


'Due to very distinct personalities, Scorpios and Leos often clash. They often question each other's actions and have different opinions on many topics and issues. They rarely have similar interests and both tend to be stubborn, resulting in a lot of arguments and disagreements. They also have different preferences in their types of relationships. Leos like a lot of skinship while Scorpios tend to like a little bit of distance. It is advised that Scorpios and Leos do not get into a relationship for it will end in disaster.'

You bit your lip as you read your horoscope online. You knew it was silly an probably made up, but you couldn't help but wonder of it was true.

'This is just rediculous,' you thought as you reread the horoscope, 'Changjo's a Scorpio and I'm a Leo and we almost never fight.'

But for some reason you kept rereading the online horoscope. You couldn't lie, some of it was true. It was true that you and Changjo did have different opinions on various political and world issues, but everyone had their own opinion on those.

'Psssh, one out of five?' you x-ed out of the window, 'That is not enough to say that our relationship is going to end in "disaster".'

You looked up from your laptop and saw Changjo watching a basketball game on the TV. You personally were more of a baseball fan, but you'd actually rather read than watch sports on the television.

'They rarely have similar interest.'

You shook the thought from your head, set you laptop aside, and moved to sit next to Changjo on the couch. You looped your arm around his and rested your head on his shoulder.

Changjo flinched at the sudden contact and turned his head away from the game on TV.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

'They often question each other's actions.'

You removed your head from his shoulder and unhooked your arm from his.

"Nothing," you murmured as your scooted to the other side of the couch.

Changjo's eyes widened in shock at your sudden change in mood. He didn't mean to offend you with his question, he was just so into the game that you scared him. 

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked and scooted closer to you.

"Nothing," you responded and turned your head away from him.

"I know you're lying. C'mon, just tell me what's wrong."

"I said it's nothing."

"Just tell me!"

"No! I-"

But before you could finish your sentence, the horoscope flashed across your mind.

'Both tend to be stubborn, resulting in a lot of arguments and disagreements.'

You let out a sigh and turned to face Changjo.

"Changjo-ah, do you believe in horoscopes?"


You nodded your head silently.

"Well, I've read a few before for fun, but I can't say that I actually believe them. Why do you ask?"

You took a deep breath, "I was reading my horoscope and it said that Leos and Scorpios shouldn't be in relationships."

Changjo stared at you for a few seconds before turning to mute the TV.

"And you really believe that?"

"Well I didn't at first," you said looking down at your fingers the rested on your lap, "But as I thought about it more, I found that a lot of the things the horoscope said about us were true."

"And what was so true in this horoscope?" he asked you with an unconvinced look on his face.

"Well, for one, it said we are both really stubborn."

"A lot of people are stubborn."

"It also said that we question each other's actions and you just did a little while ago."

Changjo let out a sigh, "You just surprised me. I was so focused on the game that I didn't hear you move to sit next to me."

You bit your lip as you thought of what else the horoscope had said about the two of you.

"Oh! It said that we have don't share the same interests too. Like how you like to watch TV and I like to read books."

"That is only one conflict of interest, jagi. And a minor one at that," Changjo said with a smile on his face as he saw a small pout start to form on your face.

"Well, it said that we also have different preferences in relationship types, " you whispered.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Changjo asked, not totally understanding what you were saying.

"The horoscope said that Leos like relationships with a lot of skinship and Scorpios prefer a little distance."

Changjo then bursted out in laughter, "Okay, now that is totally off from us. We both know that I like skinship way more than you do."

You couldn't stop a little laugh from escaping your lips. It was true. Changjo would jump at any chance, it didn't matter if it was in public or private, to initiate skinship  while you, on the other hand, were a little more cautious when showing your affection to him in public. 

Changjo held out his arms to you, "Come here."

You leaned into his arms and he pulled you onto his lap.

"Now listen," Changjo said as he turned your shoulders towards him, "Don't let some horoscope online make you question yourself or our relationship. You know my feelings for you and I know yours. So don't let anything tell us how our relationship will turn out, okay?"

"Okay," you nodded.

"You know I love you, right?" Changjo asked with a smile.

You nodded your head innocently once again, "I love you, too."

You wrapped your arms around this neck as he pulled you into a tight hug. When you pulled back, he placed a sweet peck on the tip of your nose. 

"So," Changjo let out a sigh, "How about we watch a Harry Potter movie? The fourth one is both of our favorite."

You nodded your head and slid off his lap so he could put on the movie. When he sat back down after placing the disc into the DVD player, Changjo wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Tch, 'different interests and preferences'," he snorted.

You laughed and rested your head on his shoulder as he pressed the play button on the remote. 

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Chapter 1: I don't believe in horoscopes but I do read sometimes, anyway I supa luv your one-shot :D
Ahah, I like read horoscopes too but I don't believe everything that they say, xD
Great story :)
WOW. I really love this. A lot eventho it's short. Why? Because I read Horoscopes. A LOT. And sometimes I believe them way too much. Thank you for this :)

Btw, your writing style is adored! I like how you differentiate the Horoscopes from the dialogue and thoughts of 'me'. This is brief yet straightforward and beautiful ^^
Really cute! (Changjo~ <333) LOL I used to believe in horoscopes too XDD
So cute ><
xFlyHigh #6
n'aww this is cuteee n___n
and i'm a scorpio toooooo :')
Inwas deeply amused. Because I myself am a Scorpio. LOL