Do or Dye

Do or Dye





"Why don't you want to dye my hair for me?"

Kris crossed his arms over his chest, he wasn't going to give into you this time, "Because..."

You looked down at the box of hair dye that was in your hand. It was a natural color, a little lighter than your hair now. You didn't pick an outlandish color so you couldn't understand why Kris kept refusing to help you. But, if he really didn't want to help you, then you just had to accept that.

"Okay, I guess I'll just do it myself," you said with a little pout, still looking down at the box.

"Oh, no no no! Don't you dare do that!" Kris yelled while pointing at you.

You looked up at him, confused, "Do what?"

"You're doing that pouting thing that you always do whenever I don't let you have your way," he explained, "And I always end up giving in and doing whatever you want me to do or giving you whatever you want."

"I have a pouting thing?" you asked innocently.

Kris let out a frustrated sigh, "Just give me that box."

Kris snatched the box out of your hands and walked into the bathroom. 

"So does this mean that you're going to help me?" you asked as you peeked into the bathroom. 

You saw Kris taking out the contents of the box and then proceeding to read the instructions on that back. 

"Yeah, but I expect some sort of payment or reward after this," he said, still reading the words printed on the box. 

You smiled brightly and ran to grab a chair and some towels. You dragged the chair into the bathroom and placed the back against the sink, the chair facing away from the basin. You sat down on the chair and wrapped the towel around your shoulders so none of the dye would ruin your clothes. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kris asked you while slipping gloves onto his hands, "It's permanent, you know."

You nodded your head and Kris rolled another towel and placed it on the edge of the sink, making a pillow for your neck. You leaned your head back so it was over the sink, the towel pillow under your neck. Kris gathered all of your hair and let it fall into the sink's basin. He grabbed the bottle of dye and held it up.

"Are you really sure? Last chance," Kris warned.

"I'm sure, Kris," you said, looking into his eyes.

Kris placed the tip of the bottle to your scalp and squeezed a dollop of dye onto your hair. He used his fingers the spread the dye down the length of your hair, making sure he coated every strand. He continued to repeat the process over and over, but at one point, he found it difficult to reach some sections of your hair. He looked down at you and saw that you were staring up at the ceiling, daydreaming.

You looked up at Kris in shock when he swung his leg over you and the chair, somewhat straddling you.

"What are you doing?!" 

"Calm down, I couldn't reach some of your hair," he said with a smirk and continued to apply the dye to the remaining sections of your hair. 

You blushed and shifted your eyes to side, refusing to look at him. A few minutes later, Kris announced that he was done.

"Well, the box says that you have to wait 15 minutes before rinsing the dye out," he said as he removed his gloves.

You nodded your head and watched him as he threw the gloves into the trashcan next to the sink.

"So, what do you want do for the next 15 minutes?" he asked and placed his hand on either side of your head, leaning closer to you, his nose almost touching yours. 

"Ummmmm...I d-don't know," you stuttered, knowing what he was hinting at. 

Kris leaned in even closer, not breaking eye contact with you. Just when your lips were about to touch, you squeezed your eyes shut and prepared yourself for the long kiss he was about to give you. Seeing this, Kris stopped centimeters from your lips and smiled.

"I'm just kidding," he chuckled and placed a quick peck on your nose, "You're so cute, you don't have to be nervous every time I'm going to kiss you."

He moved away from you and stood up straight.

"I'm going to get a bowl to use when I have to rinse out your hair," he said walking out of the bathroom. Just when he was about to walk out of the door, he turned around and gave you a smirk, "Try to calm your heartbeat when I'm gone."

He laughed when you threw him a glare. When he disappeared through the doorway, you pressed your hand to your chest and let out a sigh. It didn't matter that you and Kris were dating for several months now, every time he would kiss you, your heart would always pound in your chest. And the worst part, Kris knew his effect on you. 

Kris soon reentered the bathroom with a bowl in his hands. He set the bowl on the counter and looked at his watch, keeping track of the time left before he had to rinse your hair.

"So, why did you want to dye your hair in the first place?" he asked.

"Well, school's about to start again, so I thought I should try something different this year."

"But I liked your natural hair color."

"Well, I liked yours too, but you dyed your hair," you said, looking up at him.

"I didn't do it by choice," he reminded you. 

"Is that why you didn't want to help me dye my hair? Because you didn't want me to change my hair color?"

"No that's not it," Kris replied, "I just don't like the smell of hair dye."

"Oh...." you said, nodding your head and lowering your eyes, "Sorry you had to smell it all this time."

Kris shook his head and gave you a sweet smile, "Nah, if it's for you, it's fine."

Your face flushed red and you bit your lip, trying to control your smile. Kris looked down at his watch again and picked up the bowl.

"Okay, lean back so I can rinse out your hair."

You did as you were told and Kris got back into the position that he was in when he was putting in the hair dye.  

You watched as Kris used the bowl to rinse out all of the dye from your hair. He reached over to the bathtub and grabbed your shampoo and conditioner. After squeezing some shampoo in his hand, he proceeded to scrubbing your hair, making sure to get all of the left over dye out. 

You couldn't help but stare at him, his beautiful jaw line, plump lips, and sharp eyes. You always thought he was really handsome when he had a concentrated expression on, much like the one on his face at that moment. Of course you never told him that, if you did, his ego would inflate even more. 

You played with hem of his baseball tee as he conditioned your hair and finished rinsing all the chemicals out. After he squeezed all the excess water out of your hair, you sat up and Kris proceeded to drying your hair out with a towel. You brushed all the knots out of your hair as Kris cleaned up the sink and counter. 

You turned around to look in the mirror, fully admiring your new hair color. Just like you planned, it was little lighter than your natural hair color but enough to be noticeable. Kris came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I really like it," you said, using the mirror to look at him, "Thanks, gege."

"No problem. But man, I did a really good job," he said arrogantly. 

He smiled when you lightly nudged him in the stomach. Kris suddenly picked you up off the ground, bridal style, causing you to yelp in surprise.

"I'm really tired, let's go take a nap," he said as he carried you out of the bathroom.

You wrapped your arms around his neck as he walked across the living room towards the bedroom. You watched him expertly twist the doorknob while still managing to not let you slip out of his arms. 

"I think you may have a future as a hair stylist. Maybe a cordi-hyung!" you told him as he carried you into the room.

"I think I'll stick to being a rapper," he said with a soft laugh and kicked the door shut. 

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barooya #1
Chapter 1: He just don't like the smell of hair dye.. oh that relieved me.. I think hehe?
Mystery-fan99 #2
Chapter 1: Awwwww!!!! That was so cute. I love it. ;) <3
Chapter 1: Arogantly y duizhang XD! I like this story, lovely (˘⌣˘)
Chapter 1: Sooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable<3<3~~~ I loved it so much cuteee<3<3<3
Chapter 1: Omggggg cute~ planning to dye my hair too haha
Chapter 1: aww the ending bit was really cute.
i don't like the smell of hair dye either.
Chapter 1: awww cute XD i want more kkkk~
Chapter 1: Aww so cute!! >w<
hua~! so cute~! ^^