
Cherry Blossom Assassin

"I hate You"

"I Hate you"

"I ING HATE you"

I know my words mean nothing and basically I know no one can hear me.

But it's fun sometimes, when you slid the blade over your wrist intending it to slice a vain in half but for some reason a ing mystical force decides to ruin your day and save a life.

Of-course I have too long of a murder streak to believe in any mystical force or concept of ever lasting life but I enjoy hearing those church guys speak about it every view months when they come to my door and try the attempt of saving a lost soul.

Which is a funny concept since I'm about 95% sure i have no soul.

Anyway's these crazy thoughts are nice, they distract from the cold room I lay in every night.

The stone hard ground I enjoy far more than the comfy patted bed inches off the ground right next to me.

You see i have this strange behavior, this habit of ignoring my fears and the images of bodies that flash through my mind by focusing on something else.

Myself, the pain I feel myself rather than those of others.

I'm not in a prison, it's not like anyone would suspect a teenage girl killing hundreds of people...but then again would anyone even bother.

It all turns into cold cases, which is good for me but sometimes it really makes in realize the failure of humanity.

humanity, what is that anyways? the moral code that is stomped on the ideals of modern life, the code that tells us killing one race or group of people is okay if it's for a big cause, or a huge mass of land.

But oh if you want to murder a physco manic who murdered you're little sister and make them pay.

Then it's wrong, cause their a billionaire and you are dirt poor.

That idea is obviously deprived from my mind and thoughts, all which have basically become my own moral code, the laws which I decide judge me.

My sister's dead, the only person i 've never hated.

I have a brother, a mother, oh and I know a who calls himself my father.

And take note I say calls himself, that's because year's ago i disowned his but because our lovely country and nation and whole ing world decided that if you were a part of someone then you guys stick together forever, the douche bag can do what ever the he wants and track me down like a animal all because I'm his so called daughter.

I've never really got the whole saying  "Blood is thicker than water" 

I mean yeah it's true but then again blood is made partly of water so isn't water more important, 

i mean get into my head for a moment,

well not all the way in

but for a minute think the way i do. 

I'm a billionaire now, I make my money killing hundreds of people and not giving a damn, like 99% of billionaires.

But here i am 18 and on the verge of dysthymia but man am i ing rich.

Just like my mother always wanted to be, i don't mid her mooching off me but what I do mind is what it is for.

My families corrupt but hay lets not talk about them lets talk about the I'm hoping to kill tomorrow.


The name just rolls of the tongue in a sweet manner.

The princess of a murder, the daughter of a corrupt billionaire, the key pieces to the life of one of the most powerful puppet masters out there.

I don't know, when i heard I wouldn't be killing that bastard i was a bit bummed but when I learned i would be killing his prize jewel,

welp lets just say for the first time a i saw a rainbow and a ing short man dressed in green at the end of it standing by a gold pot of gold.

It's almost more thrilling knowing your getting revenge than taking a person's life.

Making a person bleed is boring compared to hearing the person you hate the most suffer and break down emotionally.

It's all too thrilling. 

But tomorrow is a while away, so I'll toss this sharp blade in the trash by my bed and find comfort for a moment in the soft white bed in my room.

I say temporarily because nightmares aren't all that fun.



I jump into my car the next morning, you might be wonder what time and what the i did,

but that's all too boring. 

I just want to bring you guys to the exciting part, when I reach the huge high school building.

That's probably why I was called for this case, I'm still a kid even though everyone I know treats be a like an adult.

They say I have a aura, or feel.

And I always reply with, 'when the did you become magic'

I walk into the building my heels clacking against the marble floor. 

I have shade on to hide my face, not because of my career, but my look is a bit odd.

Not a lot of student's are used to blonde haired, grey eyed, girl's.

"Hello?" a squeaky voiced brunette spoke her tone eurking me already.

"Jiyeon" I spoke reaching the brown desk and leaning against it.

"Hmmm?' she hummed questioning.

Did I mention i  have a very low tolerance for anyone and anything.

"Park" I annunciated with me lips slowly to make sure the could hear. "Jiyeon"

"Oh..." she stopped a bit, I watched her roll her eyes and allowed a cheeky smirk to roll on my lips before I ripped the paper from her hand.

"Thanks" I said in the sweetest tone.

"Ummm no problem" I wasn't sure if she got my sarcasm because she started to smile.

"Ugggggh I hate stupid idiots.

I read the classroom paper, looking at the number and skimming over the words quickly.

I had got the room down, the time, down and basically all the student's name down, too bad I had forgotten to get the seating down as well.

