Chapter 57

The first time I met you






9 months later.


Yes, it has been 9 months, but her heart still waits for her. She yearns for her love, her touch, her voice and her presence. 


Wooyoung started courting Tiffany, but she loves Taeyeon too much to let go. Everyday, Wooyoung would go to her house and ask her for a date, but she always finds reasons to decline him. She would lock herself in her room and cry herself to sleep. Her friends tried to cheer her up by going to clubs, parties and out of town trips, but it always ends up with her being quiet and depressed. There was a time that she drank twenty soju bottles on the first week that Taeyeon left her. They were all worried for her.


All of them tried to go to their house for a sleepover, just like what they always do.  But they ended up seeing her in the balcony sitting in her wooden chair.


She kept all the things that Taeyeon has. She treasured them a lot. She tends to check Taeyeon's belongings every week, just to fold them neatly and check if there are spiders and bugs that are creeping in her clothes. She believes that one day Taeyeon will be back and might need it. It has been a daily routine for her to call Taeyeon, but she always cry after that. She has been more fragile than ever, her whole body became thin and her skin looks pale, her hair that she really loved became frizzy, her eyes that would sparkle in the moonlight and would turn into crescents are now full of dark circles. Jessica is really worried for her. She comes to Tiffany's house every night just to remind Tiffany that she needs to eat, but the latter always says that she's not in the mood for eating.


Tiffany doesn't know where Taeyeon is or what Taeyeon is doing, but she trust her. She knows that one day Taeyeon will be back just like what she promised, to wait for her. 



" Good Morning Tiffany! " Wooyoung bowed and greeted her with a smile.

Tiffany gave her an uninterested look and nodded.

" So are you free today? " Wooyoung asked. 

" No. " 

" Can you give me a chance to prove to you that I can make you happy? "

Tiffany rolled her eyes signaled him to go inside their house. Wooyoung bowed once again and entered. He wondered around her house and saw that it was missing something, like it was empty. Yes, the house feels empty. He felt coldness and bitterness inside it, he couldn't help but to wonder. He glanced at the wall where Taeyeon and Tiffany's picture is. He smled and slightly shook his head.


She still keeps their photos. How pathetic?  - Wooyoung


Tiffany came back from the kitchen with a tray on her hands. She offered him to sit , Wooyoung nodded. Tiffany went to the couch and placed the tray in the table. Wooyung stared at her intently. He can't help, but to admire those eyes. It has been 9 months, but he hasn't seen a single crescent in those eyes. Indeed, he really fell for her but for Tiffany, her feelings hadn't changed at all. It still screams Taeyeon's name. 


" You hadn't answered my question. " Wooyoung said

" What question?" Tiffany asked and 

" Can you give me a chance to prove myself?" 



Tiffany sighed and saw the sincerity in his eyes. He put his hands above Tiffany's hands. She was feeling uncomfortable and slightly moved her hands away from him. Wooyoung nodded feeling rejected inside. Tiffany stood up from her seat.


" Wooyoung, you know that I still love Taeyeon and going out with you isn't a good thing to do. I don't want to hurt you, so please. Stay away from me. Please~ "


Wooyoung nodded feeling a bit more upset. He stood up from his seat and bowed. He knows that he got rejected, but he's not that weak to give up. He thought of pushing Tiffany more, in short, he'll try his best to make her fall for him.  It may be hard, but he'll go through another 9 months just to win her heart.


" I'll never stop courting you Tiffany, please remember that. I was a jerk back then, but I promise that I changed for good. I'm not the cocky Wooyoung anymore. Please give me chance. "


He left immediately after that. Confusions starts to rumble on Tiffany's mind. Her thoughts was filled with Wooyoung. Will she give him a chance? He's been trying to make her happy since Taeyeon left.


Chance?? I'll think about that.





Looking up to the sky, thinking

' What are you doing?'

' Are you thinking of me? '

Because I can't stop thinking about you.



We are seperated by a million numbers,

it shattered me to leave you,but I had to.



I miss your lips, I miss your touch,

I miss your warm presence that completes my day.



I don't want to miss the chance to see you smile.

Baby, I'm sorry. I know I just did. 



Missing you is hard, but leaving you tore me apart.



