Nightmares and Princes


WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is kinda of a scary chapter. Personally, I think it's creepy and horror-ish, but you know... All based on opinion, It was a sweet ending though!

Song of the chapter: (I love just listening to this song over and over and over. It's so beautiful)

Jae Lyn's POV

I was working on my math homework. Calculations and equation structure, my absolute sanctuary for peace of mind. I love figuring equations and the feeling of success in correctly answering yet another university-level question. It allows me to take my thoughts and push them away from other things. I was working diligently, my mind going a hundred miles an hour, completely in the zone, when my phone went off. I grunted in frustration and threw my mechanical pencil on the desk. I looked at my phone and growled at it, before picking it up.

Korean-Phone-Makers-to-Gain-50-Market-Sh(She has the white one)

Message from: Lee Taemin

I had an amazing time today. I hope you did, also.

You have a beautiful smile, use it more! 

Say hi to Mia for me, please!


I looked down at the tired puppy. "He says hi." She looked up at me with cute eyes and wagged her bottom and letting hang open, her tongue hanging out the front. I smiled and looked back at my phone.

Message to: Lee Taemin

She says hi back.

I really wish you wouldn't try to charm me like this.

I'm finding it difficult to study.

~Jae Lyn

I put the phone down and looked at my almost finished homework. I still had medical reports to overlook and law cases to review. I used my parents old work to study on. No matter what field I decided to pursue, I knew that it would come in handy at some point. I finished my math and started with science, the last of my homework. It was simple chemistry and I knew it wouldn't take long. I had three questions left when my phone went off once again. I sighed and ignored it. After every question, it magically went off once again. I had finally finished and grabbed my phone.

Message from: Lee Taemin

Charm you? I'm being honest! >.<

What are you studying??

I hope I'm not getting in the way! :(



Message from: Unknown

Hey, it's Key! 

Omo, today was so fun!

Let's do it again soon! Kk?

Tell that sweet ahjumma and Mia hi for me!

~Almighty Key


Message from: Kae Soo


I can't believe today even happened!

But thank you for bringing them to the shop!

I can die happily now!


I have never gotten this many texts at once in my whole life. It was kind of nice.. Not to mention the fact that two of them are famous k-pop idols from a group that I actually like. As annoying as it is being interrupted, I am flattered and a kind of happy that Taemin considers me a friend. I just hope that's all I'll be.... Or... Do I?

Message to: Lee Taemin

Well, I just finished science, now I'm going to study some of my parents old projects.

No, you're not. I just don't understand why a top Korean idol would want to interact with a social outcast.

You can find someone prettier and less awkward.

~Jae Lyn


Message to: Key

Hi. I'm glad that you had fun.

Next time, though, tell me when you decide to stalk Kae and I.

I'll send your regards.

~Jae Lyn


Message to: Kae Soo

To be honest, I can't either.

If they're as big as you say, then it was quite a surprise.

But my level of discomfort was through the roof.


I analyzed different scenarios for brain tumors. Defining and distinguishing each type and the severity of each one. It didn't take long and I got bored incredibly quickly. I put that back in my medical drawer. I pulled out the file of old law cases. The first one I looked through was a sociopathic murderer. He was twenty-two when he went on a killing spree. First, his brothers, then his parents. Then his neighbors. He had disappeared for fifteen years, going on random 'sprees' over the years before disappearing once again. After that fifteen years had ended, he was found going after an ex-boss of his father's. His son had come home from college to surprise his parents when he found the criminal. He knocked him out and called the police.

I sighed and set down the file, thinking about how evil the world had gotten over the last few decades. It saddened me that people had become so corrupt. My head began to ache at the thoughts running through it, so I stood up to get a drink of water before returning to my research. I took a pill to stop the migraine before it progressed any further. After looking at the terrible case, I decided to call it a night. By the look of my unbeeping phone, everyone had fallen asleep. I guess it was a bit of an interesting, long day. I looked at the clock. Midnight. No wonder everyone else was asleep. I changed into some sweats and a tank with a sports bra underneath and put my phone in my pocket, keeping it close for emergencies. I jumped into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

It was still nighttime when I awoke. I heard a noise coming from the stairwell. I was frightened. By natural human instinct, I was terrified. I was the only one who lived on the second floor in this part of the house. I ran to the door and locked it and the lights. They stayed off. Where was the power? I tried again, over and over. I ran to my desk, and tried my lamp, same result. I dug into one of my drawers, my shaking hands made it hard to grab hold of anything. I finally clutched onto a flashlight and turned it on, facing it to the floor. I saw Mia, laying on her side, her back side facing me. I looked her over and gasped to see that she had been decapitated. I clutched my stomach and backed against the wall, unable to stand. Uneven footsteps unbearably close, only coming closer. The lights suddenly came on, revealing the crazy eyes of the psychotic mass murderer that I had researched only hours before. He raised his machete, ready to strike, when I kicked his knee in and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. I jumped up and ran down the stairs, only to find my parents and Nae Ri-sshi slaughtered and scattered all over the first floor. Both hands clutched my stomach as I heard a deep, demonic chuckling behind me. I turned to see him, his eyes crazier than ever. I was cornered and frozen. I watched him raise my blade and swiftly bring it down ---

