All thanks to her (Sequel)

It's our secret

Dara's POV

It has already been 8 years since that incident, we're already married and we have our little Seungho and another baby on the way yet I sitll haven't found that mystery person. For some odd reaosn which I can't explain I feel like I have to see the person even though I have no idea how I would react or what to say when I finally see her or him.. It's something that I can never get off my head. I tried everything to fin that mystery person from the police to computer hackers but there's still no trace of that person. I've been very opened to the media about my search yet no one dared to come forward and admit that it was them. Sometimes I even wonder if it's someone close to us. I cna't be enetirely sure. He or she could be around us everyday without me noticing. I really hope this year, 2020 is the year where she/he shows up.. I just hope and pray.




After I got home from the clinic for my monthly check up I went outside to check the mailbox. I guess checking the mail became a habit of mine since it's the only productive thing I can do in this house since Seunghyun got maids, apparently he doesn't want me to get tired. After we got married back in 2016 I've been stuck in this annoyingly huge house. I've never been fond of big houses in my life especially when there's only 4 of us that live here. It's a good thing the maids are here to accompany me.


A lot had happend during these years, I had new people come into my life some left. The girls are very much occupied with their careers and personal lives but we see each other every wednsedays, fridays and on the weekends or during their free time. I like looking back at our old lives when we were a lot younger. Our looks hardly changed but our personalities, priorities and way of thinking changed together with our age.



I stood in front of the mail box for about ten minutes without even realizing it. This happens whenever I reminisce about the past. I opened the mailbox as I hummed a song to myself. There isn't anything unusual just catalogs and a few letters but one of the letter stood out. It was in a pink envelope, it was adress to me with my name written boldly on it.


I felt a sudden rush of excitement flow inside my body and a little sense of hope that maybe it's that person, the one I've been dying to meet. I opened the letter carefully as I walked in the house. I went in my room took my reading glasses and opened the folds of the letter with a faint smell of womans perfume, from the I knew it had to be a woman but who is she? The letter was neatly and carefully written, you see how the delicate and sensitive that person is through her writing.

                                         "Dear Sandara,

                                         I know it's been such a long time and

                                         you've been searching for me for quite a while

                                         now but I didn't think I was ready to face you

                                         just yet but now I think I'm strong enough to.

                                          First of all I just want to say I'm sorry and I know

                                          that you want to see me face to face so I am very

                                          happy to. I hope we can fix any misunderstadnings we have.

                                          Meet me tomorrow at the same place you guys secretly met up and at the same

                                          time.Please come alone,I don't want Seunghyun to see me. I'll explain everything

                                                                                    once we meet. Please come.


It's that sudden rush of nerves and excitement that snapped Dara back to reality. It was finally here that person she's been searching for has suddenly come. She doesn't know whether should show Seunghyun or not. She didn't like lieng to Seunghyun at all but she feels as if it's the right thing to do for now. She has a feeling that it's someone that Seunghyun know. It's now or never, somehow she has to do it.



Nana's POV

It has been exactly 8 years and 3 months since I've been here. It feels so new, the aura of the place is completely different. It's a lot more serene and calm unlike before it felt so gloomy.I guess I could say that a lot has changed in these past few years. I'm now a famous ramp model in Paris and Korea. I've also joined the designing industry of Korea. Back then Seunghyun was the center of my whole life that I didn't have the time for myself, I didn't know what I was capable of doing and I never really had the time to pursue my dreams. My young and immature mind was filled with jealousy and envy. I've now come to realize that Seunghyun isn't the one for me because if he was then destiny would've worked it's magic. How I wish I knew back then what I know now but then again that's how you learn. In life experience is what you get when you don't get what you want, need I say wanted. I love the new me, I'm a lot more happier and open minded.A very familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Uhhmm, this is the letter sender KN. Is that right?" she said hesitantly.


"Yes it is.Take a seat please."


"Aren't you that famous ramp model from Paris, Kim Nana?"


"Yeah but how do you know?"


"Well you're very famous and you've endoarsed everything from wines to tampons. I'm San.."


"I know that very well. So you know why I came here right? You're probably a bit overlwhelemed and don't know what to say so I'll start. Again my is Kim Nana. I went to the same kindergarden to middle school with Seunghyun and I'm pretty close to his sister. Ever since middle school I had feelings for him but never really had the guts to confess. All I did was love him from afar looking back I've wasted a lot time instead of confessing I hid my feelings.

