


You walked down the hall, going against the current of students rushing to the cafeteria for lunch. You were never one to eat in the crowded room filled with students, but instead out in the courtyard under a shady tree. You loved the quiet and peacful feeling of the courtyard since there were rarely any students there during lunch.

You pushed the door leading to the courtyard open and took a breathed in the fresh air when it hit your face. You sat down under the tree, like you did everyday, and took out your lunchbox from your bag. You looked around as you ate, taking in the beauty of your school's campus and how it looked so different when it was empty. 

You heard the sound of a door opening but made no move to look at who it was, you already knew who it was anyways. Kyungsoo made his way over and sat down next to you. You took out another lunchbox from your bag and handed it to him without a word.

"Thanks," Kyungsoo smiled at you and started to eat the lunch you made for him.

This is how it always was. Kyungsoo would pick you up in the morning and drive you to school and in turn, you would make him lunch everyday. No words, no questions. It just showed how close your relationship was. You considered Kyungsoo to be your best friend, your only friend. Sure, you talked to other people in your classes, but you were never close to them like you were with Kyungsoo. 

As the two of you finished eating your lunches in silence, you heard some loud voices coming from the soccer field at the bottom of the hill below the courtyard. You turned your head and saw a big group of boys running onto the field, one of them holding a soccer ball. That is when you saw him, Kim Jongin or Kai, as most people would call him. But you knew him as the love of your life.

You would never let anyone know this, escpecially Kyungsoo, but this was one of the main reasons you liked sitting in the courtyard during lunch. You loved watching him laugh and play with his friends, he just looked so carefree when he was with them. But when he smiled, you could feel your heart speed up. You watched him for a few mintues then heard Kyungsoo stand up.

"I'm gonna head on down and join them, thanks for the lunch, ______-ah," he said and patted your head. 

You nodded your head as you watched Kyungsoo run down the hill to join his friends. 

Yup, that's right, Kyungsoo was a part of Kai's group of friends. There were twelve of them in all and they were probably the most sought out boys on campus. As a matter of fact, Kyungsoo was acutally friends with them before you became best friends. Kyungsoo did introduce you to them once in Sophomore year. That was the first time Kai ever talked to you, but you were so nervous all you could do was wave back. Kyungsoo knew about your crush on Kai, you didn't even have to tell him, he just knew you that well. But no matter how many times he told you to talk to him, you just made up some lame excuse and walked away.

The truth was, you knew the kind of girls Kai dated and you didn't happen to fall into that category. Kai dated the girls with long hair that liked to dress up in dresses, wear high heels, and were super outgoing and sociable. While you, on the other hand, never let your hair grow past your shoulder blades, felt comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, barley wore flats let alone heels, and were quiet and kept to yourself. Your mind always told you to get over Kai, that he would never date a girl like you. But, there was something in your heart that clung on to the hope that one day, he would notice you. 

With a sigh, you packed up the two empty lunchboxes and decided to head to class a little early. 

When their game ended, the twelve boys headed back into the building, sighing as the cool air hit their faces. They were still joking around and teasing each other as they walked through the halls. Kyungsoo was still arguing with Chen on whether or not he really scored the game ending goal. 

"Kyungsoo-hyung," Kyungsoo felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Kai, "Ummm can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure what's up?" Kyungsoo asked as they fell a few steps behind the loud group of boys. 

"You're good friends with ______, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

Kai stared at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, "Well I kinda want to take her on a date, and I wanted your advice on how I should ask her."

Kyungsoo looked at Kai in shock. He never knew that Kai liked you that way. He was always a little over protective with you and he knew that he cared about you more than just a friend, but he wasn't sure if it was because he felt like an older brother to you or if it was because he liked you more than just a friend. But he knew that you liked Kai, and he would never get in the way of your happiness, even though he was honestly debating whether or not he should help him. 

Kyungsoo let out a sigh, "Just ask her. Be straight forward and don't hesitate. I know she'll say yes to you."

"Really? How do you know?" Kai asked with eagerness in his eyes.

"I just do. Like you said, I'm really good friends with her." 

"Okay! I'll ask her after school today! Thanks, hyung," Kyungsoo smiled as he watched Kai run down the hall to his next class.

