Among Nicknames And Other Things

The MinJae Files


Among Nicknames And Other Things
It was Monday. ing Monday. I didn't particularly like any day involving school, but Monday's took that cake. And that's worse, because I love my mother ing cake.
I grumbled to myself, glaring as I made my way down the hallway. I spotted Eunnie off flirting with Tao, it was really obvious, he must me blind and deaf to not understand her advances. Though she says she doesn't mind. 
My up coming protectiveness was cut short when someone slammed sideways into me.
"What the fu-"
"Woah! I'm sorry, here let me-"
The insanely attractive, and possible douche bag, stared at me, plush lips parted. 
"What?" I snapped. Just because he was hot, doesn't mean he doesn't deserve my temper like anyone else.
"Um, you are, well, y as . Would you go out for coffee with me? As an apology for knocking you sideways."
"Are you i-"
"Of course she would Kai." Said EunHae, appearing out of ing no where, linking arms with me.
"What?! And why is everyone censoring me??!!"
"Because you ing owe me. And yes you do, I made you brownies and all last week." She hissed in my ear. "Just one time, trust me." 
"Why? Why would I do that?"
"Because someone needs a happy love life, you ."
"Um..." Kai gave us an uneasy smile.
"Fine. But you are paying."
His smile widened, showing full teeth.
"Of course."
"Why are you making me do this again?"
"Because he's hot, and is showing interest in you."
I pulled my so called best friend to a stop.
"And what if he's a ?"
She rolled her eyes.
"He's not."
"How do you know?!"
"I have Econ with him. He's... Well, your type to say the least."
"How do you even know?"
"Oh shut the up, he's waiting outside."
"So where are we going?"
"Oh !" Kai jumps, dropping his keys in the process.
"Ah, we're going to the cafe downtown. They have amazing bubble tea."
As we get in the car, there's an awkward silence. 
"So your name's Kai, right?"
"Yeah, well my real name is Jongin. Kim Jongin."
"Ah, I'm Choi MinJae."
"Right. EunHae-ssi calls you MinMin."
"Yup. Only her though."
"...Could I call you Minnie?"
I stared at him in disbelief. 
"Heeell no."
"Minnie.. No. It doesn't work right anyways."
"What can I get for the lovely couple?" The much older waitress is all smiles, like she actually likes her job. I wonder idly if she does.
"I'll have-"
"Two bubble teas, one vanilla, one chocolate."
I glare, very much tired of being cut off all damn day.
"And a slice of red velvet cake."
"Cream cheese frosting okay?"
"Coming right up."
Kai smiles happily, I can't decide if I want to slap him, or kiss him. It's kind of even right now.
"Here's your order." The lady places the cups and plate down respectively. Damn she's fast.
"So chocolate huh."
"Mmhm." Kai murmurs, sipping his vanilla tea.
"You like sweets right?"
I shrug, while taking a rather large bite of cake. He can put two and two together. I shouldn't have to do it for him.
Kai smirks behind his cup. "I like your dark skin."
I roll my eyes. "I like yours too."
"Mines not as dark in comparison. Where are you from?"
"New York."
He hums in approval, still slowly sipping his drink. The small talk isn't getting very far. His eyes light up though after a few seconds.
My eyebrow raises, while my mouth tries to form words around the fork. "Jhae?"
Kai frowns again. "No. Too boyish." 
I roll my eyes yet again.
The cake doesn't last long, and the tea lasts even less.
"You know, if this was a date, it didn't go quite so well."
He pouts, flowing with aegyo. "I'm sorry MinMinJaeee."
I don't know why, but this actually makes me giggle. He's just so damn cute
He ing glows, going from cute to cocky and back in lightening intervals. "Yep. That one's official. But only I can call you that."
I smirk right back. "Fine. But then only I can call you Jongin."
There's a scoff and a smirk, making the response "I'll have you know, my mother calls me that." very difficult to listen to.
"This still wasn't the best date." The thing is, it wasn't a bad date, it's just fun to watch him squirm.
But he'd also full of surprises.
"How about one more? So I can apologize for the awful first one?"
I seal the deal with a kiss.

A/N: This is for yeobo. So there you go MinJae. This kind of actually , not how I planned this.


<3 EunHae
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larrylou #1
that was greattttt
*slaps* dunno why though that was great lmaooooooo
(annd she on a rant. ____. ____. shiiiit) *died*

but seems like this is going in a ty direction hmm? poor tutors....look what they gotta deal with!

OHMYFRIGGEN GAWD!!!! EUNHAEEEEEE I LIKE, WANNA HUG THE HELL OUTTA YOU AND KILL YOU AT THE SAME TIME!! i lovez you eunnieee!!! yeobo loves you!!!! ohmygawd that was great!!! im like, laughing and fangirling and squealing so bad right nao that there are actual tears flowing. omg omg omg......

*does aegyo* sequel?? pweaseeeeee
p.s. i will get you back for this....*evil laugh*