Throughout his life he's had a lot of girlfriends, god knows how many flings he had too but you're the only one that stood out. The way he looked at you was different, far different from the others. From then on I knew you were the one or as he liked to say to the boys in trainee years, you're the "wifey" type. He was always sensitive when topic was about you. Back then I was so immature and instead of being happy and supporting him I was envious and jealous. Anger ate it's way through my heart. Not even once did I think of his happiness. I thought I always put him before me but I realized I was being selfish instead but I never had time for myself since he was all I was worried about. Whenever he got sick. I knew everything even the food things he's allergic to. That's how dedicated I was.

Now I only revealed it out of anger and jealousy, it's because I've been  watching from afar for a really long time that it just got a little too much for me to handle. As much as I want to say I'm sorry, I know too well that sorry won't do anything because the damage has been done. All I can really do is regret it and feel bad. It's something I can't escape. Now all I'm asking is your forgiveness. Please give him my apologies too. I don't want to see him. I don't think I'm ready to face him just yet. From what I know I don't think he's ready to forgive me yet. It takes longer than 8 years for him forget. Just tell him what happend and send him all my apologies. Thank you so much as well for coming out here like this." I cried.

"I'm so sorry Nana-sshi. I didn't know. I'm really sorry too and I forgive you. I can't imagine going through that, how painful it must be. Don't cry it's all over now and I'm sure Seunghyun will understand." she said as she held my hands tightly.

"No don't be sorry. It's my fault anyway. He's yours and you guys were meant to be becuase if it was us then I should be the one in your place but I'm not. I know that you love him and I don't think anyone can replace you. You deserve him so much. He deserve to be happy and you do too."

"Oh Nana-sshi, I can't help but feel as if I've taken somehting that was suppose to yours. Don't forget your own happiness too."


"I'll survive I'll find the one for me. I want a love like yours and his. The journey of my love life  hasn't even began but yours is at it's spring. All I want to say is please take care of him and do all the things I wanted to do,that is make him smile and protect him from anything."


"I promise I will. Nana-sshi don't you need someone to protect you too?"


"I learned to take care and protect of myself and others around me at the same time."


"I...I have a question. Do you.. I mean do you still love him?"


"You can't take the that away but I only want him to be happy. He will always have a soft spot in my heart because he was my first love but don't worry I won't interfere. It's time for me to find my own love."


"Thank you so much for loving him too and I hope you can find the one for you,don't worry  I will let Seunghyun know and soon enough you should see him too and talk everything through. Please come to our little Seungho's 5th birthday. I want you to be a part of our life. We should be friends, you seem like a nice person."


"Thank you so much Sandara-sshi.I appreciate that a lot."


"That's nothing Nana-sshi"


We sat in this restaurant, the exact same restaurant where I had my heart broken and shed millions of tears.We enjoyed each other's company, just talking about our lives and what our future plans are. From now on I want to replace all the bad memories in this place with happy ones with lots laughter instead of happiness. Who knew that I will find a friend in a person that gave me heartaches. I believe that this is the beginning of my story and I will work hard to get that happy ending too.




[A/N: Thanks to everyone that subscribed to this. I had a blast writing this. I must admit there are a few mistakes since I'm too lazy to edit this. Please watch out for my upcoming Story with IU, Taeyang and Bom.It's a pretty dramatic one. Please watch out and thank you again guys. If you have any ideas or couple pairings just suggest to me.]


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: Concealing idol relationships seem to be the norm because of toxic fans and you’ve captured the feeling in the story. Good job, authornim!
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 6: thanks for sharing.. :)
Chapter 6: This is.. BEAUTIFUL!
Panda90 #4
Chapter 6: awesome story d^.^b
Chapter 6: What a beautiful love..the beauty of an imperfect relationship ^^v

It's hard to find an aff story that seems so real. and this is one of the two stories that does seem real, like it was done after looking at everything from afar. ^^v great!
aGDBiasedAppler #6
nice, i like it ^^ and u did well on the advises lol. can be use for future references kekeke :)) nice story!
neverletyougo #7
this story was awesome!!!!!!
i loved every bit of it. cant wait for the sequel:)
waiting for more stories from u :)
kyyaaahhh!..what a nice ending..I'll definitely wait for the sequel..kekekeke..;)
ellisd #9
Ah... What a nice ending. Watching out for the sequel!