Elusive -- Fanservice Vs. True Love

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I wrote this forever ago, and only now have I decided to post it.
It's kind of short, but hopefully you all enjoy it, anyway. C:

Just a little more cute  Kyuwook for their 6th anniversary~



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Rayshun #1
Chapter 1: Yeah .. kyuwook... I miss...
Chapter 1: And now... The reality has come.. Kyumin is over

Kyuwook has sailed away.. although on hiatus for serving the country but we will wait for kyuwook's comeback in 2019
Chapter 1: This story has such a nice atmosphere, it's gentle
and slightly heartbreaking, but also full of hope
Chapter 1: Don't worry kyu ..I'll always chat bout kyuwook cause IM IS KYUWOOK SHIPER \°^_^°/
Now I think that s what kyu real feeling bout wook.. hihihi
ismary666 #5
Chapter 1: I cry, I always cry,
is what I say, it is clear very clear, K sees R with eyes of love, one day, soon, one day I will see them and scream KYUWOOK, KYUWOOK, KYUWOOK, until they can hear me, and I will be happy, i hope
ryeohaeme #6
Chapter 1: Oh Wow! I love this story! Just like what I thought.
But, I believe this is not just fiction story. This is 90% true story.
Go KyuWook! :D
I second the comment below ^^
Don't worry, Kyu, I'll chant for KyuWook... But first, you gotta make SS5 happen here! Hihihi...

Beautifully written... (*.*)