Come Back


The members decide to go to the beach on their day off and it's all fun and games until a drowning accident occurs and a member is rushed to the hospital.

Another member spots something amiss on his boyfriend and the events surrounding it could case the end of their relationship.


(Also... it's a crappy title... I know OTL)

For Ariana~~
I hope you like it <33



Jaeseop turned his gaze onto the man beside him, taking in the pretty boy's features: the soft, flowing brown hair, unmarred flawless skin, and the lips that Jaeseop so desperately wanted to ravish.

'Wait. Whoa. T-this... I shouldn't be thinking this...'


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Chapter 1: Finally elseop together again ^^
Chapter 1: So fluffy XD I just feel so warm right now :D lovely author-nim. I'm glad Eli and Kiseop made up :) I was really worried there. And yeah Kevin and AJ!!!! DAEBAK!!!
Chapter 1: argh cute ending is cute omg
I love this.
It's adorable, ugh.
So cute, I cannot stop smiling.
Agniecha1991 #5
I love it! Wooow <3