


I wonder how everyone life in society? It’s full of lie and fake. There’s no willingness for a change, a good change for sure. It’s true that there’s many change in the world but everything is just a bad invasion.


“Why I think that kind of thought?” I asked myself while take a deep breath


Like usual, I sit alone in this couch. Seeing everyone laugh each other, jokes around, eats together or pranks others. It seems like lovely and normal routine for most people, but it’s not for me who always thrown myself away from the society.

Nah, I was being rejected by people first then me thrown away myself. Being outsider of everyone here, I don’t have any close friend. All of them are just acquaintance, and I’m a weirdo and nerd in their eyes. In the beginning year there are some people was trying to make a friend with me, but it wasn’t last longer. Being rejected for a long time made me can’t adapt with others, and I thrown myself away in the end.


“It’s very hot today” I mumbling

“Jeosonghamnida, ngg... a… hmm…” a boy come to my couch all of sudden. He try to say something but I don’t know neither he loss word or can’t speak. I just stare at him then he sighed upset before say something.

“Can I sit here? I think here’s the only one free, I can’t found another seat. Eng,,, do you understand what I said?” he speak at me in very quick-fluent English

“Ehm, you can sit here. But make sure that you eat quietly.” I took one look at him and allowed him to sit here

“Thanks. By the way, your English is pretty good. You have accent, that’s impressed me” he praised me while have a seat in front of me.      


I ignored his compliment and kept reading my book. Even though people approach me, trying to be friendly even praising me, I never paid attention and careless instead of respond back at them. Since I know most of them is insincere, and I truly can read their mind complete with their hidden motif. Maybe it’s too rude for someone who totally stranger like him, but it has become a habit of me.


“Did you live in western country before? States? England? Others?” he asked me all of sudden but it didn’t surprised me at all, and I kept ignored him. He silent for a while before passed me another question, which sounds more like a complaint. “Can’t you at least answer my question? Just speak a bit, I’m being bored”


I took a deep breath before give a sight to him. Actually I’m totally has no interest to responds him back, but I know my attitude just arouse his curiosity. I look him in the eye and asked him directly.


“If I answer it, will you stop talk and eat quietly?” I was trying to sound calm even though I was very irritated

“Maybe” he answer shortly

“You must. I’m reading now and I need fully concentrate on its” I warn him off, not allowed him to disturb my reading-time this time.

“Ok. I’ll be quiet” he smile brightly and keep his eyes on me.

“Yes, I have lived in states for 5 years. So you can be quiet now.” I answered his question in one breath. I don’t want to waste some of my precious time just for this curious stranger. He’s trying to give me another question before I cut his word. “I think you said you’ll be quiet just now”

“Sorry” he seems a little bit upset but I know he has no choice as he has promised at me before.


I continue reading my book and he eat quietly now. Yeah, it’s a relief to have my peaceful reading time again. I used to have no one come in my couch and sit here beforehand, he’s the first stranger who approach me. I think everyone have known that this is my favorite place and yeah everyone knew I’m not a part of society here.

Yet my peacefulness not last for long, he began to disturb me AGAIN. I hold in for at least two minute before I burst out again.


“Oh boy. Can’t you stop that? Aren’t I asked you to be quiet? Should I repeat it again?” I madly blame him

“What? I do nothing” he stunned by mu outburst

“Do you think I can’t hear you gossiping me with your brain?”

“You can read my mind?” his eyes bulging wide with shocked face

“Forget it! Honestly, I’m so annoyed. I think I…”


Kring. . . kring. . .kring. . .


School bell rang before I could finish my words. Good, I can back to my peaceful place I closed my book and stand up from the couch, take a step out from this discomfort place.


“Hey, can’t you at least give your name??” he call me but I ignored him and walk along to my class

“Thank God to bring my world back” I cheer my self 


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Need to write more.. and more.. Fighting!!! Need to finish some story soon!!!


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Wait for the update, i'm kinda busy now,,, XD thanks for comment,
please do more!