At English Class



At English class (my favorite class, of course because I’m good on it)


Like usual our teacher is always late to come. That’s why my classroom heard like a very crowded jungle, some girls gossiping about others, some boys prank each other in front of the class. Some silent students just sit and read their book, while me just daydreaming in my seat.

A second I back to the real life I see our teacher great us, and the crowd run back to their seat.


“Good afternoon students” Mrs. Lee great us

“Good afternoon ma’am”

“Are you tired guys? Come on show me your spirit! Good afternoon students...” Mrs. Lee shouting this time and we can’t help but shout back “GOOD AFTERNOON MA’AM!!”

“Lovely! I have a surprise for you guys” mrs.lee said enthusiasm but got no attention from us


Ttok ttok ttok


“Oh great she got irritated. And no one here gave her attention, poor her! Seems I need to do something” I thought

“What surprise ma’am?” I said from behind ( since I sit at the corner of class (I’m the outsider remember?)

“Try to guess…” she said in annoying way

“Just spit it out ma’am... you wasted OUR time” Sulli complain

Aish~ that girl have no manner at all. With that kind of attitude how come she becomes queenka here? That two-faced girl, foxy I thought

“Aigoo Sulli-ya, once you know the surprise you won’t never say that everything I do now is wasted” Mrs. Lee talked back

“Dear beautiful Mrs. Lee can you reveal the surprised right now? You make us curious till dead” Chunji luring Mrs. Lee with his sweet mouth. God! Why you fill this class with many annoying people I sighed.

“OK OK Then. Dear, you can come in now” Mrs. Lee calls someone outside my class

OH MY GOD!!! God I ask you sincerely, why you fill in this class with such ANNOYING PEOPLE???  

I feel very unfair and irritated right away I saw the person whom called by Mrs. Lee. Did I do something wrong? Am I sinner? Today is really a bad day for me. I’m not being hyper, but just by look at that person I can expect some bad things will approach me. Then I hid my face between my arm in the table, pretending to sleep or anything.

“Students, he is your new classmate. He is student transferring from United States so please help his Korean, since I heard this is his first time life in Korea although he is Korean. Take care of him ok?” Mrs. Lee give a long speech “Ah, you can introduce yourself now”

“Annyeong haseyo, naega L.Joe imnida. Bangapsumnida” he introduce himself with cocky tone trying to be cool but have no impact at me at all different from the rest girl students in this room. I can hear them scream about his handsome face or cool attitude under their mind. It’s awful! I hate to hear this kind of thought, they’re disgusting!! I irritated by myself.

“What is your real name L.Joe chingu?” Hwanee give him a question

“Do you need my real name? Don’t my nickname is enough to know? You’ll call me by my nickname right?” oh boy, his answer is really cooooocky!!!!!

“Perhaps his real name is too embarrassing” I murmuring

“Ya! You’re so rude to our new friend! Do you think we can’t hear your word? The worse thing is you talking while pretend that you sleep! Very annoying outsider!!!” Sulli shouted and make me surprised a bit. Have I say it out loudly just now?

“Mrs. Lee can’t you give a manner lesson to your beloved students? How can she say rude things to our new friend in his first day?” Aish, this girl is really hateful! Provoke Mrs. Lee to punish me and make me look very bad? No Way, I won’t allow that!

I haven’t said anything before the new “flower” student a.k.a. Mr. showoff talk and ended this most unimportant debate.

“It’s OK. In States those words are nothing, never mind” he said still acting cool then send me and the annoying a wink.

Disgusting, but whatever as long as everything has stopped. I’ll be more frustrated if I continuing that silly debates. Mrs. Lee show where is L.Joe’s table, and let guess where will he going???

A peaceful seat beside mine. Deabak, isn’t it?

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Need to write more.. and more.. Fighting!!! Need to finish some story soon!!!


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Wait for the update, i'm kinda busy now,,, XD thanks for comment,
please do more!