


To say that you were nervous would have been as complete understatement. You were absolutely terrified. Jinyoung tried telling you countless times on the way to B1A4's dorm that everything was going to be alright. Still, questions filled with worry couldn't help but run through your mind. What if they didn't like you? What if they thought you weren't good enough for him? What would you do if you didn't get their approval, their acceptance? These thoughts continued to circle around your brain as Jinyoung parked the car and led you up to the dorm.

After taking off your shoes, you hesitantly entered the idol group's dorm. You looked around and saw one wall lined with shelves of clothes, their beloved SNSD poster that you remember watching them put up during an episode of Sesame Player, and the little kitchen that connected to the living room. But the source of your nerves wasn't the dorm itself, but what was sitting on the floor in the center of the room. 

Jinyoung came up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders. Even though his action was done lightly, you still jumped a little, making it obvious that you were still nervous and scared out of your mind. 

"______-ah," you heard Jinyoung's voice near your ear, "I'd like to you meet my kids, Hyunwoo and Eunsol."

You smiled at them and gave them a small wave, trying hide that you were very nervous to meet them. The two five year olds just stared with wide eyes, looking between you and their "appa". 

"Appa, who is she?" the little boy, Hyunwoo, asked.

"This is appa's girlfriend," Jinyoung replied back to the curious child, "Her name is ______."

"______?" Hyunwoo asked with the cutest expression on his face.

Jinyoung nodded while he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into a back hug and giving you a reassuring smile. You smiled up at him and turned back to Hyunwoo, who was staring at the two of you.

The boy's lips broke out into a smile, "She's pretty!" 

You were still in shocked when Hyunwoo grabbed your hand and pulled you out of Jinyoung's arms so you could sit next to him on the floor. Getting on Hyunwoo's good side was pretty easy, but Eunsol, on the other hand, was another story. Hyunwoo was very open and social, while Eunsol was on the more quiet and reserved side. She wouldn't talk that much to you, only nod and stare down a the pink stuffed squirrel that she had in her hands. You didn't feel offended though, being a somewhat shy person as well, you understood her. The four (well technically three) of you continued to play and talk and soon, you could tell Hyunwoo was starting to get sleepy. 

"Aigoo, looks like it's nap time for Hyunwoo-ah," Jinyoung said after Hyunwoo let out a long yawn. He lifted Hyunwoo off the groud and rested the tired child's head on his shoulder.

"I'm going to put him down for a nap, ______-ah. I'll be right back."

After Jinyoung disappeared into his bedroom with Hyunwoo, the dorm fell into silence. 

"Eunsol-ah, are you tired too?" you asked, desperately trying to break the awkward tension that hung in the air. But Eunsol simply shook her head and continued to stay silent.

'Ahhh, Ottoke?! How do I get her to be more comfortable around me?'

Your thoughts were broken when you felt your phone vibrate the floor while inside your purse, indicating that you got a text message. Digging through your bag, you pulled out your phone to see a text from your roommate. You were just about to reply when you heard a small voice.

"Pororo?" Eunsol asked as she stared at your phone with her head tilted to one side. 

After looking at her, shocked that she actually spoke to you, you glanced down at your phone. It was an iPhone 4 with a red case and Pororo, the talking penguin, on the back.

"You like Pororo too?" You asked Eunsol, trying to keep the conversation going.

Eunsol excitedly nodded her head with a bright smile on her face, "Sandeul-appa bought me a Pororo stuffed animal to protect me from monsters at night."

"Omo, he did? That's so nice of him!"

"I have it with me, do you want to see it?'

You laughed as you nodded your head, agreeing to see Eunsol's gift from Sandeul. Eunsol ran out of the room, only to come back with a Pororo that was almost bigger than her.

"Wow," you said with wide eyes, "That thing will definately protect you from the monsters."

Eunsol giggled and started to tell you about how she's afraid of monsters and how Sandeul thought of the idea of having Pororo protect her. 

You two continued to talk about her appas and she asked you questions about your relationship with Jinyoung. You learned that she was really smart, even if she was just five years old. And even though she rarely spoke, she was always listening and observing what people around her were saying and doing. 

Your conversation was interrupted with Jinyoung reentered the room.

"Sorry about that, Hyunwoo wanted me to rub his back until he fell asleep," Jinyoung said as he sat down next to you and lifted Eunsol onto his lap.

"Eunsol-ah~" Eunsol looked up at Jinyoung when she heard her name, "Did you have a nice talk with ______?"

Eunsol nodded with a cute eye smile, "Neh, Appa, I like her a lot!"

Jinyoung laughed softly at her direct answer then turned his head towards you. When the two of you locked eyes, Jinyoung smiled,

"Yeah, I like her a lot too."

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2PMOkTaec #3
>.< cute!!
AyraLovesKibum #4
Ehhh, Jinyong oppa :')
alwaysdreaming #5
That's so cute
Oh my gosh c':
Cute! <3
Honestly, I don't really like kids. But if fanfics keep portraying children like this then I'm going to wish for kids like this in real life. xD