I jolted up in a cold sweat, tears soaking my cheeks as I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I laid my head down against the cold floor and sobbed, sweat and tears mixing to make a small puddle on the floor. I huddled up in a feedle position and cried. I had never been so scared in my life and I hated this feeling. My breathing was heavy and ragged, and I still felt sick to my stomach. I wanted this to go away, I wanted to feel calm, but I couldn't get my legs to move. Shakily, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and shakily dialed the number of the one who I hoped would save me.. The one who, just might be, my prince. It took me three tries to finally type his name correctly, I was shaking immensly and uncontrollably. I pushed talk and placed the phone to my as I kept the side of my face of the ice-cold tile floor. The phone rang and rang and everytime it rang, my heart slowed a little and chills began to run up and down my spine. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks and I was still whimpering, half hoping he would pick up, half hoping he wouldn't.

The ringing stopped and I heard a deep breath. "Yoboseo?" a groggy, yet angelic voice answered. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I tried to scream his name, but it was stuck deep in my throat. "Yoboseo?" Still groggy, yet more alert. "T-taemin?" My voice was barely a whisper. "Yeah? Who is this?" "It's Jae Lyn.." I started sobbing. Why? I have no clue, but it was out of my control. "Omo, omo, Jae Lyn? What's wrong? What happened?" his voice was alert and fully awake. "I was so scared! I thought I was going to die. I thought he was going to kill me." I cried out. "What? Who?!" I explained the whole story, not once did the tears stop falling. He just listened intently until I finished. By the end I was sobbing and whimpering loudly. I probably sounded like a blubbering pabo, but I really didn't care. "Sshhh, shh, Jae, I'm here. Sshhh, don't cry, nothing happened. It was only a bad dream." His soothing voice cooed over the phone. "It felt so real." I felt like I was going to get sick again. "But it wasn't, I promise. It would never happen." After about five minutes of that, I finally started calming down.

"Do you want to come outside and see me?" I didn't know how to respond. "What?" "I'm outside the gate, come here. Don't worry, I'll protect you." I was completely shocked to the point that I had stopped crying. He was here? "Do you want to come out?" I slowly nodded my head, then realized that he couldn't see that. "n-neh." Why did I want to see him? Because he said he would protect me. Because he came all this way to make me feel better. Because he was trying to be... A good friend.

I shakily stood up and walked down the stairs. I didn't dare look at anything but the door, afraid to relive the nightmare that was strangling me inside. I got to the door and opened it quickly before running out, afraid that the killer was right behind me. I ran the whole way to the gate, pushing through it and running into a hard figure. I fell to the ground and looked up in terror, afraid for my life. Once again, my tears were falling. I saw a shadowed figure coming closer. "Jae Lyn, it's me. Sshhh it's just me." I looked up as the figure took off his hood, revealing a worried, but smiling Taemin. As soon as I realized it was him, I hugged him. I wrapped my arms around his upper body and cried into his chest. He was obviously taken aback, but soon, hugged me back. He my hair and held me tightly, cooeing me with gentle words and soft humming. I calmed down and just laid my head against his chest. He backed up and leaned against the gate, humming a lullaby to me. I looked down at his attire. Hightops, tiger pajama pants and a hoodie. Suddenly I remembered what I was wearing. I was embarassed, but I didn't want this feeling of security to be over-powered, so I quickly forgot about my 'fabulous' outfit. He rocked me back and forth, humming the same song over and over. I recognized the tune. It was SHINee's 'Life'. I adored this song... It was the first song that I had really liked by them. I started humming along with him and I felt him smile as he laid his chin on the top of my head as we kept rocking.

"Why did you come all the way out here for this?" I finally gathered the courage to ask. I could feel him smile above me. "Because you needed me." He answered, as if it was that simple. I moved away and looked at him, confused. His soft eyes just gazed at me "It was only a dream... You knew that, was it that important?" "Apparently so, if it's enough to make you get sick like you did. What surprised ME is that I was the one you called. But I'm happy." I looked at him, completely lost. He was HAPPY that I was scared out of my mind? Sadistic much? He saw my confusion and chuckled. "I'm happy because I got to be your prince. And by the way, you're gorgeous and not awkward at all." He lightly chuckled, refering to my earlier text.

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taemints245 #1
Chapter 19: I love it !!! Greating ending
Chapter 19: I just love you author nim. You are the best human on earth. ILUBTHISSTORY<333
Chapter 17: /slowly comes back to life/
Chapter 16: -dead- ._.
Chapter 15: /Dying/....
Chapter 11: *FAN GIRLING*
Kyeopta~ ^^ Update soon!
Aww Wonderland ^^ Please update soon!
mccammond #10
yay i like it more