


You,Shinee's Onew,Key,Taemin,Minho and Jonghyun,krish(your son),cousin(Ae sook),best friend(sangam)...special thanks to(minho's parents,sister{neeva})




You are a daughter to most richest couple of the world..you wanna keep it secret..you want people to be with you for yourself not for your money..you live in Nepal since you are 10 years old(your parents are in london)...you are cold  and tough outside but inside your warm and kind hearted...you hav three friends (sangam,Ajay and kirshnaa)..you can do anything for them..and they too can do anything from you...you like involving in fights....but you stop it because you promise your BFF(krishnaa)...your friend ajay died in car accident and your friend krishnaa died after giving birth to baby boy..you promise your dying that you would take care of krish as ur own son... after death of your two friend..you dunn like to stay in Nepal..so you leave to korea with kirsh....you have few relatives there(mother side).


In korea you meet 5 guys...who love you alot??how will they react when they find you have a child?who will still love you and who will you choose???





-You are hated by most of the girls at school..You are 20 years old.Your birthdate is on May 25 1992.

-You have a very strong character and you never let anything get on your way.You do not like being threatened by people.


-Not easily amused

-can be mean



-Faboulous dancer and singer


-Love waterski,playing basketball,videogames

-love chocolates and chicken(yummiee)

-love kirsh so much

-hate to see him(Krish) cry

-cold,rude outside(not showing that ur hurt losing 2 most important person)

-You always do what is best for your family with a willing heart and you never complain.You are admired by your family and realtives so much.

-But the best thing that your parents love about you is that you are such an honest girl.You never lie to them.

-You are also a very God-Fearing young girl.You always want what is best for the people that you love.

-If you love something..you can do anything for them...if you hate something..you cannot like it back again..



-4 years old





-love strawberry milk

-love his pet(tumu)

-love his mum and hate when guy talk to her

-protective son

-close with sangam,taemin and key




-Ela's best friend



-funny and funloving


-support her in every step

-hate tears in ela's eyes

-flirty with other girl(he dun have a gf)

-love kirsh aloot

-faboulous dancer and singer

-great fighter


Aee Sook

-DOB : november 9 1992(20 years old)


-learing piano

-love teddy


-living with ela,krish and sweety(her blood-related sister)

-she have a crush on KEY(Shhh...secret)


-hate cleaning and cooking


-loves everyone equally







-full name: Lee Jinki

-DOB: 14 december 1989(24)

-love playing piano, learning Mandarin, Soccer, Basketball 

-Onew has no ideal type of girl - he believes that every girl has her own charms. But he must have a good first impression ;)He wants a God-Fearing woman for him.

-He may get easily irritated and mad sometimes when he is challenged, but when a person apologizes sincerely he forgives them.

-Onew likes to brush his teeth for a long time

He would like to learn how to draw

-Onew likes to sleep

- Onew's favourite type of Tofu is called Sundubu

-Onew always brings his Rubix Cube around with him

-Onew wears glasses when he is practising dancing

- He is known by his bright cheery smile that never leaves his face <3 :)

-He never apologizes first though.Never in his life he even did that.His closest friends are TAEMIN AND MINHO.But he treats and loves everyone



-full name :kim jonghyun

-DOB:8th April 1990(22 years old)

-love watchin movies

-faboulous dancer

-love playing piano 

-love writting lyrics

-He can play the bass, piano and guitar 

-Has a dream of playing every instrument there is and compose/write songs

- He carries a picture of SHINee in his wallet

Not scared of the camera

Jonghyun sleeps with his eyes not quite shut

He sings in his sleep 

-He doesn't know how to ride a bike

-He is really tough and can get into fights with strangers sometimes.

-He has an outgoing and strong personality.Girls love him for that. He is not very distant with girls.And is not shy too.

-He dates mean girls at school and breaks their heart.He does not respect them because they also don't respect themselves too.

-He never hates his friends and loves each and everyone in the same way.

-Jonghyun,likes girls that are naturally sweet and is very pure and cute.Even though he likes those type of girls.He still does not feel it's enough.

-He actually wants a girl who can truly love him.The one who can hold him in her arms and not let go of him.

-He is so protective once he finds the one.His closest friend is mostly KEY.But he cares and loves everyone the same way as they do towards him.



-full name: Kim Kibum

-DOB : September 23,1991(21)


-love waterski

-learning Mandarin and Japanese

-love dancing

-He is SHINee's Umma, which means 'Mummy' ;)

- Key loves pink

-Key is taemin's umma

-He's afraid of heights

-Key has a love-hate relationship with Horror movie's and stories

-Is confident that he can be a gourmet chef, nobody can escape his dumplings trap

-His personal talent is imitating 

-Key nags alot.

-he always takes good care of

everyone in their group.He has a very strong character and wants to be respected by people.

-When you challenge a guy like him,he hates to loose.He always finds a way to win and show people that he is  a very hardworking guy.

-He doesn't like girls at all and never had a past of dating.He doesn't just like a girl easily.He wants a girl who can be herself around him.And can spend time with him when he needs her the most.he likes someone who is just simple but beautiful in her own way.When  he falls inlove, he does not look or pay attention to anyone else but her.He is the type of guy who is not scared of commitments or even spending his entire life with someone.

-He wants to be with a girl that has a very strong character and a very God-Fearing one too.He does not care about physical features when it comes

-When pretty girls try to catch his heart and try to play with him, he just ignores them.He does not like those type of girls.He hates it!

-Most of the girls at school stalk him everyday single day and he hates being stalked.

-He sings and dances really well. 

-he loves hanging out with his friends and his family.

He goes to church regularly.

-His closest friend in the group is JONGHYUN.But he treats and loves everyone the same way.



-Full name:Choi minho

-DOB: 9th december 1991(21)



-Love playing soccer,basketball

-learing english

-Favourite food is ramen

- Minho is the most soft spoken amongst the 5 boys.but quick-tempered

-start yelling if he dont like anything

-Although quiet, He stands out with his handsome looks and charm.

-It is quite easy for him to win  girls hearts because of his Flaming Charisma and girls easily get trapped by his intoxicating eyes.He fools around with mean girls and later on dumps them.He really wants a girl who is good natured and Family-Oriented. A girl who can truly love him forever and never leave by his side.

-He likes a girl who can play sports pretty well.He doesn't like girlies.He is very confident in everything he does but gets shy due to some reasons.



-Full name:Lee taemin

-DOB :18th july 1993(19 years old)

-lead dancer

-cutest  and charming for girls

-listening music

-dancing(pop pin)

-playing piano

-learing chinese

-Taemin is the youngest member of SHINee

-Taemin gets seasick when he's on a boat, which ruined his dream of becoming a fisherman.

-Must never forget to smile

-Carries a bag containing a lot of sweets around, all with a SHINee logo attached on it. Will give out these sweets whenever he sees noonas.

-Will run around the practise room with a bottle/packet of milk in his mouth.

-.He wants to be loved just as he is and he has a very warm heart.He is also very funny and that is one reason he is admired by girls.It is not easy for him to like girls these days because he is not sure if they are being true or not.He wants to be with a God-Fearing and caring girl someday.A girl who is very honest and true with everything she says.

-When he is mad,he wants to be alone and hates to talk and get commanded by people.This is one of the reasons why he gets into trouble and can hurt some people emotionally.He is the first one to settle things and apologize too.Through this, he can get things settled real soon and everything finally turns out well.He is timid but very confident when it comes to standing up for the people he loves.

-He sings real well too. His closest friends are Onew and Minho.









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This story is fun !! XD