I wish I could hug you all day and

tell you how much you're perfect for me.


But I left you with a reason. I hope you'll be happy.

Happy in his arms. I told you I want to see you smile,

but how can I?

if I left you.


I love you, but I had to.



Taeyeon was laying her back on a tree with her guitar laying on her stomach, It was a windy day in the field, she was holding a picture of Tiffany, indeeed in the past 9 months she became more thin, she missed her lover so much. Her Auntie always tries to make her happy, by encouraging her to go out, but she always declines. Her 2 year preparation for her operation is starting. Leeteuk has been secretly seeing her and checking her up. He checks her heart rate and how she's doing. Leeteuk always tells her about what's happening with Tiffany.


" When will I ever see you again? "


She sang again, but she didn't know that there was someone looking at her . She hid in the bush near the tree, she keeps tilting her head on the side just to get a better view of her. She kept looking for the best view to see the latter, but the leaves are to tall. she was just on knees that's why she keeps on looking. She shook her head and gave up, She felt something crawling on her foot and decided to look.






She stood up from her knees and went out the bushes, then she started jumping up and down like a kid. Taeyeon diverted her attention from looking at Tiffany's picture to looking at the girl jumping. The screams seered right into her ears that she wants to cover it.




The girl has her back facing Taeyeon, so she can't clearly see what she looks like. But she remembers the voice, it's been on the tip of her tongue, but she can't clearly know who it was.




With one last scream, the girl started to run away from her. Taeyeon stood up and put her guitar down and ran after the girl. She knows running is bad for her, but her mind says to ran after her and talk to her.


She ran and ran and chased her, but the girl was fast. They have been running for a few minutes and Taeyeon was running out of oxygen She saw that the girl was slowing down too, so she kept her pace and started running a bit faster, until the girl tripped.


And with her fast reflex she managed to catch her, Taeyeon knelt her left knee and supported the girl's body, their faces are just a few inches from each other, but The girl has her hair covered in her face. She pulled away and tried removing her hair from her face, but she saw that the girl's hands were also covering her face. She chuckled and held her waist more tightly.


" I chased you for 30 minutes and saved your face from the floor and all I get is a hand covering your face? " She chuckled and helped the girl stood up, she fixed her shirt and her hair. The girl shook her head.


" I don't want you to see me. You'll get mad. " The girl said with a fake tone.

Taeyeon smiled.


" Mad? Why would I be mad? " Taeyeon chuckled and put her hands on her own waist.

"Because I stalked you? " The girl remained her fake tone.

" You stalked me? " Taeyeon chuckled

" Yes. "

" Do I know you? " Taeyeon asked and this time, she knows how the girl is, but she's trying to tease the girl.

" N-no. "

" But you know me?  Who are you? " Taeyeon stood there gazing at the girl in front of her, she stared at her from head to toe.

" Yes, I know you. I-I-I need to go now, Bye! " The girl turned her back.


But Taeyeon grabbed her wrist and stopped her from her tracks. The girl bit her lower lip and tried walking again, but Taeyeon held her hand strongly. Taeyeon pulled her and let the spaces between them disappear. The girl was stiff and can't move.


" W-what are you d-doing? "

The girl lowered her head and rested her head on Taeyeon's chest and hid her face. Taeyeon hugged her and caressed the girl's back.

" Don't worry, I already know who you are. " She hugged her even more.





































" Jessica. "


















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NekoLS #1
Chapter 70: Awww beautiful ending 😭😭😭😍
Chapter 70: Great story
cwright01_ #3
Chapter 70: a happy ending :) thankyou for writing an awesome story !
Chapter 70: Omg the pain tho *cryinglikebaby* btw great job author best story ever
Chapter 70: Why does i feel so funny bout kyungsan and dara? Sorry, can't help it. Its too funny.
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 70: You made me cry author.. Aigoo the story is daebakk.. But i am glad that it ended happily :)
Royal family is jjang :D
Thumbs up for you author..
1127 streak #7
Chapter 28: gosh the song is cute jeloue fany and poor dookong hehe
Chapter 70: Finally happy ending.. thanks for the great story author..
Chapter 70: That was a really nice story! I enjoy reading it alot with tears! ^^