It was already 7:00 am which was really hell for me since I sleep through the day and wake up at night.

I hurried through the bodies of walking and talking student's.

All the annoying topics and unnecessary loudness, all reminded me of why I hated society so much.

Brain washed brats listening to what ever feed idiots repeat to the, even though it was enjoyable to watch, it grows boring quickly.

i walked through the hall reaching the class room door and opening it.

The student's already there were talking about nonsense so i found a place near the back of the room leaning against the wall near the window, I couldn't help but look outside viewing the small bodies.

"How much i hate school" I spoke under my breath softly only to hear a response from a tall girl with noir hair.

"tell me about it" she spoke her bottom lip cracked but teeth white and breath surprisingly fresh for the morning.

"Name" i spoke sighing as I moved off the wall softly and evidently annoyed.

"Kwon Yuri, You?"

"Oh Kwon you'll find out soon" I smirked moving from her side and to the front of the room as the teacher signaled with her bony fingers for me to move.

She began to speak moving her hands over my shoulder which I immediately removed as she smiled embarrassed.

I don't know why she thought it was okay to touch a person she knew nothing about but I'm guessing she is used to it.

"Everyone this is Jiyeon and she's new here so you all be nice"

I nearly busted out laughing at her comment, like I would let any with me.

"Jiyeon take a seat in the empty desk at the back" she pointed in the direction.

I simply moved to the seat sitting down as Kwon turned back in my direction with a smile,

'Jiyeon?' I could read her lips repeat my name with a questioning look.

"Yeah" i mouthed back as i sat down by the window.

"So sweet for a bad-" I smiled as i read her lips.

"mmh mmh, Yuri" the old lady sung the girls name as she turned from me and to the front of the room.

"Yes Lilly"

I could tell it was the teachers first name by her widened eyes and stupid gasp.

I enjoyed it, a girl who took time to research just to piss her teacher off, very enjoyable I must say.

I snickered a bit. I guess this might be interesting.

there she is, I looked at the young girl security all around her.

I could tell it was the billionaires prized jewel, i couldn't even let her come to school alone.

"No wonder i couldn't get to their house" I whispered with a growl.

A few minutes later she came to the class room, she walked in like a ing princess. 

Her books held to her white collard shirt with nothing but a above the knee floral shirt.

Oh and the icing on the cake viewing her entire attire was obviously the white bow on the back of her long pastel pink hair that matched perfectly with her white knee high socks.

"So ing pretty" I nearly glared at her, I'm guessing she felt it cause she turned in my direction immediately.

"new girl?" I moved back softly, she kind of caught me off guard with her sweet tone.

I mean it wasn't as high as the es from this morning, I've never heard a voice like here's before it was I don't know strange.

"No"I bluntly spoke to her as she ran over to me, the mint blue back pack following behind her.

"No~ Are you sure" she folded her arms over my desk and leaned closer to see my face.

"Yahhh glasses?" she reached for my face but instinctly i slapped her hand away receiving a gasp from some students.

"Ouch" she pouted as a few large men dressed in black ran by her side.

"I'm fine" she looked at them with an assuring smile, i really wouldn't have mind kicking some and just slicing the es throat right there.

But it wasn't the right time...I guess.

'Can i please see your face?" she asked leaning on my desk and looking up.



I didn't respond,I wasn't planning on doing this entire stupid game with her, rather i turned back to the window.

"Well, I'm Hyomin and it's very nice to meet you"

she took my hand before I could notice and smiled shaking it.

"isssh" I pulled my hand back away from her.

"my my you're so cute" she giggled moving back to her seat, while instructing the two men to leave.

I sighed looking out the window.

Can I kill this already?

It's only morning and all I want to see is red.



I reinvented the entire story, I hope you guys don't mind i just really was set on leaving the site but after a long talk with a AFF friends i've decided to stay but sadly i couldn't continue the other story the way it was going.

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glad you're back babe
TimelessStories #2
Chapter 1: thank you for staying!
J_T-ara_M #3
Chapter 16: You leave? Huft..
J_T-ara_M #4
Chapter 15: I just found your story and i have to say... it's awesome!! Minyeon couple.. like it!! Can't wait for your next update ^^
tasya92 #5
Chapter 14: Aww... nice update. Curious to knw what happen next.. keep update.. fighting..
Chapter 14: Thanks for comeback author.
Please make more MinYeon moment
tasya92 #7
Chapter 13: wow... what an amazing story.. keep update.. fighting!!
TimelessStories #8
Chapter 13: Minyeon! ^^