The day. Ordinary or not? I think not.


(A/N So another thing about me is I like to use a certain Canadian couple as teachers in my stories. ;) I think they are so awesome. And if you have no idea who I am talking about, then HOW DARE YOU! YOU MUST GO TO EATYOURKIMCHI.COM AND IMMERSE YOURSELF IN CANADIAN/KOREAN GOODNESS!!! NOW GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ...... That is all.)

Song of the chapter: (thought I might mix things up! :-P)

Jae Lyn's POV

I walked into the school, backpack strapped securely on my back. I looked down at my uniform, making sure there was no dirt on it, knowing that there wouldn't be, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.


I sighed and rubbed my eyes. After getting home yesterday, I opened my books, ready to study, but I ended up staring at the same two pages for half an hour. I just couldn't get Taemin's confused voice out of my mind. I decided to go down and cook dinner with my mother and eat before I went back up to my room. I pushed the thought of meeting him to the very back of my mind and focused on my studies. Unfortunately, the thought kept squeezing itself to the front, making it harder to concentrate. I decided to listen to Yiruma, my favorite pianist to get my head straight, but nothing helped. It wasn't until two in the morning that I finally was able to finish all of my studies and retreat to my lovely bed.

I got to my first class and sat in the middle, to be soon joined by Kae Soo. "Not sitting in the front?" I shook my head. "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so I don't feel like giving part of the lecture today." "That's unlike you." I sighed and stood up as our homeroom and English teacher, Mrs. Martina walked in. Everyone else stood up and we bowed, greeting her.


"Hi ladies!" She chimed in English. "I'll be passing out the last test by score. Miss Song, Miss Park, you each recieved a hundred, congratulations!" We smiled and walked down to grab our tests. But before I could walk away, "Jae Lyn, are you ok? You usually sit in the front." Martina whispered in English. "I'm fine, I just had a long night." "Would you like to go to the nurse?" Concern in her voice. "No thank you, I'm fine. I promise." One thing about about the Stawski family and I is that we can easily talk to each other because I learned English at a young age. I sat back down, sliding the test into my English binder. The next few hours passed by slowly and it was finally time for lunch, thankfully. Normally I wasn't one to complain, but I was pretty exhausted. I brought out my lunch that my mother had made me this morning and ate it slowly. Not really paying attention to my surroundings. Kae Soo had gone to the bathroom... Or the lunchroom... Maybe to talk to a teacher? I couldn't remember. I bit into a large piece of kimchi when a large packet of papers landed in front of me on my desk. I looked up, annoyed at the cause of the junk in my little bubble. The stuck-up look by the queenka twins glared back at me, smirking evilly.


"Here's our homework." I let out an audible 'tch' and pushed the papers off of my desk and onto the floor, allowing them to scatter. Their eyes widened and the screeched in anger, causing me to get the feeling of a headache coming on. "Wench!" The older and taller of the two, Dae Ro screamed as she lifted her hand to slap me. I stood up from my desk, catching her arm before she could even touch me. My eyes went dark and the scowl on my face deepened. "May I ask what's going on?" I heard a voice behind me, dropped the manicured hand, and bowed to the voice before sitting back down.


