Admit It

You Made Me Crash and Burn~

A.N: Some B.A.P stuffs for you guys, since there was so much JaeYu fluff in the previous chapters ^^

UWAHHHH!! CRAASSHHHHH~~~~ >//< It is freaking amazing. Can't buy the album till later on in the year though because my mama needs to save up :'( huu~

Sunday Morning at BangHim's apartment:

"You didn't like confess to her did you?" Himchan was up making his bed whilst Yongguk was buried underneath a mountain of pillows and blankets. [A.N: They can only afford a one bedroom apartment]

"No." He bluntly replied.

"Good, but I'm still confused, why did you help her? I thought you said you didn't like her anymore and that she's changed?" Himchan cocked his head to one side.

"Look, I don't know either? I couldn't just stand there and watch her get her kicked." Yongguk flung off the blankets and sat up to face Himchan, "Wouldn't you have done that?"

"Do you like her?" Himchan leant closer to him.

"No! I don't like her! Now will you stop with the questions." Yongguk flopped back down and pulled his quilt over his head.

"You like her don't you?" Himchan whispered.

~BZZZZ~ [A.N: that's the sound of a flat buzzer thingy]

"Ooh~ The guys are here. We'll resume this later." Himchan pointed a finger at him as he left the room.

*I don't even know anymore* Yongguk sighed heavily and got up.


"What do you guys want to do today?" Himchan asked as he finished rinsing the last of the dishes.

"I might be going out with some friends." Zelo called whilst he was sat on the sofa playing a video game.

"No, you're not. Me and Yongguk have finally got a day off and you want to go out. I don't think so."

Zelo dropped the controller and made a ;A; face and pouted, "Whyyyy?~" 

"Because he said so." Youngjae retorted, whilst poking and swiping at his i-pad.

"Agh, fine." Zelo pouted again and returned to his game. Jongup who was sat next to him ruffled his hair and laughed at him.

"How about we go to the park?" Himchan beamed.

"What are we? 2?" Youngjae snapped.

Himchan's smile instantly turned into a firm line, "Fine, smart . Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go to the mall, I heard there's lots of new big store brands there and I was thinking of getting a new i-pod."

"Just because you want an i-pod hyung doesn't mean all of us have to go. Besides haven't you got like three already?" Zelo remarked without taking his eyes of the tv screen.

"Looks like we're not going to the mall.." Jongup muttered.

"Hey guys, what about Lotte World?" 

"Himchan, do you really think guys like us want to be seen in Lotte World?" Yongguk snickered.

"Yeah, and last time you nearly got us kicked out because you tried breaking into a claw machine."

"Jongup, that was one time!" Himchan denied, Jongup laughed airily, "Alright, alright."

"Yongguk-ah? Do you want to go anywhere?" Himchan asked.

"Not really, I don't feel too good anyways. I'm gonna stay here."

"Huh? What's up? Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Himchan slid over to him and pressed his hand against his forehead.

"Aishh, it's just a headache. I need to sleep it off, that's all." He pushed Himchan's hand away gently.

"Alright, let us know if you need anything. Guys, let's just go to the mall, since Youngjae wants an i-pod." Himchan sighed, shrugging on his studded denim jacket.

The rest of the guys grumbled as they got up to get their shoes and jackets on.

"Can't I stay here with Yongguk hyung?" Zelo pleaded.

"No, you'll probably annoy the beans out of him, then he'll call me to take you home." Himchan snapped.

Zelo stuck out his bottom lip and attempted aegyo, but it wasn't working for him.

"Have you all got everything you need?" Himchan yelled to the guys, "Right, Yongguk, there's food in the fridge, we shouldn't be long okay?"

Yongguk replied blankly with a nod and an "Uh." and wandered into his room.

"I'm worried for him hyung." Zelo whispered to Himchan, Himchan nodded, "Me too."


Yongguk fell onto his bed and sighed out loudly.

He kept having this bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, he convinced himself it was just a stomach ache but a teeny tiny part of him knew that he was well and truly love sick.

*Yongguk remember when you were 10?*

*Yongguk remember Tigger?*

*You've still got him right?*

*Remember her?*

Something in his head was making him think again.

*I still have Tigger, I'd never throw him away.*

Yongguk got up and fumbled about in the wardrobe and drawers until he pulled out his faded, old Tigger toy.

Instantly, Yongguk smiled at seeing his old best companion.

He pet it on its head like it was real, "I missed you." He smiled and sat Tigger on his bed. He then went to root around in the drawers some more, and pulled out an old, green, leather photo album.

He sat back down on the bed and opened up the photo album, a thick red string with a charm on fell out onto his lap, it was the necklace his grandmother had left for Yura. 

*Mini sort of flashback*

"I want her to have this." His grandmother whispered whilst slowly unclasping the necklace that was hung from her neck.

"But grandmother, you've worn that almost all your life? Why are you giving it to Yura?"

"I guess it's my way of thanking her for being by your side for all this time and time yet to come. She's a lovely girl and she's like another grandchild. This is the least I could do. Please, pass it on for me Yongguk-ah." She gently dropped the necklace into his palms.

*End of mini falshback thingy*

Yongguk sighed as he held up the necklace to get a better look of it. It was what looked like a old coin from the times of the ancient dynasties that was threaded onto a thick red string. He placed it around Tigger's neck for the time being and turned his attention back to the photo album.

He flicked to the first page which had scribbles and little hand written conversations all over,

'Yura smells'

'noo, Yongguk oppa smells more!'

'don't lie silly'

'did you just fart? euuak~~' [A.N: 'euak' is like the sound of someone pretending to be sick?]

'no, it was you, you ate broccoli earlier!'

'only one piece! it wasn't me!'

'you know what? i think it was grandma ><'

'ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ><'


He smiled unconsiously at the rubbish attempts at being funny and felt his eyes tearing up slightly. He blinked quickly to get rid of the tears and let out a deep sigh.

Whilst biting his top lip he flicked through the pages, occasionally stopping to stare at certain photos.

'Yura and Yongguk's first year in highschool'

'Yura and Bang's tent :P'

'Yongguk and Yura's fishing trip'

'Yura and Yongguk's trip in the mountains'

'Yongguk and Yura's snowman ><'

His grandmother had got him a polaroid camera for one of his birthdays and he recorded nearly all of his memories via polaroid.

Yongguk couldn't hold back any tears anymore, they slowly slipped through his eyelashes and rolled down his cheek.

He missed you so much. He didn't want to admit it. He didn't know something so small, like what happened at the club, would trigger something so immense and cause him to feel the way he does.

He shut the album carefully and placed it in the draw beside his bed and tighted the necklace around Tigger's neck so that it wouldn't fall off.

All the working and going to school had made his exhaustion level reach it's peak and the lack of sleep soon caught up with him, before long he fell asleep hugging Tigger and holding the coin on the necklace tightly in his palms.

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3