Letter 2: I Don't Know?

Free Spirit

 Even though it was just the three of us we sat at a huge rectangle table that could at least fit 20 people. Dinner was painfully silent all I could hear was the clanging of our utensils. For the whole time L kept on staring at me while she was completely clueless in the situation.

As I was cutting my steak L asked me question.

“So Sungjong any reason why were you around these areas?” I stopped cutting and looked at him. “No reason, I was just wandering around looking for a place to go and I saw her.” I answered him truthfully. He took a sip from his wine glass and I took a bite of my steak while awkwardly steeling glances of her playing with her food. “Stop playing with your food Sun.” L commanded. She stopped at continued eating. I looked at her. “So that’s your name.” She stopped eating again and without looking at me she nodded. “Why did you tell me you didn’t have a name?” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and finished her food.

“Are you done?” She now looked at me with her big blue eyes. Captivated again by her beauty I just simply nodded. She smiled and took my plate away to the kitchen. I turned back around and my eyes locked with L’s. He took another sip of his wine then set his glass back down. Strangely I found myself slightly biting my lip as I watched his adams apple go up then down as he swallowed.

“You may go now.” He said. “Uh yes I should go” I got up and pushed in my chair. “Thank you for dinner.” I slightly smile and turned to leave. Before I could take a step I heard her voice calling behind me. “Sungjong wait!” I turned back around and saw her running up to me. “Before you go would you like to take a walk with me in the gardens?” I looked down at her then looked at L. I saw him sigh then nodded giving me his approval. I looked back down at her. “Let’s go.” I said. She smiled then locked hands with me.


The gardens were beautiful. The path ways were cemented with beautiful flowers planted at the side.

“They’re pretty right?” She spoke. “Yeah they really are. Do you like flowers?” I asked. She nodded. “I like walking here, it makes me feel.” She paused for a few seconds. “Nice, it makes me feel nice.” I laughed at her answer. “So how old are you?” I asked. She looked up at me and shrugged her shoulders. “Where are your parents?” “I don’t know?” “Why do you live in this castle?” “I don’t know?” Frustrated I puffed out air. “You like that phrase don’t you?” I said and once again she replied with. “I don’t know.” I chuckled. “Do you really don’t know or you just don’t want to tell me?” She opened to say something but I stopped her. “Let me guess what you’re going to say. I don’t know?” She smiled and looked to the ground. I smiled too at her. “Well maybe I should tell you a bit about myself first.” We stopped at a bench. “Well my name is Lee Sungjong, I am 20 years old, I like reading, and my parents are Mr. And Mrs. Lee.” She looked at me and took out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you Lee Sungjong, I am Sun.” She said. I took out my hand and shook hers, our eyes locked and we both laughed.

After we stopped laughing it grew silent. I started looking at the flowers and trees until she spoke again.

“You know Sungjong I use to ask L those questions you asked me but he usually doesn’t give me a clear answer.” “Why?” I looked at her. She shrugged. “I’m not exactly sure why but he did tell me that I am 16 years old and that is pretty much it.” I mouthed the words oh and nodded my head. “So is L your brother?” I asked. She tilted her head. “I don’t think he is. L has been with me ever since I can remember. He’s always been taking care of me. I don’t know anyone else but him.”

I listened to what she said. ‘I don’t know anyone else but him.’ Does she really not know anyone else, how long has she been living here? “It’s getting dark Sungjong lets go back.” She said. I agreed and we both walked back to the castle.

When we got to the castle we saw L waiting for us by the entrance. She ran up to L and hugged him. “Did you have fun on your walk?” He asked, she nodded and snuggled up to his chest. He then kissed her on the top of her head then looked to me. “Sun go get ready for bed I’ll be right there to tuck you in okay?” “Okay L.” She let go of him and then walked up to me. “Good bye Sungjong, thanks for spending time with me. I’ve never met someone from the outside world before. I wish you could stay.” She pouted then quickly hugged me and ran off. I watched her run off then turn back at L. Once again he was staring at me. “I know I have to leave, and don’t worry I won’t come back.” I said. I was about to walk past him but he grabbed my arm. I looked at him confused. “You can stay.” He said. I was shocked with the words he uttered out. “I thought you wanted me to leave.” I asked. He let go of my arm. “Do you want a place to stay or what?” He said angrily. I nodded and he sighed. “Follow me I’ll show you to your room.” He said. I followed him to a very nice white large room.

“You can stay in here and there is a washroom with everything in there too.” He said. I walk inside and sat on the bed. I looked at him and told him thank you. He ignored me and left. I laid back on the bed and thought why the sudden change of thought.

I kept on thinking about everything here and soon I started to drift asleep.   

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Chapter 2: Hi hi can I be yr friend
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TiffyPops #2
@beastybeauty errm why?
beastybeauty #3
should i burn my laptop now?