The Flower Fencer


Star Fencer Kim Jaejoong is determined to go for the gold at the 2012 London Olympics as a member of the Korean national team and nobody will get in his way. What happens when his former rival Shim Changmin returns to Korea to also represent the team? Who will come out on top?


“Years ago, Kim Jaejoong and Shim Changmin were fencers at the same fencing club. The two were unstoppable and seemed to balance each other out in skill. Changmin was unable to qualify for the Olympics the last time for unforeseen circumstances and moved to the United States to focus on his studies. He has continued his fencing there and has become a huge success. After qualifying for the Olympics, the Korean Olympics Team talked with him and he has decided to return. Now, Korea will be boasting their two youngest members as the fiercest competitors in the Games. It will be double the trouble for other countries with these two so please, everyone, give Changmin and Jaejoong all your love and support!” 


Title: The Flower Fencer
Main Pairing: Jaejoong/Changmin
Side Pairings: BFF!HoRella, BFF!YooMin, BFF!JaeSu
Rating: R with occasional NC-17 chapters. Profanity and Mature themes!!!
Genre: Humor
Inspiration: The olympics! And my love for the soulfighters and how y they are towards each other.


a/n: Hello there, everyone!! A few days prior to the server crash on AFF, I posted this story as well as the first two or three chapters (I can't recall). Because the story was originially lost in the crash, I planned to just update on livejournal until the story was back on the website. However, I decided that I should just post the story up from now and delete the old one when it comes back. 

If you have been reading my stories on livejournal, then you already know that I've been updating my stories on there. I'm planning on just going through and updating chapters that I lost starting today. I will not be posting three chapters at once. I will most likely post one chapter per day per story. *shrugs*


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Hero2409 #1
Chapter 18: I hope you can update sometime soon >< i really love this fic and i've been waiting a really long time to read what happens in the meeting and stuff ><
rjaejoo #2
Chapter 18: Loving this story. Great writing!
two months alr? D:
BubblegumRaccoon #4
Chapter 18: wahhhhhh I wouldn't wanna get out of the bed either hehehe
Chapter 18: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! JAEMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

I should had brought a lot of tissues -_-
hehehehe...thanks for the chapter Author-nim~
jaeminsf #6
sCeNeBLUETattoo #7
Chapter 17: Sigh! What a beautiful chapter! It was WELL worth the wait. I will be reading your other fics. I'm also looking forward to where ever you take this story.
Chapter 17: omg!omg!omg!finally they were together...i'm so happy!!!!!!
go!jaemin! fighting!!!!
they are so perfect....
i really really really love this chapter...^_______^
please please please update soon....
Chapter 17: finle they togher happy god dont make them sad updata updtat updata