"Mr. Kim! Jae Lyn grabbed my arm, it hurt!" Dae Ro whined. "We were just coming over to ask her a question about our homework for your class and she just pushed our papers on the ground! Then she viciously grabbed my sister's arm!" Dae Ho cried, fake tears falling down her cheek. I sighed and turned my chair and looked at the History teacher with a look that screamed out 'Really? You're REALLY going to believe that?' He knew the girls' reputation for bullying and he knew my reputation for not putting up with it if necessary. "I'm sorry girls. I just can't believe that. Besides, why did you bring ALL of your homework over if you just had one question? And why didn't you just come ask me?" They were speechles and I just smirked before turning and taking another bite of my bulgogi. They whined, picked up their papers and scurried off, embarassed. "What happened this time?" "This time? Is this a hot topic in the teacher's lounge?" "Sort of." He said taking a seat next to me. All of the other girls were pretty in love with Mr. Kim Jae Joong, but I tried not to get too involved. I really don't like things getting complicated. I admit he was attractive, but I was less than interested. For some reason though, he had taken an interest in me and ceased to leave me be. Always calling me up in class, checking up on me once in a while during recess and lunches. I couldn't understand and really didn't care to understand. I just wanted it to stop. "Them always coming up to you and demanding that you do their homework. You always rejecting them. Must be tir--." "Is there a reason that you came here? You're not supposed to be in here until the last class." I didn't mean to be rude, but I REALLY didn't feel like socializing today. He cleared his throat and looked down at the table. "I was just checking up on you. Are you alright?" I sighed. "I'm sorry Mr. Kim, I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night." "I'll let you sleep in my class if you would like, just sit in the back." He said with concern in his voice. "No, I'll be fine." He sighed, nodded, and left. I finished eating and waited for Kae Soo to get back. It was time for Mr. Simon's science class and him and Kae Soo walked in together, laughing together.


She came and sat with me. I gave her a questioning look. "He was talking about Spudgy and their new kitty, Dr. Meemersworth." I smiled at the thought of the fluffy blue dog and the rambunctious Scottish Fold kitten. That class went by fast because it was one of the most fun, as did the next, art.

Finally it was Mr. Kim's class. I watched as he entered and was looking right at me. I just sighed and looked down at my books, trying to concentrate with all the loud, screaming girl's surrounding me. It sounded like yesterday, except not as many girls and less room for them to jump up and down. That got me thinking about yesterday again. Thankfully, this is the first time that I've thought about it all day. The bell rang and I left stood up to leave with Kae Soo on my heel. "Coming to the studio with me?" "I can't. Working today, maybe next time, ok?" I just nodded as we went our seperate ways.

Taemin's voice

I dreamt about her last night. We were just holding hands on the beach and talking. It sounds boring, but it was something that I had always wanted to do, and I figured that whenever I dreamed about doing something like that with someone, she would be the one that Icould possibly be with. I didn't know that a girl that I couldn't get more than two words out of could have such an impact on me. I'm thinking it was the shock from her not fawning for me when I asked if she would like anything in return for the water. Did she even know who we were? Or did she just go for her friend. I'd really like to meet her again. I'm so completely intrigued. "Taemin-ah, want to go play basketball today?" Minho asked, nonchalantly. "Sorry hyung, Key Umma and I have plans already. Maybe next time." He just smiled and nodded, then left our room, probably to find Jonghyun and ask him to play. I jumped into the shower and washed up, then went to Key's room to see if he was still coming, which, of course, he was. I went back to my room and put on some casual clothes to disguise myself in.

25394_P_1333265875403.jpg(haha, casual... Right.)

I put some sunglasses on, grabbed the bottle with the directions, and walked out the door, Key right behind me. We had gotten there at probably around.... 5:30 in the evening. I looked at the old building and smiled. It looked like the first studio that I had danced in. I walked over to the door and slowly opened it, peering in. I heard footsteps and decided to sneak in quietly. I walked through the hallway and looked through the only open doorway. There she was, headphones in her ears, her eyes closed, moving to a beat that resembled a salsa dance. She looked cute as her hair whipped around the same way it did yesterday, her outfit clung to her body, making her look... Intoxicating.


I looked over at my hyung and called him over with my hand and he tip-toed over to me. "Is her friend here?" "I don't see her." I giggled at his cute pouting face. "Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame!" He stopped whispering and almost yelled. "Hyung!" I screamed in a hushed voice. I heard a gasp and saw her looking at us through the mirror. She slowly turned and looked straight at me. I smiled apologetically and walked in. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you." She held up a hand for me to stop and pulled out her music player, stopping the beat that rung in her ears and looked back at me. "W-why? H-how? Huh?!" Her confused face was really cute and I chuckled at it. "The bottle you gave me... It had the address and name of this studio. I wanted to meet you. I wanted to know your name, and thank you properly for yesterday. To be honest, you left me completely baffled." I said, with my hand on the back of my neck.