'Well, ______-ah,' Kyungsoo thought to himself as he walked to his classroom, 'all that waiting and hoping will finally pay off.'

You sighed and set down you pencil when you heard the final bell ring. You stood up with the rest of your class and began to place all of your belongings in your backpack. When you exited the classroom, you jumped in surprise when you saw Kyungsoo leaning on the wall in front of the door, waiting for you.

"Oppa, what are you doing here? I could have just met you at the car," you said as you walked up to him.

"Nah, it's okay, I'll just walk you there. We wouldn't want you gettin distracted on the way there now would we?"

You shrugged your shoulder and the two of you started to make your way down the hall towards the parking lot. You talked about plans for the weekend with each other when Kyungsoo suddenly stopped in the middle of hall. You gave him a questioning look.

"Let's go this way," he said and pointed down the hall to his right.

"Why? This way is faster," you responded and point straight ahead.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I, uhhhh, moved my car to the East parking lot during lunch."

'East parking lot?' you thought, 'Why would he move his car there?'

Not wanting to argue anymore, you shook your head and followed him down the hall. But you stopped in your tracks when you saw Kai placing some books into his locker. You turned to ask Kyungsoo to if this is why he wanted to walk this way, but he was no longer by your side. You turned around in a complete circle and couldn't find him anywhere. Kai shut his locker and looked up to see you standing in the middle of the hall with a confused look on your face. 

'Okay, this is your chance. Fighting!' Kai did a little fist pump to himself before he called your name.

At the sound of your name, you looked up to see Kai half-walking, half-jogging towards you, "Y-yes?"

"U-uh... I know this is sudden and we don't really know each other, but I was wondering ...." Kai bit his lip and looked at the ground while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"You were wondering...?" you asked nervously. You could feel your heart starting to beat faster in your chest.

"I was wondering, if you, ummmm, wanted to go watch a movie with me tomorrow? I know this movie theater with a bowling alley next to it, we could go bowling after the movie."

You were shocked into silence. Kai just asked you out on a date. You couldn't believe it, Kai actually took notice in a girl like you.

A frown started to appear on Kai's face when you didn't respond, "It's okay if you don't want to."

Your head snapped up, "No, no! I would love to go to the movies with you!" 

"Really?" his frown now replaced with a smile.

You nodded your head shyly, internally melting at the smile he was giving you.

"That's great! I'll, uh, call you tonight with the details?"

You nodded your head once again, a smile spreading across your face as well.

"Okay, cool. I'll talk to you tonight then," Kai gave you a small wave and turned around, heading down the hall.

"Uh, Kai?" you called out.

"Huh?" his head whipped around.

"Don't you need my number to call me tonight?"

"Oh! Right, sorry!" 

You laughed softly as he ran up to you, taking out his phone to get your number. After exchanging numbers, you watched as he headed down the hall, a little hop in his step.

"Well, that went well."

You turned around to see Kyungsoo stepping around the corner, his hands behind his back.

"Yah! Where have you been?!"

"You know, around..." Kyungsoo said as you walked up to him, "So I see that Kai finally asked you out."

You opened your mouth to tell him that he was right but closed it and narrowed your eyes at him, "Did you know that he was going to ask me out?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Kyungsoo looked up at the ceiling as the two of you walked towards his car. 

You gasped when you realized what just happened, "You tricked me! You knew that Kai was at his locker and you knew that he was going to ask me out! That's why you wanted to go down that hall!"

Kyungsoo laughed and swung his arm around your shoulder, "I wouldn't say 'tricked', ______-ah, more like 'lending a helping hand'."

You shook your head while he continued to laugh as the two of you walked out of the doors to school and towards his car. 

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Chapter 1: hahaha was nice!!!!
barooya #2
Chapter 1: awww too sweeet >__<
kyungsoo as a helping hand. and tricked.
I wish I had a friend like him,
to eat together during lunch. and help around
Chapter 1: awww that was sweet~
kyungie "lending a helping hand" for his friend~
at least n'ek got to be asked out by her crush~ :D
Just notice...the girl is just like me, "̮hϱ ټ hϱ ټ hϱ"̮ , good story...
Cute ^^ <3
mazel888 #8
DAEBAK!!! The story was really well written :)