
Cherry Blossom Assassin

The classes went by quickly, i guess.

Lucky for me I had every class with the brat, yeah i understand it is my goal to kill her, but damn being with her that long seemed like it was killing me.

After first block I had French, where the stuck up teacher thought she knew everything, How do i know this, well I saw her ing stiff face.

"Manuer pourquoi etes-vous en retard?"

I knew she was asking me why I was late but who said I had to reply.

I had spent my entire break between classes cursing out my boss who decided to put me back high school and like most without a good answer she just repeated herself.

"I no speak French" I said taking a seat near the widow as the girl next to me shot a dirty look which made me laugh a bit.

"That's not how it works in my class you have to take your papers and start your book work"

"Awww but I don't want too" I sarcastically pouted as the pink haired brat looked at with a smirk.

"Miss Jiyeon you are in my class and must do what I say"

"Says who" I shot back at her watching her mushy wrinkled face move into a angry look.

"Well would you like to ask the principle that?" She gave a 'I got you look' to me which made me smile even wider.

"I'd love too but I don't do principles"

"Then you must do your work or you can leave" Hearing the offer made me so happy, spitting my gum out the window I stood from my seat taking my leather bag with me.

I took the papers from the desk viewing her satisfied face and then I rolled them into a ball moving to the room door where the garbage ben was and tossed them.

"Jamais dans vos reves putain je va is faire e que vous me dites de salope" I spoke viewing her face angry face before leaving the class room.

"I'm guessing she understood that" I laughed to myself pulling a stick of gum from my pocket and making my way to the roof top.

Outside p/v

"Oooh teacher are you going to take that?" A French student laughed as she viewed her annoyed and steamed teachers face.

"Of course not"

"Wait what did she say?" Hyomin asked the girl behind her.

"She said ' never in your ing dreams will I do as you say ' and quote"

"Are you serious?" The girl's eyes widened and opened.

"Yes strawberry now turn around, and close your mouth" 

"Oh okay" Hyomin turned back around before she turned back around again, i still can't believe she said that, and you know today is her first day too"

"No!" Hyomin nodded to show the girl that she was definately not lying.

"She's a badass then"

"Mmmmph" the pink haired girl thought for a minute before smiling, "yeah a real rebel i guess"

"I've wanted to put this prune in her place for years"

"Hyuna!" Hyomin slapped the girl's shoulder. "Ahhh what?"

"Don't say that"

"But it's true she's so..."

"Who's so?" the teacher walked over to the girl's who were whispering in the corner.

"Nothing teacher" Hyomin spoke with a smile, the older woman looked at Hyuna who rolled her eyes, "What/'

"I hope it wasn't nothing serious"

"It wasn't gosh" 

"Alright" the older woman walked away back to the from of the board.


Blowing a big bubble i leaned against the edge of the rooftop watching my watch and waiting to go to my next class.

"ing " A voice called from the side, I looked in the direction of the of course I didn't move my entire body. 

"Jiyeon!" the girl from the first block class called my name, she seemed okay I guess, but I wasn't looking to make friends but hay one wouldn't really hurt.

I guess.

I watched her walk towards me her hair bone straight and eyes bold, "What up?" I asked looking back at the view of the city below.

"Nothing, I just skipped my science class and I'm waiting to head to gym" 

I turned to her hearing the statement.

"You have gym next?"

"Yeah" she responded turning to me wondering why I seemed to care so much.

"No nothing, I just have gym next as well."

"Ooooh I hope we have class together"

"Mmmph Maybe"

"So what you doing up here?"

I didn't really want to respond so I didn't, I'm not one for stupid conversations.

Yuri smiled in response to by silence, "I like your 'I don't wanna talk attitude'"

She leaned against me making me a bit uncomfotable but i didn't really mind.

"Want to grab some coffee or something?"


"Well do you want to spend almost a hour up here?"

"yeah that's what i was planning to do"

"Well" she jumped from her position and took my face both her hand's cupping my cheek, I nearly reached for the knife in my back pocket and slice her hands, but of course i restrained my-self.

"I'll just bring you something back"

"Alright" I responded watching her leave and move to the door that lead back into the home.

"Mmmph" I took a breath in bored as I made my legs onto the railing standing up on the edge allowing the wind to pass through my hair until I heard a scream from below.

"What the ?" i looked down at a strange girl with nothing but pink hair. "Don't do it, your life is worth something"

"What...what the is she..." the idea hit me causing me to roll my eyes, does this really think I'm trying to commit suicide?

Huh, let me a bit,

I tipped one feet off the rail watching her scream as i laughed.

Well let me just get off this roof top before the ing security and news crew come get me, the last thing i need is to be on national T.V.

As I turned my body around my feet slipped a bit and yeah i tipped over my weight falling over the railing, all I could hear was her annoying scream, like every good assassin I know how to break a high fall, so I viewed a bush of greenery below and shifted my position leaning on my back as the fall continued.

"Issh this fall is long" i spoke to myself waiting until I felt the soft plants below.

My arms where a bit cut but I didn't mind.

"Oh my god I think she's died" The girl spoke to what I'm guessing was a crowd of kids who had gathered around due to her stupid scream.

I moved from the plants standing up and making my way between the gossiping kids already by the bush I landed in. I walked with a smirk viewing the strawberry haired brat who decided to yell dry.

"I don't die that easily" i spoke running my fingers through the stiff girl's hair, she seemed nearly paralyzed by my touch, and i have to admit it I love it when people are terrified for me.

Like crazy people who go mountain biking, and sky jumping, I get my adrenaline from people fear.

"Hay" yuri walked over to be observing the commotion, "What happened?"

"Nothing really, so what did you get me?"

"Coffee, black, I'm guessing your not into sweet things"

I took the warm cup willingly despite the warm day i was anticipating the drink, "You know me so well already" I sarcastically stated.

"Of course" Yuri joked already catching on.

"So how many more minutes until gym?"

"About five, i guess. I really don't know, I'm always late"

"Yeah me too" I told her walking with her back into the building.

"Seriously though, what the hell happened"

"Nothing" I threw the rest of the drink into the trash after a few gulps . "jest fell off the roof"

"Awww you're being sarcastic right...right?" She shoved me  getting serious.

"No, I don't joke" 


​"Stop being loud, my head hurts a bit"

We made our way into the gym, Yuri leading me since I pretended that I didn't know the place.

I must say playing a new student is really easy.

Jumping off the roof and not dieing man that's a awesome ability. I think Jiyeon is soo cool. I hope you guys like this chapter, thanks for reading <3

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glad you're back babe
TimelessStories #2
Chapter 1: thank you for staying!
J_T-ara_M #3
Chapter 16: You leave? Huft..
J_T-ara_M #4
Chapter 15: I just found your story and i have to say... it's awesome!! Minyeon couple.. like it!! Can't wait for your next update ^^
tasya92 #5
Chapter 14: Aww... nice update. Curious to knw what happen next.. keep update.. fighting..
Chapter 14: Thanks for comeback author.
Please make more MinYeon moment
tasya92 #7
Chapter 13: wow... what an amazing story.. keep update.. fighting!!
TimelessStories #8
Chapter 13: Minyeon! ^^