Jae Lyn's POV

This can't really be happening, right? Taemin's not right here in front of me.... Right? RIGHT?! And what's he saying about me leaving HIM baffled? I was completely lost in thought when he waved his hand in front of face, snapping me out of my daze. I blinked and put my composed, calm face on. "Why is my name so important?" I asked, walking over to get a drink. He was silent and I looked over at him, he was looking down at the floor, trying to figure that out himself. "I-I don't know... I just feel so drawn to you. Yesterday you didn't freak out or become all giddy from me... I don't mean to sound cocky or rude, but do you not know who I am?" I argued in my head whether to reveal my secret or not. I sighed and nodded. "I know who you two are... I shouldn't but I do." I sat down against the glass, they both came and sat in front of me, confused. I took a deep breath and explained. "I am the top of my school, so much is on my shoulders that I never EVER had a social life outside of my best friend, Kae Soo." I saw Key's face lighten up and a smile wipe over his face. I ignored it and continued. "She got me out of my house, my comfort zone, and got me to come here. She, somehow, got me into SHINee, too... I never told her though. It's my own secret, because if she knew, she would drag me out more. My parents are very strict so I HAVE to stay on top or else I'll get in trouble. That's why I acted the way I did... And why I don't have a social life... And why I will probably never date.." I looked down, at my hands... The hands who have never held the hands of a man other than my father's. They looked at each other, then back at me. "Soooooooo, because you are a Shawol, who's your bias?" Key asked, smirking. I glanced over at Taemin, then the ground, causing him to smile. "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww man.." Key pouted. I just giggled lightly. "Don't worry, you're Kae Soo's bias." He smiled excitedly. "So.... Is it ok if I know you're name now?" Taemin asked, blushing, looking at me intensly. "S... Song Jae Lyn." His eyes went wide. "That's a really beautiful name... It.." He looked down, his face a dark red. "It suits you. I'm Lee Taemin... But I guess you knew that." He blabbered on. My face went cherry red at what he said about my name and I figured that it was about time I go home. I stood up and they did as well. "Jae Lyn, where's Kae Soo right now? I... I kinda wanted to see her." Key said, twiddling his fingers, causing me to smile, but I quickly controlled it and replaced it with my tired, blank face. "She's at her job. She works at a dog cafe." Both of their eyes lit up and they looked at me, excited. "PLEASE TAKE US!!!!!!" They said in sync. I was taken aback but then I sighed and tipped my head, looking at the ceiling. "Fine, but we can't stay too long. One, it will bring too much attention, and two, I need to go study." They nodded and I grabbed my bag and headed to the changing room... With them following me. I turned around, causing them to stop. "Stay here, I'm going to change." They nodded and plopped down in front of the door. I rolled my eyes and went to go change into something more comfortable and less... Sweaty.


Secretly, I was hoping that they really weren't there and I was just going crazy. I mean... Why in the world would Lee Taemin come LOOKING for me? Like legitly searching for me. It just doesn't make sense. Who the heck am I of all people? This is just too unreal and to be honest, a bit creepy. Am I being pranked? Goodness. I decided to push the thought away as I opened the door, still oping they weren't there. To my demise, they were there, looking up at me with wide, cute eyes... Like children. I just sighed. "Come on, let's go..." I said, escorting them to the K-9 Cafe.


Teehee, I love pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They make writing more fun :P

Just wanted to thank all of my readers. Hope I'm not disappointing anyone! :)

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taemints245 #1
Chapter 19: I love it !!! Greating ending
Chapter 19: I just love you author nim. You are the best human on earth. ILUBTHISSTORY<333
Chapter 17: /slowly comes back to life/
Chapter 16: -dead- ._.
Chapter 15: /Dying/....
Chapter 11: *FAN GIRLING*
Kyeopta~ ^^ Update soon!
Aww Wonderland ^^ Please update soon!
mccammond #10
yay i like it more