh a good storyy. No,scratch that,greaatt story indeed! :)) plus the special chapters,oh myyy! This is just perfect,perfect as it is! Looking forward for your next update! Can't waitt!:) hwaiting author-nim!:D
Chapter 53: Omyggawwddd,not again! </3 I am literally crying right now,my tears just can't stop falling! Ommggg..this is sooo angstt yet amazing! The plot and song just fit perfectly..Gossshhh,author-nim,you are such a great writer,very veryy! You made me feel what i should feel when i am reading this..
Omg,i am crying right now! this special chapter is soo heartbreaking! Reaaallyy... </3
Xander34 #4
Chapter 60: I'm happy that you don't have writers block anymore!!!! And I feel bad for spamming you with comments... Haha oops… Anyways keep up the AMAZING work!!
Xander34 #5
Chapter 56: Also I see you've been watching Prince Of Tennis? ;) One of the best animes ever!!!!!
Xander34 #6
Chapter 56: OMG!!!! You whfufdouaualahdoaha Sungyeol!!!!!!!!!!! He gave me a freakin heart attack!!!!!!
Xander34 #7
Chapter 53: I feel like an idiot right now.... I'm crying like a mainiac I can barely see what I'm typing because my vision is blurry due to my tears. Anyways awesome chapter!!!!
Xander34 #8
Chapter 50: I started crying on this chapter. It's already midnight but Irefuse to stop reading this...